Monday, April 7, 2008

How to accrue fines and lose any shred of self-dignity in 1 easy step (a cautionary tale)

'Just got your text message Nick G. The only balls I know the whereabouts of are wedged in to my underpants.'

Record blog hits yesterday and today already - yet so few comments! Come on Stallions get interactive - surely there is enough in Corey's and Nick's roundups of the weekend to get angry at, laugh at, ridicule. Oh you are all so busy - busy enough to spend an average of 2.48 minutes looking at the thing! Use that last .12 secs to add something. No point having the contributors talking to themselves - otherwise this will die a slow death.

I offer Ben H's comment as a model example of the insightful, sharp comments that the Stallions should be proud to share with each other, and anyone else who cares (bonjour to our first international visitor - from Nice, how they got to the site I have no idea).

The long promised first fines below.


Rauru said...

Bonjour right back to you. You will now have a visitor from San Sebastian in Spain. That's the committment I show, following the team while on holiday in the south of France.

005 said...

Well, nice to hear about your travels Rauru - but I was kind of hoping our French visitor would be a rich, football-loving Parisian heiress who saw the team photo, decided the Stallions were irresistible and was about to sponsor a European tour. Oh well, next time ...