Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Stallions Inter

In its 5 or so weeks of operation, our blog has been accessed in some interesting places. Sure, while a lot of this can be put down to the globe trotting adventures of Rauru and Nick W, its a sure sign of stallions going international.

We have been visited from the following places:

UK: London, Edinburgh, Barnsley, Holmfrth, Lambeth
Spain: Barcelona, San Sebastian, Palma de Mallorca, Urnieta
Greece: Athens
Sweden: Danderyd
US: Minnesota, Oregon, Seattle
Canada: Toronto
France: Nice

Danderyd represent.

One things for sure, we need to develop a type of football to appeal to the under represented African and Asian nations. Sad to know that are millions of people in China who have never heard of the Hodges toehack. Nick, work out a strategy.

Can we make it 4...

This football thing really is quite fun when you're winning. I kid you not, once the game is finished all I can think about is next weeks game and how it can't come soon enough. I often dream about football on Saturday night, sometimes it can be a nightmare - stupid penalty - but most often it is a glorious dream.

It sounds as if the Stallions have never had a run like our current one, and we have a damn good opportunity to extend our winning streak to four games this weekend! We are against the other Petone team (Stewsmum - great name); back out at Petone Memorial at 2:30pm again. We are on the number 4 field though and I'm not sure what sort of state it'll be in seeing as number 2 was literally covered in number 2's (haha, man I'm clever).

These guys are low down the table but troubled Terrace last week, so again we need to make sure we don't go in complacent. Continue with balls to the feet of our strikers, using the width and keep up the great communication and dedication on defence. It's no coincidence that we are doing so well, and have only conceded 3 goals. If we keep up the staunch defence we will more often than not do alright.

Should be good for numbers this week. Hodges is away (cue communal sigh) probably along with Joe (still injured) and Jamie (any update mate – there's a strikers spot waiting for you) plus it'd be good to give Gus a proper rest of his back so he can get to full fitness.

Paul is back and Panda is backing up though, it seems Tristin has a whole bunch of footballing mates just waiting to be called up, so with him in the team we should never be short again. Aaron can you ask Mike B again, otherwise we'll dip further into Tristin's little gem bucket.

That gives us 10 + walking injuries Graham and Corey + super sub Gus + and one other which I think is fine, especially with most of us having a bit of reluctance to sub (me included).

So Ben B, Me, Jason, Corey, Graham, Paddy, Aaron, Rob, Spencer, Tristin, Paul, Gus, Panda and Mike B (or A.N.Other) kitting up (oh that reminds me, in future, if you're away the following weekend can you give me your top so we're not having to share - dunno what I was thinking letting Nick take off with his after the first game! And Jamie we could do with that 16th top and your presence along with video camera this week?).

If this is incorrect and any of you can't make it, let me know, and we can see how deep Tristin's bucket is. Or Jules is also a possibility but lacks commitment – and I quote "would prefer not to play but if desperate I can". What has come of you Jules?

Be at KP at 1:30pm or Petone at 2pm (so we can practise penalties again, yeah right). Again, if you are going from town, please come to KP first to ensure we have enough cars for those bums without cars or even licenses!

I will either be leaving early or right after the final whistle to catch a plane, so those guys will also need a lift back in.

(ps. See that 'Cory', Nick spelt with a 'k' at the end)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lock up your daughters ... its Robin

Right or left mid. Let’s face it - I’m only really good at running.

Stallion Hall of Fame
Most handsome Stallion 2004 (as voted by the team’s most regular supporter, Jen). Hang on, what about the other seasons?

How many seasons as a Stallion?
One less than self-proclaimed original Grand High Stallion Mr Rauru Walker.

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
Yes. At this stage I’m the only “surviving” dual stallion. My definition of surviving excludes people who play one game of football every season just to earn the dual stallion stripes (Graham), people who play one game of cricket every season on a whim because it’s a lovely sunny day, we’re playing at Kelburn park and there might be a barbecue (Aaron) and people who have to invent new teams and call them “The Line-dancing Stallions” or “The Stamp-collecting Stallions” just so that they still feel like they’re still in the loop but really they’re quite homesick and just need a little cry (Rauru).

What game am I best at? Telling it like it is.

*Cricketing Stallion Greg says: Robin 'Rob' Hinkley- the man most likely to score an exquisite 49 and then get bowled leaving a straight one....Rob should be good for a stunning bicycle kick into the corner of the post, as well as for maintaining a veneer of faultless fair play and reasonableness while actually being a ruthless, cold-blooded psycho who writes catchy pop songs about vengeance and armed robbery...

Greatest Stallion Moment?
The goal I curled in from a corner kick at Newtown Park against our foes Wellington United. Someone (perhaps Ben H) blocked the keeper, and no one laid a hand on the ball until it was in the net. Aaron didn’t even get a shoelace to it. That’s a tinny goal, I know, but the best bit was my uncharacteristic celebration that few have been able to replicate – it was kind of a double middle-fingers-up albatross mixed in with the ferocious roar of a lion. Quite Ancient Greek in its blending of creatures actually.

Worst Stallion Moment?
Realising later that the celebration discussed above was OTT and made me look like a complete dick.

A close second: Losing against runaway easy-beats Stokes Valley in a mud-bath at Delaney Park (though “Park” is being quite generous here). I vowed never to wash my boots until we had avenged them. Avenging them was subsequently made more difficult by the fact that they were relegated. Now you know why my boots are always so grubby.

Describe your last goal for the Stallions.
Two Saturdays ago. Made a run on the left wing, and was fed a beauty by either Paddy or Tristan. The little legs of the Olympic Nursery team couldn’t catch me and I popped it across the goalie into the right side of the goal. Managed to keep my celebration in check this time.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to...
Kicking the ball away too early. I’m always looking for the through ball, and often mess it up when I could just pass it back, run with it or hold it up.

Most under-rated Stallion?
Nick Goodall. Come on guys, he’s not that bad!

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more…
…net pegs, and perhaps a couple more rolls of insulation tape. Could someone perhaps pick those up on the way to the next game? Is this part of the blog a kind of shopping list?

Which international player are you most like?
Susan Devoy, for obvious reasons.

