Monday, April 4, 2011

Oggie or not oggie?

Hopefully this will clear up any confusion about who can claim ownership and assist rights to this goal.

What was it the ref said Aaron? A goal to the attacking team?


StevieG said...

Hang on, if the ball was following the blue line then took a deflection then it is an oggie as it wasn't on target.

Shouldn't it then be 'intended trajectory'?

Just saying...

Greevis said...

As I recall, the initial trajectory was between the defender and the keeper; I can't say for sure that the ball wasn't directly going in to the goal. In effect was laid off for the tap in at the far post, but the defender got to it first.

Defender had to do something, the keeper was not going to get there and it would have been a goal in any case.

purely belter said...

Don't want to take it away from you but that's got Oggie written all over it mate

StevieG said...

Haha!! My thoughts exactly...

Gustona said...

yeah, pretty lame attempt to claim a goal, oggie it is.
Not so good at the details - these are a bad representation of my memory of the events.
I certainly wasn't offside and there were many other players around than just the ones up there in green.
A good win first up and too much spare time on paint.
And just one of many if we continue the excellent short passing total football style shown so far this season.

purely belter said...

You can claim it it's just that diagram doesn't help your case.At the time i thought you'd angled it between the defender and keeper

005 said...

Hell, I've claimed worse. The ref identified you as the scorer, but that diagram isn't convincing. Over to you, whats most important, your striker's pride or fantasy points/a climb up the rung on the golden boot ladder?

R said...

Aaron, you've taken much much worse, but we wont go there. Here's a definition from the much respected source, Wikipedia:

"In association football (soccer), an own goal occurs when player causes the ball to go into his or her own team's goal, resulting in a goal being scored for the opposition.

The fact that the defending player touches the ball last does not automatically mean that the goal is recorded as an own goal. Only if the ball would not have gone in the net but for the defending player would an own goal be credited. Thus a shot which is already "on target" would not be an own goal even if deflected by the defender. Then the attacker is awarded the goal, even if the shot would have otherwise been easily saved by the goalkeeper."

As the ball was not going to be going into the goal, and the trajectory changed after hitting the defender, then it is an own goal. What does the ref know, he didn't even see the foul (assist) that led to the goal!

So as much as Gus tries to claim it, he has still scored as many goals as me, which really, this is all about.