Monday, June 20, 2011

The have's and the have-not's - Uni Stallions vs Petone

Or in this instance, more a case of the finishes and the finish-nots as the Uni Stallions were made to pay the ultimate price by a clinical Petone outfit.

The Stallions turned up to find their dressing room had been overtaken by not only rugby tops hanging on the hooks, but the sights and smells of professionalism as the Petone team rubbed deep-heat into their Irish muscles and strapped their injuries from a proper medical kit. They probably even had a practise or two during the week. This was a sign of things to come as they made their way out of the changing rooms (less the bibs that they wore the last time these two teams met) and went for a team job around the field. Looks of fear crossed their faces as they asked nervously whether there were going to be nets or not, and they even lined up ran drills together. The Stallions meanwhile generally just stood around for our traditional pre-match 'warm-up'.

Once the game got underway both teams went about their business with Petone knocking the ball around well, switching the game from side to side using their support players well. Much like Arsenal though, their was a lot of nice movement and some good touches yet little in the way of penetration towards the goal, and anything that did get close was well cleaned up by the Stallions defence. The first half was relatively uneventful as far as chances in front of goal went, and the Stallions walked off the pitch feeling good about a job well done with talk about it being one of the best halves we've played. The game hung in the balance and the Stallions felt good about plugging away and coming out of the game with some points.

The talk at half time was about not switching off and not conceded in the first 15 minutes. While we can't be blamed for switching off, we did manage to concede in the first 15 minutes - twice.

The first came about after a free kick was given away for a tackle from behind just outside the box to the left. The free-kick was whipped in and one of their strikers who was standing in front of Corey (?) and Paul managed to get a flick off his head as Paul came out to punch. 1-0.

The Stallions needed to hit straight back but a moment of magic from Petone effectively shut the game out. Petone won a corner on the left hand side and as the ball came in the Stallions managed to partly clear it away. It fell to one of the unmarked Petone players just outside the box who banged in a pin point shot to the top left hand corner. A diving Paul could do nothing to keep it out, nor could Corey (?), who was on the post, short of pulling a Luis Suarez (although considering where Suarez is playing now it was unlikely Corey was ever going to do that). 2-0 Petone and surely one of their contenders for goal of the season.

The Stallions did have their chances at the other end with this author managing to make a break into the box only to have his shot blocked by the advancing keeper. Another opportunity fell to the debuting David (who arrived without shorts, socks or water bottle as he thought these would be provided by the team!) who managed to scoop the ball from 8 yards out to within 2 yards of the goal line, but it just wouldn't go over (it might have been about 6 yards wide as well). As tempers rose there was also a bit of push and shove with the angry rocker Bob Hinklets getting in amongst it.

The game was put beyond bout with about 10 to play as a Petone player picked up the ball in midfield and put in a through ball. One of their strikers and Corey (?) battled for the ball with the striker managing to out muscle Corey (surely not?!) and perfectly chip the advancing Paul (anyone else noticing a bit of a theme going on here?) all in one movement. Yet another great finish to make it 3-0 Petone.

A chance for a bit of pride came with 5 minutes remaining when one of the Petone players handled in the area, but the penalty was only hit slightly to the left, and with the keeper guessing the right way (if he had to guess at all) he managed to parry the ball. Luckily for the Stallions (and for the penalty taker) Dan was following up and manged to get to the ball first meaning some face would be saved and the consolation goal would still be scored. Unluckily for the Stallions (and even more so for this pony-writing Stallion) the ball came back too hard and all Dan managed was to get a knee on it that went wide. A controversial worst miss nomination?

At the final whistle a pretty sombre mood engulfed the team as we all contemplated what seemed so close yet was so far away. The 3 match winning streak came to a crashing end, and the team did not cope well with the loss. If anything can be taken away from this game I think it needs to be that if we find ourselves in a position where we are under pressure, we just need to work harder for each other and keep positive. After the first two goals went in the comments around the field tended to be negative as pressure built and heads dropped. Our team doesn't play well when bitching at each other so let's put this behind us and take it out on Miramar who we have next up.
The big positives from the game though was a fantastic first half, as well as a good return to the field for the Butch and a huge turnout at the pub afterwards. Long may they both last.