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
I’m feeling pretty optimistic about the season, but it’s hard not to after a 11-2 win. We won’t have any other games as easy as that, and there are a couple of teams in the grade that look formidable, but I reckon we can finish in the top three if we can field a consistent team and aren’t plagued by injury or fatherhood. Structurally, we seem to be working well as a team – the defence is well organised, our strikers and attacking midfielders are showing a bit of spark, and we’ve bagged some handy new recruits.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sanity restored

After a particularly mouthy game Ben H has managed to crawl his way back to the top of the fine table. It helped that Patrick didn't play I guess. This weeks awards/fines go a little like this ...

Stallion - Spencer - played in multiple positions, seemingly put under pressure everywhere but dominated everything. 2 standout moments - winning a huge midair heading collision, and reeling off a great shot which the keeper saved but commented that 'I though keeping gloves were supposed to save fingers' - now thats stallion-worthy.
Pony - We have already had a good chuckle at this one - thanks Nick, that was one for the ages.

3 - Aaron
2 -Tristin
1 - Spencer

Fine highlights:
- Nick G - the pen incident totalled $4
- Jason - forgetting his boots and driving all the way back to town.
- Ben H - crying, bitching, whinging.
- Ben H - 'Ben's on the D, Ben's on the D' - Ben was never on the D.
- Ben B - suggesting the pre-game penalty tourny.
- Logan - from hatrick hero to one goal yawn.

Not that many really, we must have played quite well.

With fines adding up ye olde fine tin will be waiting to be filled at games from now on.

Talking the talk ...

Look at our captain stirring up a bit of pre-match animosity with the league-toppers - I like it a lot.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

F**ked Polls

My poll theory has hit a problem - once someone has voted the options can not be edited, so new options can not be added. Still a good idea, but it will mean weekly votes are required if new candidates present themselves. So this week, possibly no goal for the best of the season (?), but have added Tristin's anyway just too see - which means Robin's zero-vote header which was clearly crap has dropped off. Of course Goodall's penalty 'effort' has offered itself as a new candidate for pony moment of the season.

For those not there, let me elaborate:

Pregame - Ben B suggests a penalty competition for a bit of a warm up (strange, he never moved - hardly a warmup). Started promising, with Ben H immediately blasting one about 10 metres to the left. Jason's chip effort was a thing of beauty. Nick G moved through the rounds, coolly slotting a couple of great ones, and commenting that with Patrick away he would take any penalties. Through all this there was a lot of laughter as Stallions regularly and spectacularly missed, as Petone wryly observed the cowboys they were gonna play. The box of beers sitting on the sideline guarded by a toy stallion and mylittlepony probably assisted in this illusion.

As Corey has stated, about 10 mins a handball in the Petone box leads to a pen (the ball ended up in the back of the net, and I'm sure the ref said lets just call it advantage and give the goal, but Nick still floating after his pre-game penalty victory virtually begged to take it - he denies this.)

Needless to say Nick steps up and totally blows it - we ain't talking Beckham blasting it above the bar or Ronaldo hitting the post, this was a slow, slow dribble - which the 55 year old reserve keeper managed to fall over and wait to collect it.

You can now vote for this as pony moment - much worse than any of the other contenders!

U.S 3 V 0 Petone Dreamers memorial pk#2 26.04.08

Have the Stallions ever won three in a row before ? a question posed after Saturdays game, answer anyone ??

Wellington put on another glorious autumn day,with not a cloud in the sky,as University Stallions took on Petone dreamers at Petone memorials #2 ground. quite apt really as the entire field was completely covered in geese poos which made people think twice about A) slide tackling and B) attempting to head the ball.

With talk of only having ten men for the game it was a relief to see Liam (from the 2nd's) and ring-in panda (Tyrone) turn up to give us a full team plus a sub (thanks guys).
the team line up from g.k to striker Brooks,Spencer,Nic,Jason,Corey,rob,Hodges,Aaron,Liam,Tristan and Logan subs were Tyrone (panda)

Petone kicked off and were put under pressure straight away, Logan gifting them a free kick just inside their own half even when the ref had called play on.
the stallions then began to dominate the game from that point on and pressed forward at every opportunity,it was around the 10 minute mark that the dreamers were adjudged to have handled inside the goal box giving U.S a penalty,in a small form of mind games Petone subbed off their 55 year old(who started the game injured) goal keeper and replaced him with another 55 year old who as Nic Goodall stepped in to take the kick fell over to his left right into the path of Nic's shot, resulting in a save.
The game continued and Petone were again under pressure good football, nice runs and great footwork causing their defence all sorts of problems,U.S dominating the play with Robin and Liam providing great runs down the wings and generally good service into the box for the forwards.
Petone to their credit broke through a few times a free kick for a "body check"(a nice piece of shoulder to shoulder i thought) was given against Nic Goodall about 5 yards to the right of the U.S goal box, a two man wall wasn't enough to stop the ball curling around them and onto the left hand post where brooks claimed the ball only to have it kicked out of his hands by a Petone player and cleared off the line by a falling Ben Hodges header saving U.S some serious blushes indeed.
Stallions pushed forward again and were almost undone again on the counter attack Petone running down the left hand side and crossing the ball into the box brooks dived but it slipped by him and Corey was there to clear the ball from an open goal (hearts in mouth stuff).
more attacking football from the stallions saw shots going left right and over the bar but not in the back of the net the half ended 0-0 but with the stallions clearly the better side.

the second half started and for once the stallions did too,gaining early control again of the match
and began attacking from all areas of the park.
the game began to really free up as the two teams tired and Petone had a few more chances(and reserves) to get on the score sheet the U.S defence again proving they would be hard to score against, a corner taken short by Petone ended up in a header going over the bar the only real shot by them the whole half.
On the attack again Logan latched onto a ball on the Petone 18 yard box turned his player inside out and with a shot from his left foot, put the stallions up 1-0 after 70Min's.
nothing the stallions didn't deserve and something Petone were just waiting for
it wouldn't take long to double the advantage Tristan taking the ball out wide on the right and worked his way into the penalty area took a shot and bang it 's 2-0 to the stallions after 79Min's another classy finish.
the stallions having all the forward momentum now pushed forward again and a well weighted cross from Liam found both Rob and Aaron fighting to get the ball in the back of the Petone goal Aaron finally poking in the ball to make the game 3-0 Aaron having a blinder in the midfield by the way.
and so that was how the game ended I'm sure there were a plethora of other shots not mentioned and incidents not covered but the game was generally a good natured affair with both teams playing in the right spirit and the stallions running out deserved winners.

