Saturday, April 2, 2011

Welcome to Fantasy Island

Damn, thought I would have given more thought to this, but alas ...

Think fantasy was fun last season, but we needed to tweak the points system to even out the different roles.  The basic points allocation is here (about half way down the page).

But how to make sure defenders get the recollection they deserve? I reckon Spencer's idea of doubling the defender's output will go to far in the opposite direction, but think Rauru is onto something with the idea that we go:

Defenders get: 6 points for a clean sheet, 4 points if we concede 2 goals or less but still win, and 2 points if we concede 1 goal and draw. Damn, throw in a goal and the inevitable mvp points and defenders could score big - fair enough too.

That should balance it out nicely and stop the strikers from getting all the glory (midfielders would get half of these points - because last season with the exception of Paddy (on all free kicks, corners etc) midfielders also struggled to score points in relation to strikers - especially the workers who don't get into the box too much - Nick White for example was the one player who jumped out to me last season for fantasy points no where near matching on field performance).

I also wonder if forwards as a collective should lose points for the team not scoring? Seems a bit unfair that defenders lose points for conceding 2 goals or more, but there is no penalty for the team not scoring. (midfielders would lose half of these points for not assisting, just like they lose half points when the defenders lose their points for conceding 2 goals).

There are other things we can do as well - like make sure when bonus points are awarded we don't just look to those who have scored goals etc.

We could perhaps thrown in a couple of non specific points allocation not related to position - a point each for best tackle and pass in a game?

So if we are playing 4-3-3 the wide players will need to be classified as forwards.

A work in progress, throw any ideas this way.


purely belter said...

The constant threat of me playing up front should be incentive enough for the strikers i'dve thought

Anonymous said...

What about 4 points for a clean sheet, and 1 or 2 for conceding 1 goal? Don't think we should reward for conceding 2.

System is difficult though because most of us play multiple positions each game...

Could always go back to just Stallion = 4, and then 3-2-1 MVP points. Boring I know.....

005 said...

Nah, too boring. And while appealingly simple that system will lead/used to lead to a real gap between those players who mop up bonus points on a regular basis, and those who don't. Opening up the scoring options spreads the love a little.

Fair point about conceding 2. Perhaps we should drop that one.

Positions are generally pretty easy to work out. The one exception last game was Graham - defender or midfield?

Am working out points for last game using rauru's proposed system - looks good, but hard to judge since in fantasy terms this result just didnot happen at all last season. Backs are ruling the roost!

R said...

Graham is a midfield. He played in D for a little bit, but at the first chance he got he jumped ship into mid. Stink for you Graham, lost out on 6 points!

005 said...

I read that as Graham is a minefield.