Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Stallions Inter

In its 5 or so weeks of operation, our blog has been accessed in some interesting places. Sure, while a lot of this can be put down to the globe trotting adventures of Rauru and Nick W, its a sure sign of stallions going international.

We have been visited from the following places:

UK: London, Edinburgh, Barnsley, Holmfrth, Lambeth
Spain: Barcelona, San Sebastian, Palma de Mallorca, Urnieta
Greece: Athens
Sweden: Danderyd
US: Minnesota, Oregon, Seattle
Canada: Toronto
France: Nice

Danderyd represent.

One things for sure, we need to develop a type of football to appeal to the under represented African and Asian nations. Sad to know that are millions of people in China who have never heard of the Hodges toehack. Nick, work out a strategy.


Ben Hodges said...

Trust me China is well within my sights. Give me about 10 days may be less and i will deliver Shanghai, Beijing and Gaungzhou...

Ben Hodges said...

Opps Guangzhou

Rauru said...

Hodges missing a game. Controversial.

005 said...

Good stuff Ben, I forgot about your trip. Our map is gonna look so pretty. Happy travels. And I don't think you are going to miss that game and screw your record - cancellations definitely on the cards.