Sunday, August 28, 2011

It was the worst of times...

I've taken it upon myself to write this.  So far as I know everyone was too depressed come the final whistle to turn their minds to matters as trivial as Pony and Stallion.  But any keeper that concedes four is probably a fair nomination and, besides, I've somehow managed to avoid the honour so far this season...

Pre-match, the Stallions were quietly confident - we are good team on the turf and by all accounts the last thrashing by these guys was an aberration.  The game started largely as you'd expect, the teams feeling each other out.  North Wellington, with the wind at their back, perhaps shading it with some tidy passing, but our defense holding reasonably firm and restricting them to a couple of shots from distance or acute angles.  For our part, there was some nice movement and plenty of enthusiasm on display.

Suddenly, under pressure and with a distinct lack of helpful calling from his team-mates, Tangi found himself in a blind alley on defence, got robbed and a speculator from outside the box took a wicked deflection of Spencer's back and into the corner.  The game had changed. Our goal now resembled a shooting gallery.  NW were winning possession in their own half and flooding forward; swamping our midfield, forcing our back four into retreat and taking advantage of the space in front of them to launch long-range wind assisted efforts on goal.  That said, when the second goal did come it was as poxy as hell.  A shanked cross from the left wing looped over a rather red-faced keeper into the far corner.  The third wasn't far behind - one of those speculators paid off and snuck inside the left-had post.

All the while we weren't playing that badly when we did have the ball.  Time and time again the final ball was all that was lacking - just under or over-hit when someone was well placed.  The few final passes that did stick were capably dealt with by the opposition keeper or were thwarted by last-ditch tackles.

The defensive shambles of the first half was perhaps best summed up by an exchange that went something like:

Tangi:  Graham, tuck in, he can have the space out wide
Dan (30 seconds later):  Graham, you need to go out to your man - he's got too much space out there
Graham:  For f*ck sake you two, which is it!!

Stallions roared into the second half and had largely the better of it for no reward.  A lovely interchange down the right wing finished with Rauru playing a beautifully weighted square ball to a perfectly positioned Rob, who was denied by a stunning save by the NW keeper doing his best starfish impersonation.  A matter of minutes later Rob had another chance from a bouncing ball, only to see the ball crashing against the top of the upright - unfortunately the upright in question was the rugby one 10 meters behind the goal.  To my lasting shame we than conceded a 4th.  The NW striker turned sharply and let go a decent snap-shot, but no self-respecting keeper should be conceding at his near post from that sort of angle.  Then, although there was about 30 minutes left, the game seemed to peter out a bit.  We had by far the best of the territory and possession but couldn't make it count - some presentable chances came and went, but we never really threatened to get back into it.

So that was it  - they actually only scored one decent goal (the third one), but thoroughly deserved their victory.  We can at least pat ourselves on the back for not taking their number 5 apart limb by limb - admirable self-restraint was the winner on the night.  

With the Petone and Accies results going against us the promotion dream has died.  Still, to be in the hunt up until the second-last round in our first season in Div 6 is a massive achievement and not one that we should lose sight of amongst all the thoughts of what might have been.  

We should vote on MVP if it hasn't been done already.  For what it's worth, I would go:
3 - Rauru, who deserved the points for having the stones to abandon his mrs on her birthday to chase a Stallions promotion dream, but was also involved in some great link-up play and showed loads of energy.
2 - Tris, for having the foresight to dull the pain before the game even started.  I bet in hindsight he wishes he'd had a couple more drinks.
1 - Lachie, for being the only Stallion to have an error free game

Nothing to lose in the next game.  I'll get in early by begging for a run in the outfield.  My view is that two people who have never donned the gloves in their lives should be given a half each between the sticks.


005 said...

Nice work Paul, I havn't been able to face putting anything up. Think you are a bit tough nominating yourself up for pony though, plenty of other candidates for the old general shit category (which hasn't comeout much this season) - including those of us in the middle absolutely overrun by a couple of flashy South Americans and that pacy dude with flashing boots. All owned me.

In terms of non-general shit pony moments- Robin hitting the rugby posts was pretty good.

Damn, feels weird to give points for such a display - but I reckon Rauru added a lot of hustle and energy when he came on. Bar the 1st goal, Tangihaere played well too. Tristin did some great stuff in that first part of the game.

Until next week, lets finish on a high.

005 said...

8-2, suddenly big losses are funny again.

Rauru said...

"Rauru" and "loads of energy" - not too often you get those in the same sentence!

How about 5-1 Aaron? That's a pretty funny score eh?

005 said...

Yep, its hard to laugh from the foot of the table. Early days, and that goes for fantasy too!

Rauru said...

Paul, interesting that you should say that you want to play in the outfield. Lachlan and I were talking about changing things up for this Saturday. In a game that means nothing we thought that maybe it'd be fun to change things around a bit. Here's what I had in mind:

GK - Dan. We've heard all the stories, let's see the footage.

D - Paddy, Tristin, Rauru, Gus. As the 4 main strikers we've scored a combined 18 goals which is only just more than half. A return that only the Spurs strikers would be proud of. Let's see if we can do better at the other end of the field.

M - Combination of Spencer, Graham, Corey, Paul, Lloyd, Aaron, Rob. Nothing too shocking here. Be good to have Lloyd and Aaron in the middle to keep some order of normality, but I'd love to see Corey roaming the left wing. Let's see if he can walk the talk.

ST - Jason and Tangihaere. They've held the fort at the back and done a mighty fine job. Let's see what they can do up front.

If we do do this (or something similar) there is one rule - we have to have fun with it. No bitching, yelling, getting angry etc. Let's turn it into an exhibition game and a fun way to end what has been a pretty good season.

005 said...

Great idea. I have plenty of faith in both the new backline and strike force! Ha, can't wait to see who charges up for the first corner!

purely belter said...

Hardly up front but i'll take it, off for a ride on the exercycle now

T said...

Hell yeah! I'll probably last one run with the ball but will be hell fun!

Also I don't think you were overrun in midfield Aaron. There was a ton of movement but it never felt like they had it over us. Look at the goals - my f*ck up, a shanked cross, a 40 yard strike. Possibly the last one where the build up may have come through midfield. And we made a lot of play on the break.

Gustona said...

What a great idea. I bags right back!

Mr. Happy said...

Sorry Graham for the mixed messages!

Not sure many keepers could have actually got to the first three goals, and the fourth was very well taken from corner 6 yard box. Still think they deserved to win by a couple.

Carnival last game to a pretty successful fighting season sounds a great idea. Though Paddy at fullback, Lloydo central mid and me in goal is certainly a flash back! Though having never scored from goal, I'm looking fwd to some Chilavert free kicks, Schmeichel far post corner runs, and maybe a cheeky Campos pen.

Can we get Joe and Nick on at least for cameos?

Hairy said...

I will play in goal, a tribute back to my glory days (i have never told you all, I was a NZ under 18 team keeper) been keeping that quiet for years but Ill don the gloves this week!

StevieG said...

Im keen, but play to feet please because I can't chase anything. In fact, just lump it in the box and we'll try and get a head on it...

R said...

Would you believe it we have a bloody ref. They are being really pedantic with subs but I reckon we just sneak people on and off if they dont allow it. I'd like to say "surely they'll let us have it on a game that means nothing to either team" (Miramar can't get relegated unless there is a huge goal difference) but I don't feel like that'd be the case.

Whatever happens we'll keep it fair and fun for everyone. Drinks afterwards at a bar in Miramar.