Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fantasy Spoils vs Wainui

Everyone in the points this week:

The officious subbing situation screwed with our system somewhat, so executive decisions had to be made: everybody gets the full participation points (since no one wanted to sit out a half and it was enforced), but those who played in the backs for half a game get half of the clean sheet points (feels a bit rough to give you all 0 as the system strictly demands). Still works out pretty well for all:

Paul 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet), 1 (3+saves) 9
Tangihaere 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet) 8
Spencer 2 (+60), 3 (half game cleansheet) 5
Jason 2 (+60), 3 (half game cleansheet) 5
Graham 2 (+60), 3 (half game cleansheet), 3 (assist) 8
Aaron 2 (+60), 2 (mf cleansheet), 5 (mf goal) 9
Lloyd 2 (+60), 2 (mf cleansheet), 1 bp 5
Dan 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet), 2bps 10
Nick 2 (+60), 2 (mf cleansheet), 3 bp 7
Robin 2 (+60), 2 (mf cleansheet), 5 (mf goal) 9
Logan 2 (+60), 3 (half game cleansheet), 3 (assist) 8
Rauru 2 (+60), 8 (2 goals), 3 (assist) 13
Tristin 2 (+60) 2

So the leaderboard after 2 games:

Aaron         20
Tangihaere  19
Paul            18
Dan            17

Disclaimer: All points subject to being wrong.


Rauru said...

As much as it hurts me to do it, I cant claim that first goal, especially if Gus isn't claiming his goal from week 1. It was intended as a cross to Lloyd who was lurking around the back post. The keeper tried to anticipate the cross and moved out to cut it out but went too early and too far with the ball taking a deflection off him into the net. So even though my intention was the same as Rob's ;) the end result was somewhat different. The ball wouldn't have gone in had it not hit the keeper. So I'll take the assist for that (sorry Graham, you'll have to lose your assist) and lose the goal. Means Aaron is sitting pretty as golden boot, along with oggies.

Robino said...

It's just a little ;) but it really hurts. Since when have my crosses gone anywhere near the goal? Weren't you encouraging me at your BBQ to blast it at the goal and look for the rebound off the keeper? And then you ;) me. >^..^<

005 said...

Alright Rauru, consider it scratched from the record. And stop voting for Dan's header!

R said...

I said blast it at the keeper, not delicately chip him! I've got a lot of computers at school, I could Dan's header to the top of the UK top 40 if I wanted.