Thursday, June 2, 2011

I'll raise that dozen - Fantasy points vs Marist

So last week I marveled at the Dan + Paddy's 12 point haul, this week both improved on that!  Its now a clear 2 horse race at the top of the table. F**kers.

No match report, so this is how the awards panned out:
Stallion: Tangihaere - that second half header/challenge the left the bald guy on the ground for ages. Totally clean, but dominating. Stallion.
Pony: Dan missing that open goal header, and admitting afterwards that he was already thinking about how he was going to praise the teamwork that lead to the goal after the game. No dice. Another worst miss of the season contender.

3 - Paddy - 3 assists! 3 assists! 3 assists!
2 - Tangihaere
1 - Dan

Here be the fantasy points:

Paul 2 (+60), 1 (+3 saves) 3
Tangihaere 2 (+60), 2bps 4
Jason 2 (+60) 2
Dan 2 (+60), 10 (2 mf goals), 1 bp 13
Graham 2 (+60), 3 (assist) 5
Aaron 2 (+60) 2
Lloyd 2 (+60) 2
Paddy 2 (+60), 9 (3 assists), 3 bps 14
Rauru 2 (+60), 5 (mf goal) 7
Logan 2 (+60), 5 (mf goal) 7
Tristin 2 (+60) 2
Joe 1 (-60) 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Top of the table:

Paddy 56

Dan 50

Rauru 38

Bring on Te Whaea!


Rauru said...

Very generous there Aaron, but I'd moved up front by the time I scored the goal. Dock me a point.

Rauru said...

And dont all defenders lose a point for conceeding 2 goals? Not that I want to be a hater or anything...

005 said...

Ha ha, give with one hand, take away with another - brilliant. Will make changes.

T said...

Don't lose points if we still win i thought.

005 said...

Yep, you are right Tangi - I knew there was a reason. Rauru loses 10 for being a dick.

R said...

Whaaaaaaat? So defenders can leak as many goals as they like so long as the boys up front clean up after them? Talk about low expectations...

005 said...

Yeah, that was what we decided at the start of the season - but we sure as hell didn't see 4 clean sheets on the cards just after round 1! But in fairness they just don't lose points - strikers also don't lose points if the team doesn't score any goals. So probably fair enough.