Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Heading over the Hill

No, not talking about half our team. We'll be lucky to play with the weather not looking good but fingers crossed.

Uni Accies __ North Wellington __ Raroa (2.30);
North Wgtn Villa __ Marist Inter __ Alex Moore 2 (12.30);
Wainui Undertakers __ Uni Stallions __ Prouse 1 (2.30);
Petone Chicago __ Brooklyn Northern __ Sladden 1 (2.30);
Miramar Rangers __ Lower Hutt Sangham __ Miramar 1 (12.30);


Anonymous said...

Prouse 1 at 2:30 - the main event!

005 said...

Ye-hah. Have we ever played there before?