Thursday, April 17, 2008


Here are last weekend's awards and fines vs United Terrace. Fines/award tables to the right, below polls (including 1 oddly small one).

Pony - Paddy - mass forgetting of pony, verbals with justice, crapped pants(?).
Stallion - Tristin - good goal and general play (Oddly he also got fined for hogging it, lack of vision and 2 missed shots - Welcome back Tristin!).

3 - Tristin
2 - Ben B
1 - Nick G

Fine highlights:
Jason - 'the flying twinkle'
Ben H - 'The voice of reason' & trying to kick the ball with 1 foot, missing and hitting with other.
Joe - calling for a penalty when fouled by Hodges.

eijets - all of you.


energy24.7 said...

haha, there really were some classic stallions moments that you missed Aaron. But I'm sure we'll back it up with another memorable highlights reel this weekend.

Ben said...

mmm are you sure that i was trying to kick the ball with one foot,missing it and hitting it with the other? I will take the fine but i think Paddy was saying it was Nick G who did something like that.

purely belter said...

yes Ben it was you,i saw it from the touch line you went to kick it with one foot missed and caught the ball on the follow with the other,very comical

energy24.7 said...

yeah i just tripped myself up with my other foot - waaaay more co-ordicated!