Friday, August 5, 2011

Getting lucky - what does it take to score?

So, home stretch, another crucial game coming up playing the 2nd best attack but 3rd worst defence in the league. The Stallions on the other hand have the best defence but the 2nd worst attack.

Granted the last 2 weeks have been on fields not conducive to playing total football, but we still need to score goals. Its been suggested that we should take the field out of play and go route 1. Definitely an option but we've had chances in both the last 2 games to score off crosses and still no result. Couple of things I think we should try to change - and no it has nothing to do with formations!

With the pressure to win I think we've lost one of the things that epitomised the best play of the Stallions - patience. Long range shots, first time passes that aren't on, not looking to pass or receive ball at feet (in midfield), are all examples of lack of patience. Lack of patience also means we become less accurate - shots off target, passes not going where intended, losing the ball in tackles, etc. Bring back patience!

The next thing is create more space. It was noticable against Marist that we were doing a lot of short passes. I think because the ground is so rough we've been playing closer to each other because of the fear that the ball will do a crazy bounce and not go where intended. I remember an occassion in the 2nd half where two players on the edge of the opposition box were passing to each other to try and find space to shoot. The problem was they were too close together so the same defender could shut both of them down. This happened all over the field - we need to keep providing the option to pass but make the run 2 or 3 metres further away. That extra space will give us time.

Last is the increased movement (and penetration). This really relates to strikers and wide midfielders. The image shows passing options (in black) and off the ball movement (in red). In the last few games forward players have tended to run towards the ball carrier to try and receive the ball - movement is important but a run towards the ball carrier condenses the field (see striker run 1). If the striker makes that run, and the cm make their run it results in 4 players being in a very small part of the field. It doesn't stretch the play and makes it easy for the oppo defence.

Run 2 creates more space & gets the ball further forward (movement & penetration). A wide midfielder looking to receive the pass down the line (black dashed line) does the same thing.

These are all things we have done during the season but as the pressure has gone on for results and the grounds have got dodgy we lost some of it. Let's bring it this weekend - patience, space and smart penetrative movement.

1 comment:

Gustona said...

What were we saying? Scoring was difficult? NEVER! It's easy! Rauru even had two headed shots!