MVP points ended up:
Spencer: 3
Tristin: 2
Tangihaere: 1 (or was it the other way round?)

Stallion went to Spencer for managing to 'nuts' a player who had just 'nutsed' Corey (ultimate way to stick up for your team), and Pony to yours truly for the pen miss.

I've also always thought that I'll continue to take penalties until I miss so now I pass the chance for a few goals on to someone else. Paddy's name was mentioned at the pub, as well as Lloyd putting a half hand up (he needs to find a way to score at least one goal - both his 4-year-old twin girls have scored more than him) but anyone else who wants a go can take part in a penalty-shootout pre-match against Miramar.

And for the record, there's no question that there were players in the box when the penalty was taken, so it should have gone a little something like this...


purely belter said...

Fair enough,we may have a difference of opinion here.
I reckon if Paul hadn't got a hand to the ball for the 2nd I'd have at least got the ball, Wether it stayed out was another story and I have dent from Paul's fist from his punch in the first goal. Suarez at least gets an opportunity to play the position he wants

005 said...

Yep, we have to end that sniping, plus the wholesale 'change the formation' calls when things are going odd, normally from multiple people calling for different things. Noone knows who is playing where, what the hell is going on. We had zero structure in that last 30 mins, it was kind of embarrassing. And it all ends up falling on the backs who were severely under the hammer and take the fall, see Corey in this case who had a damn good game despite being in the firing line for a couple of key moments.

As for the pens nah, you have scored plenty for us. If there was ever a pen to miss that was it. I have never seen a pen attempt where the ref has to clean the ball, mark and dig out the spot, go back to the edge of the box and mark out a line ...

And Lloyd can't take them - it will be such a good end of season pony story that he scored less than the twins - we need to preserve that!

005 said...

And Corey, I have a dent from Paul's fists of fury as well - who the hell is that guy!

Greevis said...

Haha Team Job around the field - that would have been a site to see.

Paddy said...

Gutted to miss the game boys and even more so when I got Paul's text on Saturday night.

Happy to put my hand up for pen's but Rauru's have been pretty awesome for us so far this year.

Can't wait to get back to action on the weekend!!!

Panda said...

Hey lads its been a while, I've missed so much.
Are we playing the Accies this weekend? Capital Football reckons we got Miramar in Miramar 230pm.
Was thinking I could maybe sub on and take a pen then sub off, would that get me into the alt 11.

Anonymous said...

hard luck lads - theyre a decent side that Petone, but we can bounce back

005 said...

That's what those bibs are for G - the team jobs

Hairy said...

hmmmm, I was the old penalty taker and have never missed one of my three i think i have taken for the stallions... perhaps i could resume my duties? always keen to take them... which makes me wonder how they got taken off me in the first place?

Rauru said...

Corey - Did Paul get a hand on it? From my view it looked like no one got anywhere close, but just my view. And I hope you dont think I'm blaming you for any of the goals, nothing really that could have been done by anyone (the guy for the 2nd possibly should have been marked or closed down a bit quicker but you cant take away from a great goal), just funny that you were in amongst it for all of them!

Aaron - I'm always happy to take pens and always confident before I step up that I'll score them, but I've done my dash for now. Time to pass on the baton (unless I get fouled and earn the pen, them it's all mine!). Agree that Lloyd has to earn them somewhere else though. No easy goals for him when laughing rights are on the line!

Panda - Be great to see you in a 'Special Teams' move! How's the ankle?

Tris - You probably lost them cause I probably came in and pulled captaincy on your ass! Happy for you and Paddy (and anyone else) to have a shoot out pre-match this weekend though to find out who gets to take them.

005 said...

Hmm a striker not keen to take pens?

Pepe said...

I most definitely got a fingertip to the second goal. Whether it created a deflection of note is another matter. I hadn't realised that it was Corey I had punched during the first goal - I was rather hoping it was the striker. Now that Aaron and Corey have felt my wrath, I might soon be the only one in the penalty area defending corners...

purely belter said...

No Rauru I don't think that I was just commenting on the 2nd goal, like i said thought I'd get a head on it at least,but for the deflection.
And Paul I'll be in the box, I'll just leave you to do the man marking ;)