Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Thanks to numbers 16, 7, 1, 11 and 3 for turning their shirts in the right way.

On that note, turning shirts in the right way should be mandatory for whoever wore 3 as it was still soaked with sweat at 7 on Tuesday evening (at least it wasn't Saturday morning) when I put them in the wash. (the rest were dry. Yeeeeeeeuuuuuurch!


purely belter said...

You should always wash printed shirts inside out to save the print.

Gustona said...

Good advice I'm sure, but surely the dirt won't come off if the shirts are inside out? Not that there was a lot of dirt on my carefully chosen washing-the-kit week

purely belter said...

the dirt will still come off and the print will live longer it has to be true a woman told me