3-0 goals to Logan 70Min's Tristin 79mins and Aaron 85 Min's

Friday, April 25, 2008

A Special Anzac Day Player Profile: G-UNIT

Graham M

Left Right Out.

Stallion Hall of Fame
I have a total of one pony to my name. I must be the player to go through the most number of games with no Stallion or Pony.

Seasons as a Stallion?

I played one game in the inaugural season the cricketers were involved.

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
Cricket by a long way, although I played rep soccer as a goalkeeper in age group teams.
* Cricket Stallion Greg says: Graham 'The Rhino' Mann- a man on 1000% commitment, fearsome intensity and countless injuries whose fondness for falling to the floor when the ball's at his feet should serve him well in the box.

Greatest Stallion Moment?
Glorious headed goal at Nairnville off a Willie Bleakley cross a couple of season ago. Followed it up with a big roar.

Worst Stallion Moment?
Oggie vs. Lower Hutt Somalis at Wainui. It ended 3-3 which made me feel quite stink too.

Describe your last goal for the Stallions.
See glorious headed goal alluded to earlier.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
...wanting to go for a big gallop up the field when I get the ball in space and getting tackled before I get rid of it.

Most under-rated Stallion?
Joe F, who I think really came of age last year.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
Beers after the game. Good work bringing those on the 2nd weekend, Goodall!

Which international player are you most like?
Paul Gascoigne. Old, fat, injured and doesn’t know when to give up… …although I never had that skill in the first place!

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
It’s gonna be a great season if we can find the back of the net a bit more, I’ll say top 3 finish.

Photo: Rhino-boy Graham reflects on how he didn't puncture the ball with his glorious headed goal. (Sorry Graham, it was either this or a Rhino in a G-string - Google images throws up some odd things!)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Class of '08

Absent: Graham, Spencer, and anyone who has scored any goals this season - Tristin, Paul, Logan (yes, yes I know Robin - but it makes for a better story).

There's a bit of Final Destination in this photo - look at Jamie all happy and unaware that he is about to collapse in a ball of pain. But the photo creates the illusion that he his left arm is already separate from his body. Spooky.

Saturday vs. Petone Dreamers @ Petone Memorial 2 @ 2:30pm

First of all, just another mention of last weekend and how stoked I was with not only the result but the way we played. It seems the 4-4-2 is going to be the way to go, especially with our awesome double team up front of Tristin and Paul, you may be struggling to get back your spot next year Rauru – how does right back sound?
Sure the opposition turned out to be pretty poos, but I think we have to give ourselves a bit of credit as they only lost 1-2 to Terrace who gave us a damn good run for our money. But the balls to feet, runs off the ball, width when required and quality crosses (most of the time) met with solid aerial domination meant we bossed the game throughout. There is no reason why we can't replicate it each and EVERY week.

So to this weekend, and we only have 10 regulars (Paddy, Graham and Joe out) – Ben B, Me, Jason, Corey, Spencer, Gus, Aaron, Ben H, Rob and Tristin so we really need all those ring-ins that are available. Especially Paul please Jason/Tristin (How are we going with locking him in for the season?) and Carl please Aaron/Gus. I'll try Dan again as well as another guy Dave, and Ben B/Aaron do you wanna try Mike B?

We are out at Petone Memorial 2 at 2.30pm against Petone Dreamers who are sitting 6th on the table and had a good win against Terrace on the weekend so won't be easy beats. Can you be at the ground by 2pm if going straight there or at KP by 1:30pm. And if you live in town can you please go to KP first so I'm not packing half the team into my car.

Tristin and Jason can you please transfer your subs to me. I am getting a bit of heat from the club so it'd be nice to get us all payed up by the weekend.

Sweet, guess that's all. Catch ya's on Saturday.

Another Player Profile ... Ben B

Back/Goal Keeper

Stallion Hall of Fame:
The only person who belongs in the Stallion hall of fame is Steve.

How many seasons as a Stallion?
Four? Five? I can’t really remember they all blend into one muddy day where we dominate early earning a small halftime lead then let in a couple of goals early in the second and end up losing by three.

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
I’m one of the original cricket/football stallions. I’ll leave it to the fans (Fash and Steve) to decide which I’m worse at.
* Cricket Stallion Greg says: 'Grumpy Bear Ben - the worst man for sledging...his own team...badly... famous for having his own captain throw the ball at him, and for holding himself back for that one moment of batting perfection...must be what he's working on while grimacing his way through another 90 mins in goal.'

Greatest Stallion Moment:
I think Rauru was right about the great win against Brooklyn to ruin their unbeaten season and deny them the grade.

Worst Stallion Moment?
Going into goal after Lachie went off injured, diving over the top of two shots/passes into goal, and then being replaced again by Lachie who was sick of such awful keeping.

Describe your last goal for the Stallions.
Pulled off a full length diving save from a penalty (Nick W – ‘handball’) with the scores at 2-2 and seconds left in the game, raced up field beating all of the oppositions players, came back down field beating 5 of our players before launching a rocket from 40 metres out and 10 metres in from the sideline. Yeh it was cool, I’m surprised you don’t remember it.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
• Strikers
• Midfielders
• Backs
• Referees
• Being nutsed
• Being beaten generally
• Slipping over when trying to pick the ball up and conceding a goal
• Justice
• Injustice
• Rain
• Kryptonite
• I could go on.

Most underrated Stallion?
An under-rated Stallion? Isn’t that a misnomer.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
Goals – some team in Capital 14b managed 15 last weekend.

Which international player are you most like?
My unique set of talents is tragically underrepresented on the international stage.

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
In a seedy Wellington bar talking about how we’re a real shot of winning the grade next year.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fines/Awards vs Olympic

Whatever ...

Stallion - Logan - Goal with first touch as a stallion, first game hatrick.
Pony - Aaron - Best team goal never scored/claiming Paul's goal.

