Monday, June 13, 2011

New features

Disbelief as spectators actually witness Logan pass the ball

As well as Match Report Monday and Fantasy Points Friday (well, they're not actually called that but they should be) I thought that I'd do a Back in Time Tuesday (or maybe Thursday, whenever I get round to it).

It's inspired by Aaron's post of "The bad old days" where he put up a table from a few years ago of what the Stallions used to be like. Lachlan and I then had a look at the tables from the first two years, and well, cringing at what we saw is probably an understatement.

As well as Back in Time Tuesday/Thursday there are thoughts of a Wicked XI Wednesday. This controversial post will celebrate the Stallions 10 years of existence by picking an all-time Stallions XI. Each week a player will be selected from the Stallions database and added to the Stallions Hall Of Fame. The debate will no doubt rage on for years, and is largely filled with players who were present at the pub when it was decided last year. Jason, I hope you still have the book?

Stay tuned...


StevieG said...

I'll fish it out. Might need to review some of the candidates though?

In fact it might be better to have 3 candidates for each position then put it to a vote, a bit like the AB's all time XV?

Either way, there's gonna be some fur flying! Brilliant... :P

Rauru said...

I thought about putting it to the vote, but people weren't around back when the German's were owning the midfield, or when Bertros was roaming the sideline, or when Reid and Chiz were, well, being Reid and Chiz.

The people we had at the pub that night had many a year of experience (although I can only remember myself, Lachlan and Jason...) and any changes that need to be made I'll take creative license over or put in an 'Ed's note'. Bring it to the game on Saturday (at Nairnville 2 at 2:30 in case people haven't seen) if you find it...and you need to find it. That was many hours and many beers worth of work!

005 said...

Ha, first let me praise you on an excellent caption (I think we may need to go back to captioning contests), and your all time drunkenly picked 11. I tell you, if Jules doesn't make the cut!

got me thinking - we might need to come up with a best Stallions ringins XI - those who have played less than 5 games for us. I know who the captain must be.

Rauru said...

Does Vash count?!