Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fantasy vs Faccies

Looks like the bonus points panned out this way (well deserved all):
Paddy 3
Jamie 2
Nick 1

Paddy catching up a bit of ground after a slowish start, nothing else to report. Lets up these points Saturday, someone do it for the twizle.

Jason 2 (+60), -1 (conceding + 2 goals) 1
Joe 2 (+60), -1 (conceding + 2 goals) 1
Corey 2 (+60), -1 (conceding + 2 goals) 1
Graham 2 (+60) 2
Aaron 2 (+60) 2
Lloyd 2 (+60) 2
Paddy 2 (+60), 3 (1 assist), 3 bps 8
Dan 2 (+60), -1 (conceding + 2 goals)
Nick 2 (+60), 1bp, 3 (assist) 6
Robin 2 (+60) 2
Jamie 2 (+60), 1 (3+ saves), 2bp, -1 (conceding 2 goals) 4


Nick said...

Did I get an assist? Or was that just a fantasy?

005 said...

Best good damn assist ever. I can't believe I dropped off the assist I had been talking up all week. Consider it amended. Bad news to hear that you are out for couple of games Nick - you have had a great start to the season.