3 - Paddy
2 - Tristin
1 - Paul

Fine Highlights:
- Jamie - Not bringing the video camera on a day the Stallions score 11. (Jamie - you riding remarkably high in the fines stakes, considering you haven't played a second of football!).
- Ben B to backs - 'I'll smash you if that happens again'.
- Ben B - No clean sheet - you set high standards in the first couple of games.
- Aaron - 'Rob's having a good game, shame he can't shoot' - mere seconds before Rob drills one into the net.
- Jason - Still not supplying the finebook - you better bring it Saturday!
- Paddy - For the second week in a row trying for but failing to get a nutsed.
- Paddy - Not calling 'nutsed' when he finally got one.
- Nick G - Brings in a friend/ringin who totally outshines him by scoring 2 goals.
- Ben H - Using that John Wayne-like chin to bring the ball under.
- Logan - hatrick on debut, goal with first touch.
- Logan - Hiding from the Raiders before the game - who were playing with 10 men since Logan turned his back on them to play for the mighty stallions!

All that and 11 goals.

Picture - Ben H, a football, and that mighty chin.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Poll Results #3, New Polls

Polls pretty predictable really - Patrick will clearly be considered the biggest wanker in the Stallions by other teams, closely followed by Joe and Ben H. A nagging stallion, an angry stallion, and a freaky stallion. This is a good poll to win, you should be proud.

The Stallions shared the love when voting on which ex-player should return to the fold. Rauru and Lloyd got the most votes, with Tangi, Rodney and Willy close behind. Dan Hodges's vote coincided with our first visit from Canada - a coincidence?

It was so hard - and I must admit that I voted a couple of times - would love to see just one more Rodney run, always value the Walker brothers, and want to laugh heartily the next time Lachlan breaksdown.

New polls theory - these new polls are going to run throughout the entire season and options will change after each game as more goals are scored/pony moments made. So vote once per poll, but change your vote at many times as you like through the season. Nick G if you ever score a goal this season, don't vote for it 100 times!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

U.S 11 v 2 Olympic Nairnville #1 19.04.08

When was the last time the stallions stood at the end of a game arguing weather or not they'd scored 11 or 12 goals in a game ? I'm picking not very often at all.
So we settled on 11 that's right 11 goals - 2 in favour of the stallions,on what turned out to be a rather nice Saturday afternoon stark contrast really to what most in wgtn would have woken up too, cold wet southerlies.

Turning up and seeing a very young opposition warming up with set pieces, gave the illusion they were a well drilled, focused side, intent on getting their first points of the season.Turns out it was just that an illusion.

The Stallions welcomed the return of Aaron at Rb and Robin to the Lm positions both missing last weeks 1-0 win versus wgtn utd tce,Logan (gus) was making his debut from the bench as was Dan .
the line up being Brooks(gk),Aaron(rb),Nic(cb),Jason(cb),Spencer(lb)Robin(lm),Patrick(cm),Hodges(cm),Joe(rm)
Paul(st)and Tristin(st) subs Logan & Dan

Kicking off left to right from the hill side, the Stallions immediately went on the attack and pressed Olympic winning a corner after 3 minutes which went out over the bar.The stallions tall timber showing they would dominate the aerial balls all day against a very timid side indeed.
The 2nd corner proving this as Robin lept up and neatly headed the ball into the back of the net 1-0 Stallions after a mere 4mins.
Olympic restart and give the ball away, it's not long before the stallions begin attacking again using the wide midfielders of Robin out left and Joe out right with good effect.
a break down the left had Robin in a heap of space and after taking on the defence smashed the ball into the back of the net giving Robin and the stallions a 2nd goal 2-0 after little more than 10 mins.
Needing to rest Robin subbed off bringing Logan in for his first start in a stallions shirt, he wasted no time getting on the score sheet,with his first touches of the ball he found himself in shooting range let one go and in it went, the stallions now amazingly 3-0 up, still only 15 mins gone.
Olympics heads were down and wishing the ground would open up swallowing them whole,not helped by a coach who had nothing but bad things to say about anything they did good or bad all game.
Kicking off again saw Olympic try to mount an attack who at times had the stallions defence on the hop but nothing that would be classed as threatening, a strike on or around the 25 min mark
needing a smothering diving save to his right from Ben brooks but other than that he had little to do in the first half.Dan made his debut coming on for Aaron and slotted into the Rb position.
Another attack from the stallions had the Olympic defence in tatters,they really were having an awful day of it. Logan latching on to a ball in the box and putting in the net to make it 4-0 the stallions running away with it now.
The game began again and it wasn't long before the stallions attacked again,unfortunately for Joe an injury to his foot meant he needed to sub off bringing Robin back into the fray.
the game carried on and the the stallions scoring did too, this time Paul getting the ball and popping it the net too take the score to 5-0.

half time.

I don't think Olympic wanted to come back out after the first half i think they were happy to leave it at 5-0.
The stallions though always start slowly in the second half and being 5-0 up meant we were even slower, Olympic breaking and putting pressure on the stallions defence, Jason unlucky to handle the ball in the box, the ref right there to see it and give a penalty which was duly put into the back of the net 5-1.
A comeback on the cards perhaps ?Not really no,the stallions brushing that off and continuing where they left off in the first half,scoring goals.
Joe had tried to run off his foot injury but was unable to do so and subbed off to allow Paul back into the fray.
Attacking again down the flanks the stallions had the Olympic defence stretched again,Logan was in the box to put in his third goal and the stallions 6th a hatrick on debut. 55 mins gone
the goals would continue throughout the half.
losing count here 60 a curling Patrick corner found Dan on the front post who poked it into the back of the net 7-1 i'm mins gone,another corner see's Olympic gifting us an own goal 8-1 - 66mins

Aaron's desperation to get on the score sheets has him almost hiding in the oppositions net waiting for a strike from anyone of the stallions,which he can claim his boot laces touched.
He is duly given that opportunity when Paul cracks a shot,which, going in the net anyway Aaron decides to stick his foot out to and claim the "it touched my laces "rule (nice try hope you got fined) so Paul's goal makes it 9-1, another own goal makes it 10-1 and Dan scores the last Stallions goal to make it 11 -1.
On the counter attack the Olympic boys broke free and from what looked like an offside position scored to make the final score 11 - 2.

a great team performance from the the back to the front everybody playing their part in what may even be an historic stallions victory.

Uni Stallions 11 : Rob (2),Logan(3),Dan(2),paul(2) oggie's(2)
Olympic 2 : p.k 48mins, goal 85mins

next week : Petone dreamers at memorial #2 2.30pm

Has anyone ever had 3 consecutive ponies?

Aaron L, 2008 season:

2 games, 2 ponies, $3000 in fines.

But I did get a touch on that goal, too delicate for all of you to see ...

