Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fines/Awards vs Olympic

Whatever ...

Stallion - Logan - Goal with first touch as a stallion, first game hatrick.
Pony - Aaron - Best team goal never scored/claiming Paul's goal.

3 - Paddy
2 - Tristin
1 - Paul

Fine Highlights:
- Jamie - Not bringing the video camera on a day the Stallions score 11. (Jamie - you riding remarkably high in the fines stakes, considering you haven't played a second of football!).
- Ben B to backs - 'I'll smash you if that happens again'.
- Ben B - No clean sheet - you set high standards in the first couple of games.
- Aaron - 'Rob's having a good game, shame he can't shoot' - mere seconds before Rob drills one into the net.
- Jason - Still not supplying the finebook - you better bring it Saturday!
- Paddy - For the second week in a row trying for but failing to get a nutsed.
- Paddy - Not calling 'nutsed' when he finally got one.
- Nick G - Brings in a friend/ringin who totally outshines him by scoring 2 goals.
- Ben H - Using that John Wayne-like chin to bring the ball under.
- Logan - hatrick on debut, goal with first touch.
- Logan - Hiding from the Raiders before the game - who were playing with 10 men since Logan turned his back on them to play for the mighty stallions!

All that and 11 goals.

Picture - Ben H, a football, and that mighty chin.


Paddy said...

Brilliant call from Brooksy about smashing the backs!!!! What was he referring to exactly? Was it the period (of about 35 minutes) in the second half when there were no backs??

Paddy said...

How exactly has Ben B only got $3.50 of fines??? Conceding 2 goals to players under the age of 12, threatening to smash his own team, and then vehemently telling Ben H "you had a fucking shocker in the second half" is surely worth at least $5 on their own.

005 said...

That is a fair point Paddy, ben has been getting off very, very lighty. Perhaps this can be rectified with the new approach to be attempted again this weekend - each week a Stally brings some beers to the game (what a 15 pack - 1 for everyone, 2 for the Stallion?) to be shared immediately after the game where fine session can occur. People may go on afterwards if that want. That way fines become a more open process. What do we think? We can all focus on Ben B next week.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Aaron pick up most of my fines due to the cause of the injury being his fault

005 said...

Whoa there cowboy - you have used up all of your sympathy. I got enough fines of my own to worry about.