Monday, August 22, 2011

Fantasy Football

The Marist WAGs have nothing on this lot

Email I sent to the Fantasy boys...

Thought I'd start up a bit of banter to get things going. I see that a few posts are on the fantasy website but I never read them so thought I'd start some up here.

Week 1 and Aaron was where he usually is, top of the table. Week 2 and where is he? Looking, looking, looking.......oh there he is. All the way down in 5th with a grand total of 16 points for week 2. 16!!!!! His bench scored 11 points more than the rest of his team!! Aaron must be gutted. He's still got Rooney as captain to play but then so does Nick (not captain though - he has Torres. Pfft. He's shit unless he's in a red shirt), and I.

The bridesmaids are where we always are in 2nd, but only 1 point off first and still have Rooney, my captain, and Nani still to play vs Nani and Smalling for Oliver (who I haven't added to this as don't have email) who is in first.

Speaking of Oli, what's up with choosing a defender as your captain and a goalkeeper as your VC? Talk about a lack of faith your boys further up the field. Park the bus much?

Coming in at 3rd is Goodall with 'energy247nz'. I think 247 is where Nick came last season in the Stallions league, hence the name of the team. With his captain of Torres and VC of Bosingwa anyone would think that he supported the blue quarter of London rather than the red half of Manchester. I guess he rates Tottenham higher than West Brom as far as opposition goes, although the EPL table at the end of the year will tell him that he shouldn't have. Yep, you heard it here first - WB will finish above Tot in the league.

Paul, with 'Team Winning', is...well...not winning. I guess they didn't get the memo. With Paul being new to this (to our conference, maybe not the league) he is doing well to be above Aaron. But then with a round of 16 points if you're not doing better than Aaron you should really give up now. Being a Pool fan through and through he's making selections with a combination of head and heart choosing Suarez (captain), Reina (VC), and Downing all in his team. While choosing Reina as VC against Arsenal might seem like an odd choice, it was almost a stroke of genius. If Suarez hadn't come on the field, his captain would have been Reina so he would have picked up another 7 points. His first sub also got 11 points, so Suarez basically cost him 8 points and a place on top of the ladder.

Unfortunately for 'Team Coming4th' they have no more players playing this week so are more than likely going to be overtaken by Aaron (3 points with a sub coming in + double whatever Rooney gets), and maybe even Dan if Nani, de Dea and Cleaverly pick up points (+ 2 points for sub coming in).

Dan let his Arsenal bias get in the way by picking van Persie as captain (he should have scored after Arsharvin pushed over one of the Liverpool defenders and was put in front with only Reina in front of him) but 24 points with 3 players to play and a sub coming in isn't too bad. Better than the cr@p he put out last season anyway.

People who aren't any better than they were last season are Jason and Logan who only play this game so that other people don't feel bad about coming last. Logan will spout his crap about not caring anymore, having a family, moving house etc etc as to why he's so $hit, and Jason will try hard but inevitably fail. Jason's 'Stallion Reserves' obviously has fond memories of old as he also was foolish enough to pick Torres as captain. Jason, no respecting Liverpool fan should ever pick Torres for anything, fantasy or not, ever again. He sucks. The expression "You lose form, not talent" has been adapted to add "unless your name is Fernando Torres". Why any fantasy manager would pick any striker from Chelsea is beyond me as there is no way of knowing if they are going to play. And don't make them captain cause there is a good chance that if they do play they'll get pulled early (Torres was 2 min short of picking up another point), or if they don't start they might get 10 min at the end. It's just going to cost you.

Logan in last place has an awful spread of players with 3 from City, 3 from Fulham and 2 from Chelsea (both strikers and his C and VC - Gus, see note above) amongst a smattering of other crap players from crap teams. He also has two goal keepers, neither of who played on the weekend. If he hasn't already, I suggest he gives up now.

The only other player that isn't in there is Lachlan although he said his team is going pretty badly. He can't manage to get into the league cause he says his code doesn't work, so if his team is as inept as he seems to be then Logan might have to find another wooden spoon to feed his family with.

So that's an early round up of Fantasy. It was fun looking at all your team and laughing at how useless they are. Even more fun sharing with you all.


005 said...

F**ker, yeah that unlimited game week 2 transfers really screwed me - overthought it, too many changes - would have got 50 points if I stuck with what I had. Now I'm taking points hits to go back to me original side.

Don't worry, I'll be back (with or without Zamora).

Team to beat i reckon is Nicks - a great side that will come good longterm.

As for the rest of you still time to sign up. Good fun.

energy24.7 said...

Yep, but as the cliche says a good team on paper isn't always a good team in reality. We'll see if my show ponies come through or not.

Now, how to squeeze van der Vaart in...