I'm sure Corey's match report will reveal the truth.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A pre-game player profile (thats if we don't get cancelled - current status: pissing down)

Photo: Kapiti College 5th 15, 1971, back row, centre - guess who didn't kick the conversions!

Rauru Walker

Stallion Hall of Fame:
Stallions Founder and Figurehead
Golden Boot 2006

How many seasons as a Stallion?
2002 – 2006, to make my triumphant return in 2009. The only original Stallion remaining (if I still count as remaining having not played season or this one). Lachlan doesn’t count. You have to get through at least one full season without injury to be counted.

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
Yes I am. Soon to be a tri-Stallion with the London ‘Touch’ Stallions about to start off their debut season. My record would say I’m better at the ‘beautiful game’ rather than the ‘gentleman’s game’.
*Cricketing Stallion Greg says: 'The Original Pony, Rauru must be well suited to football, what with his tendency to look a million bucks without ever producing the goods and his trademark skill of swinging the ball well beyond diving reach of the keeper...'

Greatest Stallion Moment:
Probably beating Brooklyn for the first time in 5 seasons on the last game of the year. It helped that I scored from the spot and also denied them winning the league. We won 1-0, there were three penalties in the game, we scored one and they missed the other two.

Worst Stallion Moment?
Scoring in the opening game of season 2005 only to be taken out once the ball was already in the net. Missed half a season with tendon damage to the ankle.

Describe your last goal for the Stallions.
See above vs Brooklyn. It was blowing a gale down at Owhiro Bay on the ground that has a dirt patch where an artificial cricket pitch goes. We were awarded a penalty, Jules got pushed away from pretty much everyone as he tried to step up to take it. I wasn’t confident but stepped up and drilled it low and to the right. Great finish.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...

throwing the odd albatross

Most underrated Stallion?
Willy. He was a cross between a work horse and a ferret. He always managed to keep going with the ball amongst the tackles coming in, and won possession when he just shouldn’t have. I wouldn’t have scored half the goals I did without him.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
Basic skill. Passion drives the team which is great. If the team had better passing (and especially crossing) skills though then we’d be unstoppable!

Which international player are you most like?
Peter Crouch. Tall, no skill, can’t shoot for shit, but still manages to get goals somehow.

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
They should finish top half, but consistency is always a problem. I think top 3 would be a great effort, but maybe lack the fire power up front? Only 1 goal conceded from 2 games against ok teams so far though – has the defence finally sorted itself out?

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Here are last weekend's awards and fines vs United Terrace. Fines/award tables to the right, below polls (including 1 oddly small one).

Pony - Paddy - mass forgetting of pony, verbals with justice, crapped pants(?).
Stallion - Tristin - good goal and general play (Oddly he also got fined for hogging it, lack of vision and 2 missed shots - Welcome back Tristin!).

3 - Tristin
2 - Ben B
1 - Nick G

Fine highlights:
Jason - 'the flying twinkle'
Ben H - 'The voice of reason' & trying to kick the ball with 1 foot, missing and hitting with other.
Joe - calling for a penalty when fouled by Hodges.

eijets - all of you.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Player Profile - Ben H


Stallion Hall of Fame:
2007 Golden Boot
2007 Stallion of the Year
Consistently most-fined
Most unlikely to make it to the clubrooms

How many seasons as a Stallion?
2008 is my 6th season I have missed about 4 games in 6 seasons and if memory serves I have not missed a game in 2 seasons. The consummate stallion. The Ryan Giggs of the Stallions (only a bit nippier and more skillfull).

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
I'm a mule stallion.

Greatest Stallion Moment:
Without question the fisty cuffs against Wgtn United. That and seeing Rauru leave for 2 seasons.

Worst Stallion Moment?
The first game of 2008 season. Excitement turning to despair seeing Jamie collapse in a heap before kick off and then having all the enthusiasm for the coming season seep out of me as the rain bucketed down on everyone while we waited for 15 minutes to clear Jamie off the field. And then playing a game where no one could control the ball because the ground was too hard and too wet. The biggest anticlimax to a season opener.

Favourite Stallion Captain?
Come on! All the captain does is choose heads or tails that's the extent of their powers. Some say the Stallions team is a true democracy. I say we are just a team of wankers who won't listen to anyone but themselves and who let their boots (and the opposition players who keep stealing the ball off them) do the talking.

Describe your last goal for the Stallions.
My raking header against Tawa (see earlier post) Ask me the same question in a year and the answer may be the same.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
Losing sight of the ball under my feet and doing a sort of an Irish jig
to try and get it in to view (more often than not resulting in my falling over). Well timed breaks down the wing, in order to release toe-hacked slicing crosses, season long periods of pathetic shot taking and poor decision making sprinkled with occasional and mystifyingly brilliant shots, cut through passes, and, Ben Thatcher like tackles. In short the Michael Campbell of the Stallions.

Most underrated Stallion
No one rates anyone.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
People that can play football.

Which international player are you most like?
Frank Sinclair.

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
Washed up on Dead Last Beach.

Capital 7 forum on Yellow Fever

Look what I found - a Capital 7 forum on the Yellow Fever website

Mainly dominated by the new Karori teams - all good - seem to like talking it up, taking the piss out of one another, all flamed by the fact that there was an arse-whipping in their local derby last weekend. A couple of other teams chiming in. The Stallions are renown for at least talking up a good game so do we join in - and provide outsiders access to our blog? But what happens when Nick reveals our secret team tactics or Ben H reveals his weakness in the upcoming player profile? What happens if Justice finds his way here and sees how much abuse he gets (thats assuming the blog lands at his feet, not at his head - he can't do his magic from there!).

FYI Ben, there is a whole thread about crap players using coloured boots.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Poll Results #2

The most decisive polls ever - it is clear - if the Stallions were wrestlers they would be The Bushwhackers. Actually, their battering ram finishing move is a bit like our long ball. Also appropriate that Ben H was voted by runaway margin the most unwanted to take a penalty (well, in fairness out of the selected list of those who can actually shoot the ball in a straight direction.) A bit unfair - and how on earth did Ponypaddy get away vote free? Okay, the next few polls will have no potential to abuse Ben (any suggestions?).

