Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Message from Jules

Hey Rauru,

How are you mate and how are the stallions, still going strong?
The UK was great with a couple of interesting twists and turns thrown in.

What have you been up to?

I am back in NZ but building with the old man in the Wai at the moment but my girlfriend is coming over from the UK in the end of July and we will base ourselves in Welly.

I get down a bit on wkends and would be good to catch up and maybe even try and jump on the footy field later in the season when I am back in Welly.

Hope all is well and say hi to the boys for me.


I've also just a look at some of the old posts from when the blog first started. Some funny moments on there. Have a look if you ever get bored (or are on school holidays and have all the time in the world!)


005 said...

Welcome back the Turtle and the Twizzle(?)!

Nick said...

Bring back the twizzle!!