Monday, April 4, 2011

Aaron's Goal

This is how I remember it... I'm sure there were a lot more Stallions around, and more passing prior to the goal.

Add your memory of the events in comments, or make you own picture in MSPaint and post!


Greevis said...

Assist came from Dan (to Aaron's left), and I was further left; my attempted cross having limped to Dan.

energy24.7 said...

Looks like it should've been offside. Gus clearly affecting play with flaming ginger in the keeper's sight. Therefore I'm refusing to accept the goal even happened.

energy24.7 said...

Or if the diagram is correct, there was no keeper - in which case the ball could've (and probably did) slowly dribbled over the line and was not that impressive anyway.

005 said...

Probably lucky I can't access the blog from work, I'd be on here all day. Think you have got that curve just right Logan, brilliance captured. As for you Nick, stop trying to lose your title as Stallions just dribbling over the line king - you are never going to live that penalty down, and as for your excuse about the duck crap ...

purely belter said...

I was just thinking about that penalty myself actually