Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Alternative Stallion XI

 Criteria: Must have played less than 5 games for the Stallions, but left an indelible impression on the team. I have a few:

Captain: Aaron Ludlow
Shows up for first game vs Uni Raiders. Showed Corey what's up by scoring from left back within a few minutes. Looked like the start of a great thing. The next tackle sees Aaron's ankle snap. He limps off, never to play for the Stallions again, but his legend lives on(though thankfully avoided this year round).

Vice Captain:
Nick G's mate Dan. Answered an SOS in the best ringin style. Plays rightback, scores 2 goals (though unlike Ludlow's 40 meter effort was a bit more in the mould of Corey's roaming back/goal poacher). After the game declares he's not interested in playing for the Stallions again.

Wingback: Bakie
We have all heard the stories of greatness, seen the Golden boot celebrations, waited the time when Backie would strap on his boots for us. Finally it happened - most memorable moment: Dan yelling out 'Wingbakie'.

Talking about Dan, Daniel Hodges
Ben was always talking up the possibilities of Big Brother coming along, and when it happened a few times one thing was always clear - Dan loved taking the piss of his bro, which made him fit in rather well. Do I recall Dan getting into a fight as well?

Oh yeah, and I forget the name of that keeper ringin we got for one match - you remember the one - he showed up in a tight purple disco jersey.

Any other nominations?


T said...

Does Bakie make the team - he's played for us a couple of times over the years. He may be pushing close to 5 games - or is my memory including pre-season kick arounds?

Rauru said...

Yea, pre-season kick arounds a few years back but I dont know if the shirt ever got pulled on. How about that guy who was the random uni ring-in who played for us at KP? He reffed the first half and was painfully bad (although favoured us which probably made it worse), before taking the field and being almost as bad.

And while the Ludlow curse hasn't struck in it's traditional form, we've had Nick and Joe struck down by semi long term injuries. Does two hammies and my half injured knee count as one person being out for the season?

energy24.7 said...

Do you remember another ring-in I brought? His name was Oli and he rated himself pretty highly. Played up front at Nairnville one game, and spent the whole time shaking his head, complaining about how woeful we were. I had warned him, but obviously not enough!

005 said...

Ha, yeah Oli was a goodie - no one has hated playing for the Stallions more - and yeah Rauru, that guy who you roped in to play for us at KP - I think you were impressed by his shiny boots in a day before shiny boots - he was crappppp. I remember about half way through the game he asked if we were a South African team.

Ha, thats half a team already. Bit of a motley bunch - I reckon we would take them.

Anonymous said...

Mr Hodges for Gaffer.

Greevis said...

That purple top was awesome; unfortunately the conceding of 4 goals not quite so good...

Hairy said...

My ring in a few seasons back of Paul Carrington, played about 4 games if i recall and scored 5 goals? was destined to be a Stallion but left the team when the numbers grew and we had no room for him, classy footballer Very much in the mold of a Paul Scholes. Even looks like him a bit. Very good surfer also. midfield attcking role (even though he played up front for us)

005 said...

No Stallion, alternative XI or not, can have any form of resemblance to Paul Scholes.

Paddy said...

Definite vote for Gus' mate Paul - he was awesome.