Thursday, April 7, 2011

All Hail, fantasy points vs Nth Wgtn

Imagine if the season ended now - you would all be celebrating me as golden boot, stallion of the year and fantasy champion! Remember that come August!

First fantasy points of the season, based on a couple of things - the second goal was officially an oggie (interesting honesty call there Gus, very un Gisborne-like). Also using Rauru's proposed system (see earlier post), but I agree with the Anonymous that there should be no points for defence if we concede 2.

So these points are a world apart from last season. It would be great to think that we will get more clean sheets through the season, but since we only got 1 all of last season, these types of point may be hard to come by - just judging by last year's points. Long live big defensive returns, but bring on the forwards joining the party on Saturday! OK, points vs Nth Wellington villa as follows:

Paul 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet), 1 (3+saves) 9
Tangihaere 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet), 3 bps 11
Jason 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet), 1 bps 9
Joe 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet) 8
Corey 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet) 8
Graham 2 (+60 - hmmm?), 2 (mf cleansheet) 4
Aaron 2 (+60), 2 ( mf cleansheet), 5 (mf goal), 2 bps 11
Lloyd 2 (+60), 2 (mf cleansheet) 4
Paddy 2 (+60), 2 (mf cleansheet) 4
Dan 2 (+60), 2 (mf cleansheet), 3 (assist) 7
Nick 2 (+60), 2 (mf cleansheet) 4
Robin 2 (+60), 2 (mf cleansheet) 4
Logan 2 (+60), 3 (assist) 5
Rauru 2 (+60) 2


energy24.7 said...

Surely Gus at least gets the assist for the oggie!

005 said...

Ahh, true that - I felt so sad removing his goal points I forgot all about that. Consider his points bolstered!

Gustona said...

I demand a recount!

StevieG said...

..on the number of saves Paul had to make! :P

passitdontkickit said...

Are my two unaccounted for points (2+3+1=8) for playing 10 minutes at the back?

005 said...

3 for that glorious assist, not that the goalscorer needed any help ...

R said...

3 points for misfield clean sheet?! In EPL fantasy they get 1, which is 1/4 of what defenders get. 2 at the most I say.

005 said...

Good point Rauru, I read that wrong, thinking how mfers get half the punishment points when more than 2 goals conceded. Fully agree with you - 2 points it is - points updated.