Talking about Ben he is about to be the first Stallion to receive a player profile. What's a team blog without player profiles? The aim is to post a profile or 2 per week, through the season. Am starting with the most experienced Stallions (not in that way Jules), but in terms of games/seasons played. So Ben and Rauru to start, and we will see where we go from there. Lets see how this goes ...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

U.S 1 v 0 Wgtn Utd Tce Wilton Park 12.04.08

Justice doesn't cheat,he also doesn't get his name on the scorecard either,university stallions taking all three points thanks to a goal from Tristan on 37mins.
Tristan was able to get to a free kick first,which was taken 10 metres inside stallions half by Nic and from 15 yards inside the goal box looped a header into the left side of the Utd Tce goal, not much the keeper could have done about that.
Wellington's weather came to the party to provide excellent conditions to play football,a beautiful sunny day.
Three new faces made up the numbers required to fulfil a team Paul(1),Paul(2) and Carl giving us some reserves as well.
With Jamie out with injury,Ben Brooks again stepped into the breach playing in goal and gave another fine performance indeed.Graham making his first appearance for this season, filled the vacant right back spot (condolences Aaron by the way)and had a very solid game, not too much getting past him on the right flank.Spencer returning from last seasons horrific injury, filled the vacant left midfield position.Paul(1) was making his debut for the team, partnering Tristan up front as the stallions took the field in a 4-4-2 formation.

The Stallions kicked off and immediately put pressure on the Utd tce side with Patrick, Joe, Ben H and Spencer all helping to control the midfield shutting down attacks early and providing good service to the forwards.
Paul(1) in his first game showed he was going to be a handful for the Utd Tce defenders, as he and Tristan made for a great strike pair,Paul(1) causing all sorts of problems for Utd a shot on 12 or so mins just going over the bar, a few minutes later Patrick had a great chance to take an early lead, a curling free kick from the left hand side of the field hitting the cross bar.
Utd Tce did however cause problems of their own,some nice passing and good build up play through the midfield only to be let down with poor delivery of ball to their strikers something that would torment them for the entire game,a testament to the solid stallions defence however who seem to be a good unit this year and will make it very hard for any oppositions attack force to get goals.
Another Recruit Paul(2) came on,as the rolling subs started to come into play,he was unfortunately struck down with a hamstring injury chasing a ball will trying to counter attack from deep in the stallion half and had to come off on the 40min mark.

Coming on to replace the injured Paul(2)(I'd taken full advantage of the rolling subs) i was collared by the ref "um i made a cock up, you don't know how much time is left do you" just as well i have to write this match report Steve because, yes i did know how long their was about 5 mins to be precise,we'd just scored the winning goal a few minutes earlier,we carried on and half time was duly called, a great solid stallions effort indeed.

The second half started and we didn't really,utd gifted a corner which curled in from the right via a left boot going out off the inside post,the utd side trying desperately to get the equaliser pushing forward and shooting from all over the park.
Spencer had to leave early, so our Third ring in ,Carl started on the left side on the 50 min mark and played a great game,i'm sure we'll be looking to get him back in the side throughout the season.
Some angry words were exchanged, as a confrontation between utd's striker and stallions players threaten to boil over around the 60 min mark.
Justice from Utd took exception to a tackle inside the stallions box and needed to be restrained, apparently being called a cheat in the process,more frustration for a striker who needs "the ball to his feet,not his head" to work his magic.
As the half continued the game became a little more free flowing as the teams began to tire,
a couple of chances went begging, Jule's deciding a "shanked left kick" to be more appropriate than a clean header into an open goal which would have killed them off, he had to settle for giving them a goal kick instead.
the game ended with Utd piling on the pressure the last 5 -10 mins the stallions scrambling to defend at times, but in reality we we''re good for the win.

Stallions 1 - Wgtn Utd TCe 0
Goals- Tristan 37 mins
Team: Brooks,Graham,Nic,Jason,Corey,Spencer,Ben H,Patrick,Joe,Paul,Tristan,Jules,Paul and Carl.

Friday, April 11, 2008

And Justice for all

With my absence this weekend, the coveted slot of right back is open (don't all rush).

A few things you got to look after:
- Paddy must wear the headband.
- The fining must go on. Jason has the fine book, Ben B has proved a worthy finemaster apprentice.
- Must fine Paddy big for last week's effort not bringing the headband.
- I'm away until about Tues/Wed, so unless another contributor is going to add something the blog will be quiet for a while.
- Corey - up for another match report? I think it should be a regular gig.

Good luck Stallions, go forth and smash the Terrace.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Sounds of Stallions ...

There can't be too many Capital 7 football teams that boast members from major Wellington bands (yet another reason why the Stallions are so 'special'). On the top is Jason and the bad asses of Malegra, who apparently 'sound like sex'. Influences include: Muse, QOTSA, NIN, Smashing Pumpkins etc).

Below is Robin's warm and cuddly Good Laika, influences Midlake, Grizzly bear, Beck, Bright eyes, Trinity Roots, The Beach boys, The Beatles, Air. (I'm sure last time I looked it said Paul Simon!).

Which band best conveys the Stallions in music? Which would sound better accompanying Jamie's video footage of our next game? Would our musicians prefer these worlds of football and guitars to be kept separate?

What I like is the way these bands' descriptions seem to capture the way their stallions play football. Jason's sturdy defence is nothing if not 'progressive/rock/metal', while Robin plays football and guitar with a lot of 'Soul/Funk Rock/Experimental'. Ha ha - at times a little too much 'experimental' with the ball at his feet.

One things for sure - Malegra do much better photo shoots - here's another:

These images suggest that with Rauru, Tangi, Jules etc gone for now, the Stallions are more guitar music than hip hop. I think that might only leave Nick G - who (correct me if I'm wrong please) describes himself as having a bit of Justin Timberlake on the dance floor.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Poll Results Are In

Contentious Results here:

Firstly a red card to Nick G - who confessed to devising a masterly plan of using a network of home and work computers and reset buttons to ensure that his strike was voted the best goal of 2007!

I have similar questions around the other winner - Joe's last game of the season goal - which seemed to jump whenever Nick gave his own goal another gentle boost. But I know of at least 2 others who did vote for Joe's so that probably makes it the winner (though Jason's shank also received 2). Perhaps we should focus on the best goal of 2008.

As for the other poll - which premiership side are the Stallions most like - well, not much confidence shown here - a range of lower table, often relegation bound teams and others that always fail to deliver on pre-season potential. A team psychologist would have a field day with this - but in the end Portsmouth with the most votes ain't too bad. Best response - Ben H - 'Chelsea - cause both teams are full of tossers'. Nice.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Jamie & Aaron - A touching tale of reconciliation and new found respect

Information drawn from text records give further insight into last weekend's tragic events. Exclusive to

Jamie (from hospital bed): 'Score please bully!'

