Sunday, April 27, 2008

U.S 3 V 0 Petone Dreamers memorial pk#2 26.04.08

Have the Stallions ever won three in a row before ? a question posed after Saturdays game, answer anyone ??

Wellington put on another glorious autumn day,with not a cloud in the sky,as University Stallions took on Petone dreamers at Petone memorials #2 ground. quite apt really as the entire field was completely covered in geese poos which made people think twice about A) slide tackling and B) attempting to head the ball.

With talk of only having ten men for the game it was a relief to see Liam (from the 2nd's) and ring-in panda (Tyrone) turn up to give us a full team plus a sub (thanks guys).
the team line up from g.k to striker Brooks,Spencer,Nic,Jason,Corey,rob,Hodges,Aaron,Liam,Tristan and Logan subs were Tyrone (panda)

Petone kicked off and were put under pressure straight away, Logan gifting them a free kick just inside their own half even when the ref had called play on.
the stallions then began to dominate the game from that point on and pressed forward at every opportunity,it was around the 10 minute mark that the dreamers were adjudged to have handled inside the goal box giving U.S a penalty,in a small form of mind games Petone subbed off their 55 year old(who started the game injured) goal keeper and replaced him with another 55 year old who as Nic Goodall stepped in to take the kick fell over to his left right into the path of Nic's shot, resulting in a save.
The game continued and Petone were again under pressure good football, nice runs and great footwork causing their defence all sorts of problems,U.S dominating the play with Robin and Liam providing great runs down the wings and generally good service into the box for the forwards.
Petone to their credit broke through a few times a free kick for a "body check"(a nice piece of shoulder to shoulder i thought) was given against Nic Goodall about 5 yards to the right of the U.S goal box, a two man wall wasn't enough to stop the ball curling around them and onto the left hand post where brooks claimed the ball only to have it kicked out of his hands by a Petone player and cleared off the line by a falling Ben Hodges header saving U.S some serious blushes indeed.
Stallions pushed forward again and were almost undone again on the counter attack Petone running down the left hand side and crossing the ball into the box brooks dived but it slipped by him and Corey was there to clear the ball from an open goal (hearts in mouth stuff).
more attacking football from the stallions saw shots going left right and over the bar but not in the back of the net the half ended 0-0 but with the stallions clearly the better side.

the second half started and for once the stallions did too,gaining early control again of the match
and began attacking from all areas of the park.
the game began to really free up as the two teams tired and Petone had a few more chances(and reserves) to get on the score sheet the U.S defence again proving they would be hard to score against, a corner taken short by Petone ended up in a header going over the bar the only real shot by them the whole half.
On the attack again Logan latched onto a ball on the Petone 18 yard box turned his player inside out and with a shot from his left foot, put the stallions up 1-0 after 70Min's.
nothing the stallions didn't deserve and something Petone were just waiting for
it wouldn't take long to double the advantage Tristan taking the ball out wide on the right and worked his way into the penalty area took a shot and bang it 's 2-0 to the stallions after 79Min's another classy finish.
the stallions having all the forward momentum now pushed forward again and a well weighted cross from Liam found both Rob and Aaron fighting to get the ball in the back of the Petone goal Aaron finally poking in the ball to make the game 3-0 Aaron having a blinder in the midfield by the way.
and so that was how the game ended I'm sure there were a plethora of other shots not mentioned and incidents not covered but the game was generally a good natured affair with both teams playing in the right spirit and the stallions running out deserved winners.

3-0 goals to Logan 70Min's Tristin 79mins and Aaron 85 Min's

1 comment:

005 said...

Aaron's favourite moment - Corey fires off an uncharacteristically wayward pass, and yells 'Are you having a larf?'