Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fantasy Wasteland vs Petone

Dan & Corey stride out in the wasteland
Not much to get too excited about fantasy wise, plenty of 2 pointers.  But we can't win by huge margins every week I guess. The breakdown:

Paul 2 (+60), 1 (3+saves), 1bp 4
Tangihaere 2 (+60) 2
Spencer 2 (+60) 2
Joe 2 (+60) 2
Corey 2 (+60), 3 (assist), 2bps 7
Aaron 2 (+60) 2
Lloyd 2 (+60) 2
Paddy 2 (+60), 5 (mf goal) 7
Dan 2 (+60), 3 bps 5
Robin 2 (+60) 2
Logan 2 (+60) 2
Rauru 2 (+60) 2
Tristin 2 (+60) 2

Dan, Aaron, Paul    22
Tangihaere              21

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What one is Corey?