Aaron (from post-match jacuzzi with naked supermodels): 'Just got this. No goal. Hope u doing better, that was rough. Thanks again 4 the strip, bloody good. Will take it easy on u next time!'

J: 'haha, no worries, i wont b doin anymore physical warmups, save the hurtful saves 4 game time. b out up 2 4 weeks @ the most hopefully. Got it dislocated, but oh well, was going to happen one day, hasn't happened over the last 22 years of keeping.'

A: 'Thats better than we thought. C u then. BTW, i did get the pony for that.'

J: 'What did everyone think was the problem? Surely someone else must hav done something else to earn the pony, you were only getting your eye in and i was saving it'.

A: (too kind to say it was gonna be one of us, and I was feeling guilty) 'yeah, a tough jury. All good - taking out the star player with ure best strike of the season def pony-worthy! Boys played well.'

J: 'It was a bloody good strike, if it was game time I probably would hav dealt wit it differently, & now afta the way i feel i will def deal wit it differently.'

Monday, April 7, 2008

How to accrue fines and lose any shred of self-dignity in 1 easy step (a cautionary tale)

'Just got your text message Nick G. The only balls I know the whereabouts of are wedged in to my underpants.'

Record blog hits yesterday and today already - yet so few comments! Come on Stallions get interactive - surely there is enough in Corey's and Nick's roundups of the weekend to get angry at, laugh at, ridicule. Oh you are all so busy - busy enough to spend an average of 2.48 minutes looking at the thing! Use that last .12 secs to add something. No point having the contributors talking to themselves - otherwise this will die a slow death.

I offer Ben H's comment as a model example of the insightful, sharp comments that the Stallions should be proud to share with each other, and anyone else who cares (bonjour to our first international visitor - from Nice, how they got to the site I have no idea).

The long promised first fines below.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Finally the fines have come back to ....

Picture: Some bloke who can probably carry off wearing blue boots.

First fine/awards session was a small one kindly sponsored by Marist in their Kilbirnie clubrooms. Pitiful turnout, but everyone was drenched and muddy so excusable (but still finable) this week.

For those of you new to this and to remind the old hands these sessions take place with whoever hangs around to have a drink after the game, a practice the Stallions firmly encourage. If you are not there to defend yourself you have no comeback, fines are collected through the season and go towards a team event or two. The decision is final. No emailing the finemaster to defend yourself or ask what happened - has to be done on the blog in full view. We also award stallion/pony (who has to wear the pink headband the next game) and mvp points.

There are fines for no shows to the clubrooms, and an additional no good reason fine for the fine committee to consider. For example, this weekend Jamie got a no show fine, but was granted leniency on the no good reason. Having a kid is one way to avoid the no good reason fine - so get busy.

Fines and award tables to your right.

So onto the first game of the season. The awards go a little something like this:

Pony - Aaron - Invoking the Ludlow curse, and then taking out the team's star player in the warmup. Enough has been said about this. Always happy to make a future classic stallions moment.
Stallion - Ben B - Took on the keeping roll (and squeezed into that jersey) just minutes before kickoff, no prep time, atrocious keeping conditions, memories of terrible keeping lurking in everyone's minds, but did an amazing job. Did I dream up Ben charging out, climbing high, and punching the ball clear?

3 - Jason
2 - Paddy
1 - Corey

For once Ben H ain't leading the race. Early days my friend. Fine highlights include:
- Ben H - shiny blue boots. All boots, no play.
- Jamie - self-inflicted Ludlow curse.
- Paddy - not calling an offensive 'nuts'.
- Corey - showing that he can last a full game without breaking down.
- Jules - The Ric Flair fine - always coming back for 'just 1 more match'.
- Jason - multiple equipment malfunctions - shinpads lying all over the park, waved around.

A nice, gentle start to the season's fines.

And the Ludlow curse strikes again

So we are literally 30 seconds to kick off in the first game of the 2008 season. We have our beautiful new strip, have had the team photo and the usual half arse warm up. I've won the toss and start to wander back and gee up the lads for a whirlwind start.

But as I turn around I see Jamie writhing in pain on the ground and the 'beast' Aaron Lister cowering a little just next to him. What the fuck has happened I wonder. Hoping like hell they've had a bit of a clash and nothing else. But as I get closer things look a little more serious.

Jamie is lying on one side and his shoulder "doesn't quite look right". The growing number of Dr Stallions are sure he has popped out his shoulder and it's certainly hard to disagree, seeing Jamie in an awful amount of pain and his arm almost looking separate from his body.
Then Nurse Jules "George O'Malley" Bailey-Rotman steps in and is ever the carer. Jason calls the ambulance, but "George" makes sure Jamie is alright, has all his gear, called his missus, is as comfortable as possible and in the end even creates a make shift sling with insulation tape and assists Jamie to his feet and onto the sideline so we can (finally) get the game under way (only 20 minutes late - how selfish Jamie!!). Top stuff Jules.

And then the details start to surface.
Aaron was firing in a few last minute shots, showing off his newly found skills since playing 5-a-side over summer, and giving Jamie a few "sighters" until he absolutely blasts one to Jamie's left, but Jamie isn't one to be out-done, especially by Mr Lister who no matter what situation, if he gets one past you, you'll never hear the end of it.

So Jamie makes one of his trademark superman flying efforts to his left, he is clearly amping for the season, but lands heavily on his left shoulder, evidently popping it out. Ouch, not nice and definitely not very considerate of the greater Stallions fortunes.

Later revolutions surface from Aaron that the dislocation was from the power of the shot, not the impact of the ground but I am yet to be convinced of that.

As it turns out the Ambulance never even turned up but Steve Hodges was there to step into the breach and give Jamie a lift to hospital.
Jamie is out of hospital at 3:40pm and a succession of texts, updating the injury, flow through - "Dislocated shoulder for sure, doc said need to play it by ear as to my return, probably have next 2 weeks off, BUT I will be trying to rehibilitate my shoulder quickly so a can get some game time, arm is in a sling, needs to stay in it non stop for a while. Sorry Stallions :("

Then more:
"I am fucken spewing aye...Just need to rebuild the cartilage around the shoulder cause that was ripped to pieces" (mmm lovely)
"While I am out I will be coming to show my support to my team each Saturday."
(And even videoing a game for the overseas boys aye Jamie?)

