Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Player Profile - Ben H


Stallion Hall of Fame:
2007 Golden Boot
2007 Stallion of the Year
Consistently most-fined
Most unlikely to make it to the clubrooms

How many seasons as a Stallion?
2008 is my 6th season I have missed about 4 games in 6 seasons and if memory serves I have not missed a game in 2 seasons. The consummate stallion. The Ryan Giggs of the Stallions (only a bit nippier and more skillfull).

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
I'm a mule stallion.

Greatest Stallion Moment:
Without question the fisty cuffs against Wgtn United. That and seeing Rauru leave for 2 seasons.

Worst Stallion Moment?
The first game of 2008 season. Excitement turning to despair seeing Jamie collapse in a heap before kick off and then having all the enthusiasm for the coming season seep out of me as the rain bucketed down on everyone while we waited for 15 minutes to clear Jamie off the field. And then playing a game where no one could control the ball because the ground was too hard and too wet. The biggest anticlimax to a season opener.

Favourite Stallion Captain?
Come on! All the captain does is choose heads or tails that's the extent of their powers. Some say the Stallions team is a true democracy. I say we are just a team of wankers who won't listen to anyone but themselves and who let their boots (and the opposition players who keep stealing the ball off them) do the talking.

Describe your last goal for the Stallions.
My raking header against Tawa (see earlier post) Ask me the same question in a year and the answer may be the same.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
Losing sight of the ball under my feet and doing a sort of an Irish jig
to try and get it in to view (more often than not resulting in my falling over). Well timed breaks down the wing, in order to release toe-hacked slicing crosses, season long periods of pathetic shot taking and poor decision making sprinkled with occasional and mystifyingly brilliant shots, cut through passes, and, Ben Thatcher like tackles. In short the Michael Campbell of the Stallions.

Most underrated Stallion
No one rates anyone.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
People that can play football.

Which international player are you most like?
Frank Sinclair.

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
Washed up on Dead Last Beach.


energy24.7 said...

chicken shit, not mentioning any names where asked. Just silly off the cuff remarks!

As an aside Aaron, how many 'captains' have the Stallions had?

005 said...

Only 2 Nick - 1 good one and one evil one.

Actually there is also Tangi. But perhaps we should remove that question - we don't want everyone going on and on about the good old days - about what a great captain Rauru was.

How about ben predicting we will finish last!

Anonymous said...
