Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We all want to play, but ...

Check out this description of the conditions for a midweek match at Wakefield Park this week (from the YF forum):

'The hardy Tawa Grizzlies and North Wellington Vindaloos fronted up tonight in the worst conditions I have ever, ever played in.  Just before kick-off lighting flashed and thunder roared around the ground and the type of hail that leaves nail marks on your legs was lashed in on the bitterest southerly Mother Nature could muster. The game was played amidst snow flurries and the continuation of a southerly gale. The Met Service estimated the temperature at minus 5 when they factored in wind chill.'

Yep,  a cancellation this weekend might not be he worst thing in the world.


Greevis said...

Is it just me, or are we MOST likely to have a cancellation if we get blue sky weather from now?

Just thinking about how that game at the Happy Valley Ice Skating Rink went ahead, and yet we've missed out on beautiful, blue sky days.

In either case, I'm out. All the best this weekend lads!

Rauru said...

Might be interesting to note that while it seems like we've been canceled lots this year, it's only been 4 times and we've played the last 5 weeks in a row. The 5 weeks before that we were canceled 3 times as they started to alternate the weeks teams were canceled but since then we've had a good run.

I had a read of the 'ask cap football' thread and they talked about how they will pretty much never cancel a game on the turf as the ground will be in an ok condition. You'd have to think that with this 'once in a lifetime' weather they must have come close but apparently with so many games to catch up they have to play them every night.

I reckon the Tawa and NW teams need to harden up more. Not often you'll get to play in snow. Makes for a good story even if you have to lose a finger to frostbite (even better story if that happens I guess).

And P.S. Gutted to see that Aaron is again at the top of the leaderboard for Fantasy EPL. I'll make a few smarter choices this week though and catch up soon enough.