Now that is some good Stallions commitment.

(pics: Jules in his scrubs, Jamie's save on a typically gorgeous Wellington day, Jamie in hospital and the resulting X-Ray)

Oh and one more thing, it meant Brooksy had to wear the ultra tight reserve 'keepers jersey which was a hell of a laugh. I'm surprised you could even breath in it mate!

U.S (0) v (1) Marist @ Cobham park 05.04.08

I don't think we deserved to lose our first game yesterday,for a bunch of guys that don't train and get together on the day of the first match,we played reasonably well.

Condolences to Jamie, how unlucky is that, a dislocated shoulder saving the last kick of the warm up.
The other team were on half way waiting to kick off as well,but Ben Brooks what a stand in performance that was, great game mate(not much anyone could have done about the goal it was class).
Jamie is going to struggle when he returns to make the starting line up.
I do wish for a speedy recovery though.

It was pretty wet and it didn't stop raining for the entire game and the ball slid rather than rolled around the park,which may have saved us on one or two occasions in front of goal, mainly in the first half and later in the 2nd,but in fairness the back line seemed to cope and with the midfield tracking back to cover,our defending was pretty good most of the game.

with no subs and a delay to the kick off which consequently reduced the game to 80mins,
the team really had to put in a big effort on the field and i think everyone put in a huge effort.

they(Marist) scored the only goal late in the game,by that time everyone was drenched cold and starting to get well fatigued,we created a few good chances throughout the game and with time we'll get the combinations really working well,the season isn't lost on one game.

The new tops look awesome too.

next week Wgtn united terrace (who had a 2-1 win over Olympic this round) @ Wilton park 2.30pm

Friday, April 4, 2008

Another Stallions Blog - with merch!

The Tardan Stallions

Only a 5-a-side team, but showing plenty of Stallion-like attitude - going down swinging, talking it up etc. Check out those tactics. Goodall - your diagrams just ain't cutting it anymore. I think we have better chance against these guys than the Macroni Stallions.

Tomorrow we on. A few essentials to bring:
Patrick - pony and headband
Jason - fine book
Jamie - strip
Aaron - stallion and fine pen
Someone (?) - a digital camera - those new strips need recording before getting dirty (mine will probably be okay at the end of the game!)
Someone? - boots for Jules
Everyone - the Stallions A game.

I pity Marist.

Corey will be chiming in with a match report next week.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Twinkle, twinkle little star

Sometimes the stars align perfectly - we are 1 short for Saturday, Jules's departure to London has been delayed - allowing for one last game and a decent send off for everyone's favourite Stallion. I expect to see a Fleming-like guard of honour. Perhaps we should retire the number 8 shirt?

A chance for 1 last pony? How many twinkles will we see? How many turtles? Will strippers and party pills stop our hero from making it to the ground? Did Steve ever get his gin?

So many favourite Jules stories:
- 18 year old Jules comes to play cricket for the 1st time, steps out of a red convertible driven by his glam 30 year old gf.
- A new member to the cricket team saying 'is that Jules? - back in Wairarapa he and Jesse Ryder were the stars of schoolboy cricket!' This story is much, much funnier if you have seen Jule's batting (well, stepping outside off to protect his precious body and swinging really hard).
- The aforementioned stripper.

Most of these stories are cricket related - surely there are some football ones I am missing?

Anyway, Jules is back - oh yeah, and he needs some boots - anyone got any spare size 10s? (come on, he's having a laugh - he can't be size 10).

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The New Strip

Jamie has sent through pics of the new strip - so here it is. Umm, I know the pink headband is a key part of the team culture, but this may push things a little too far. A case of nice idea but poor execution? We will be laughed off the field. Am I allowed to ask if we still have the old strips? Yellow and Green has never looked so tasteful. It does have a certain retro, Miami-Vice thing happening. I wonder if the keeper's jersey is so, umm pink.

Update: After freaking out a little , I've done some research - and apparently pink is not so bad.
Here is a quote from The Time's article on the 50 greatest football strips talking about Palermo's pink strip - 'For sheer nerve. If you’re going wear pink - in Sicily - you’d better be ready to play hard.' Good article by the way -

Here's a connected Guardian article about pink in sport - which puts a new spin on our use of the pink headband - we are bad, bad men:

'She's got a point. Several male American gridiron teams have adopted the bizarre practice of dressing underperforming players in pink shirts as a punishment. One US soccer mag regularly gives a "pink card" to players it accuses of diving.

In both instances the meaning is clear. Pink is unmanly and dishonourable. Cowards, weaklings, cheats and, by foolish implication, homosexuals and women wear pink. Well that about wraps things up for pink.' Its a good article too - here

Don't know if I feel better or worse about the new strip ...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Classic Stallions Moment #3 ...

... Will throwing up into his own hands at the 2006/2007 end of season celebration. No video evidence survives.

That actually make us sound much more hardcore than we really are.

From the suitcase - Blog Week 1

1 week in and the stallions are taking to the blog - a total of 168 hits from 23 unique visitors (some are clearly using home and work computers). A week high 43 hits the day Nick released his tactics shows everyone is fired up for the season.

So people are checking in on an almost daily basis. In order of usage our visitors hail from Wellington, Lower Hutt, Porirua, London, Auckland (Will? Glen?) and Edinburgh (dirty Lachlan - strangely the same day we had this hit, I was nominated in the younger sister poll, talk about a revenge vote!). We need some more international hits - Nick will have to check results while tripping around. Also thanks to the IRD, which gives us the most hits from a single institution.

As for our initial polls there are some clear 'winners'. The Stallions hate old, grumpy Olympic more than any other team, and poor old Jules is clearly the least trustworthy with drunk younger sisters.

I am thinking of changing my vote to Robin though - especially since one Good Laika song is about upstart brats turning into seductive, dirty little whores - there is more to that man than three-quarter pants. But ultimately it is hard to beat Jules. I was thinking of another poll about which stallion would you not trust with your drunk grandma, but Jules would clean up again.

Lets try this best goal of last season poll. There are a few nominations (a couple via email) so lets see - I can't remember many of these, but maybe the rest of you can. Perhaps scoring goals helps the memory ...