Monday, April 21, 2008

Poll Results #3, New Polls

Polls pretty predictable really - Patrick will clearly be considered the biggest wanker in the Stallions by other teams, closely followed by Joe and Ben H. A nagging stallion, an angry stallion, and a freaky stallion. This is a good poll to win, you should be proud.

The Stallions shared the love when voting on which ex-player should return to the fold. Rauru and Lloyd got the most votes, with Tangi, Rodney and Willy close behind. Dan Hodges's vote coincided with our first visit from Canada - a coincidence?

It was so hard - and I must admit that I voted a couple of times - would love to see just one more Rodney run, always value the Walker brothers, and want to laugh heartily the next time Lachlan breaksdown.

New polls theory - these new polls are going to run throughout the entire season and options will change after each game as more goals are scored/pony moments made. So vote once per poll, but change your vote at many times as you like through the season. Nick G if you ever score a goal this season, don't vote for it 100 times!

1 comment:

Paddy said...

I'm glad you added "by other teams" in there....