Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fantasy Double Up

Think I have got most of this, the only thing I'm aware I've missed is the assist for Jason's goal vs Miramar - I guess we were all looking too hard at Jason's victory jig to see who made that final pass.

Some alterations - I realise that I haven't penalised the yellow cards - well, I have now. Funny, especially in Gus's case vs Lower Hutt where with a missed pen and a yellow he slips into a negative score. At the other extreme so good to see Tristin back to full flight yesterday, resulting in the largest individual fantasy haul of the season.

Again, I'm prone to making errors so if I've missed anything/screwed anything up let me know.

Paul 2 (+60), 1 (+3 saves), -1 (conceding 2 goals) 2
Jason 2 (+60), 6 (defender goal) -1 (conceding 2 goals),  1 bp 8
Tangihaere 2 (+60), -1 (conceding 2 goals) 1
Graham 2 (+60), -1 (conceding 2 goals) 1
Spencer 2 (+60), -1 (conceding 2 goals) 1
Mike 2 (+60), -1 (conceding 2 goals) 1
Aaron 2 (+60), 3 (1 assist) 5
Lloyd 2 (+60), 5 (mf goal) 7
Dan 2 (+60) 2
Robin 2 (+60) 2
Logan 2 (+60), 4 (goal), 3 bps 9
Rauru 2 (+60), 3 (1 assist), 2bps, -1 (yellow card) 6
Paddy 1 (-60) 1
Paul 2 (+60), 1 (+ 3 saves) -1 (conceding 2 goals) 2
Jason 2 (+60), -1 (conceding 2 goals) 1
Tangihaere 2 (+60), -1 (conceding 2 goals), 1 bp 2
Graham 2 (+60), -1 (conceding 2 goals) 1
Spencer 2 (+60), -1 (conceding 2 goals) 1
Mike 1 (-60) 1
Aaron 2 (+60) 2
Dan 2 (+60) 2
Logan 2 (+60), 3 (assist) 5
Rauru 2 (+60) 2
Paddy 2 (+60), 6 (2 assists), 2bps 10
Tristin 2 (+60), 12 (3 goals), 3 bps 17   


005 said...

Sorry, dropped off the leaderboard heading into the home straight:
Paddy 91
Paul 72
Tangihaere 68
Logan 65
Jason 64

Rauru said...

Against Miramar we only conceded 1 goal.

005 said...

Ah, of course,back to the drawing board. Please don't take offence kindly backs, will change. Now Jason overtakes that punk Gus.

Panda said...

Uni Accies __ Brooklyn Northern __ Kelburn (12.30);
North Wellington __ Lower Hutt Sangham __ Alex Moore 1 (12.30);
Wainui Undertakers __ Marist Inter __ Prouse 2 (12.30);
Petone Chicago __ North Wgtn Villa __ Petone 2 (12.30);
Miramar Rangers __ Uni Stallions __ Miramar 1 (2.30);
Come on the Stallions!
So I'm guessing Nth Wgtn will be last game at Alex Moore.
We can do this! Let's hope Accies or Petone slip up this week and then have to play one another next week. Dreams are free.

Rauru said...

Doubt we'll be getting any game this weekend. Pretty sure the weather will see to that!

I have a feeling that the Accies and Petone have already played each other twice as well. Will look into it.

StevieG said...

Rob had the 'generous' final touch for my one.

005 said...

Ahh I remember now. No assist for that - the rules are clear, it has to be with intent, not a total f**k up that you should have scored from. Must try harder.