Sunday, April 10, 2011

Fiennes Sessions!

Even though the Stallions are only on the football field for 90 minutes a week, we somehow manage to extract many more hours of "game-time" off the park. The awarding of the coveted Stallion and the despised Pony, the dishing out of MPV points, the blog entries and polls, the formation discussions and most recently the allocation of fantasy points all bring their whims and fancies. I'm sure we get more off-the-game enjoyment out of football than any other team in Wellington!

One Stallions tradition that seems to be falling out of favour is the fine session at the end of each game. First birthday parties, Pumpkin Patch sales and strict bed-times all seem to be competing with Stallions' precious fine-time, and fine money is being redirected towards nappies and fluffies. As a result, we are losing valuable opportunities to give each other feedback on our play, reprimand un-Stallion-like behaviour, relive magic moments and humiliate each other for giving it 100% and messing up.

One thing that has been working is going for a quick drink straight after the game, at a venue close to where the game has been held. Rather than requiring a separate Father Release Agreement [FRA], these little diversions can go down in the books as unforeseen travel incursions on the way home from football. Conceivably, a knot in ones bootlaces, a tangled net and an important discussion with our game's official referee could take about the same amount of time as a quick round-up after the game. Do we understand each other?

I reckon that our strong start to the season makes this the perfect time to reinvigorate our fine system, and that shorter sessions straight after the game are the best option. For those who will struggle to pay their fines each week, I suggest playing better. But if you're committed to playing crap, there are other options: paying off your fines by doing the laundry each week, thereby earning a Stallions credit. We could also have a system whereby Stallion of the week gets to nominate a worthy charity (within the team only), and that charity case gets their fines for the week wiped. We could also give family men a fines cap and 50 cents off per child. My point is that the fine session is good for the team, and there are ways of working with its challenges without throwing the baby out with the bathwater (which would be a huge fine - we are a family-friendly team).

I look forward to hearing other people's thoughts.


005 said...

Ha, you know I'm with you all the way Robin (except when you need more options just to the inside as you take off down the wing!)

One thought - we have been well supported by the broken stallions this season - we could throw them the fine book - let them note down all the fineable things for discussion after the game.

R said...

My other thought was that we could have the fine session, without the fines. That way we could still laugh and poke fun at (with) each other, still report it on the blog (which leads to further laughing and poking), but not deprive little Suzy and Simon of their Pumpkin Patch outfits. But since I dont have kids I'm more than happy for fines, although there have been people throughout the years who are notorious for never paying. It is a shame to see a Stallion tradition falling away though.

The bailiff said...

The Dad's commitment to stallions is highly commendable and should be encouraged, but they presumably want to associate with a bunch of likely lads, not a ladies club of panty waisted excuse making pinkos who see fatherhood as a justifiable excuse for fine dodging. The non father stallions have a moral duty to avoid this nonsense and provide the fathers with a weekly dose of manly harden the fuck up.

But (and in no way is this inconsistent with the masculinity espoused above..) we could spend the season fine money in a family friendly way, eg end of season brunch at child friendly Southern Cross where beer can be drunk, partners and
kids can mingle.

005 said...

Who the hell is this Baliff character?

R said...

Dunno, but I like it! Unless the dads (or anyone else not keen on the fines) want to strike up an opposing arguement, the fines are back!!