Friday, June 3, 2011

Executive Assistant

A good 4-2 win over Marist Inter(national) on the quagmire of Nairnville 1. The friendly South American and Irish lads must have thought it was a quaint kiwi tradition, but we were none the wiser about the merry conga-line and hand shake dance the ref put us through before kick off.

Our passing game on attack was as good as vs Wainui when we also scored 4 on this pitch. Tristan was a strong enough presence up front that Paddy thought it appropriate to swan around like an attacking midfielder in his familiar executive assistant role.

Marist struck immediately after both our first half goals, passing well through the middle as our usually defensive minded midfield got a bit excited pushing forward (cough).

Joe's hammy went again (d'oh) leaving Graham to fulfill right back duties, including 'muscular' tackling in the box.

Second half saw a move to 5-3-2 both to counter Marist's ponytailed threat up front and to release the full Bakie and G up the flanks. 

It proved a good call as Paul, Tangihaere and Jase were their usual solid selves in the second half, and Aaron patiently holding the space in front of them well.

The boys up front worked well - hard work and good passing from Lloydo and Paddy combined with good running from Gus and Rauru and positioning from Tristan made heaps of good chances (cough). 

We seemed to get a collective second wind in the last quarter and eased away to 4-2 through Gus and Rauru. It could easily have been a couple more.

Special mention to Graham for the after match beers, and Phil Bak for the guest appearance. Hope that hammy's good soon Joe.


Nick said...

Bakkie released to speed up the flanks?? This really is fantasy football...

005 said...

Greatest label text ever: 'If Paddy plays up front how come he's never in scoring position' - brilliant.