Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Saturday vs. Petone Dreamers @ Petone Memorial 2 @ 2:30pm

First of all, just another mention of last weekend and how stoked I was with not only the result but the way we played. It seems the 4-4-2 is going to be the way to go, especially with our awesome double team up front of Tristin and Paul, you may be struggling to get back your spot next year Rauru – how does right back sound?
Sure the opposition turned out to be pretty poos, but I think we have to give ourselves a bit of credit as they only lost 1-2 to Terrace who gave us a damn good run for our money. But the balls to feet, runs off the ball, width when required and quality crosses (most of the time) met with solid aerial domination meant we bossed the game throughout. There is no reason why we can't replicate it each and EVERY week.

So to this weekend, and we only have 10 regulars (Paddy, Graham and Joe out) – Ben B, Me, Jason, Corey, Spencer, Gus, Aaron, Ben H, Rob and Tristin so we really need all those ring-ins that are available. Especially Paul please Jason/Tristin (How are we going with locking him in for the season?) and Carl please Aaron/Gus. I'll try Dan again as well as another guy Dave, and Ben B/Aaron do you wanna try Mike B?

We are out at Petone Memorial 2 at 2.30pm against Petone Dreamers who are sitting 6th on the table and had a good win against Terrace on the weekend so won't be easy beats. Can you be at the ground by 2pm if going straight there or at KP by 1:30pm. And if you live in town can you please go to KP first so I'm not packing half the team into my car.

Tristin and Jason can you please transfer your subs to me. I am getting a bit of heat from the club so it'd be nice to get us all payed up by the weekend.

Sweet, guess that's all. Catch ya's on Saturday.

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