Sunday, April 6, 2008

And the Ludlow curse strikes again

So we are literally 30 seconds to kick off in the first game of the 2008 season. We have our beautiful new strip, have had the team photo and the usual half arse warm up. I've won the toss and start to wander back and gee up the lads for a whirlwind start.

But as I turn around I see Jamie writhing in pain on the ground and the 'beast' Aaron Lister cowering a little just next to him. What the fuck has happened I wonder. Hoping like hell they've had a bit of a clash and nothing else. But as I get closer things look a little more serious.

Jamie is lying on one side and his shoulder "doesn't quite look right". The growing number of Dr Stallions are sure he has popped out his shoulder and it's certainly hard to disagree, seeing Jamie in an awful amount of pain and his arm almost looking separate from his body.
Then Nurse Jules "George O'Malley" Bailey-Rotman steps in and is ever the carer. Jason calls the ambulance, but "George" makes sure Jamie is alright, has all his gear, called his missus, is as comfortable as possible and in the end even creates a make shift sling with insulation tape and assists Jamie to his feet and onto the sideline so we can (finally) get the game under way (only 20 minutes late - how selfish Jamie!!). Top stuff Jules.

And then the details start to surface.
Aaron was firing in a few last minute shots, showing off his newly found skills since playing 5-a-side over summer, and giving Jamie a few "sighters" until he absolutely blasts one to Jamie's left, but Jamie isn't one to be out-done, especially by Mr Lister who no matter what situation, if he gets one past you, you'll never hear the end of it.

So Jamie makes one of his trademark superman flying efforts to his left, he is clearly amping for the season, but lands heavily on his left shoulder, evidently popping it out. Ouch, not nice and definitely not very considerate of the greater Stallions fortunes.

Later revolutions surface from Aaron that the dislocation was from the power of the shot, not the impact of the ground but I am yet to be convinced of that.

As it turns out the Ambulance never even turned up but Steve Hodges was there to step into the breach and give Jamie a lift to hospital.
Jamie is out of hospital at 3:40pm and a succession of texts, updating the injury, flow through - "Dislocated shoulder for sure, doc said need to play it by ear as to my return, probably have next 2 weeks off, BUT I will be trying to rehibilitate my shoulder quickly so a can get some game time, arm is in a sling, needs to stay in it non stop for a while. Sorry Stallions :("

Then more:
"I am fucken spewing aye...Just need to rebuild the cartilage around the shoulder cause that was ripped to pieces" (mmm lovely)
"While I am out I will be coming to show my support to my team each Saturday."
(And even videoing a game for the overseas boys aye Jamie?)

Now that is some good Stallions commitment.

(pics: Jules in his scrubs, Jamie's save on a typically gorgeous Wellington day, Jamie in hospital and the resulting X-Ray)

Oh and one more thing, it meant Brooksy had to wear the ultra tight reserve 'keepers jersey which was a hell of a laugh. I'm surprised you could even breath in it mate!


005 said...

And there is no clearer demonstration as to why Aaron should be playing up front. I'm just sad it was Jamie who had to feel the full unleashed power of that left foot.

005 said...

And a huge Stallions thank you to Mr Hodges who might be in for more than a bottle of gin at the end of this season.

Anonymous said...

Nice nipplering jamie

Ben Hodges said...

So it is not just 2 weeks out for Jamie but a whole lot more then? It is not quite clear how long he will be out for.

Anonymous said...

Right, I see I am left to clear up a couple of things. It was in fact Aaron's kick that did my shoulder in (I am embarrassed for admitting that his kick did the damage) and not how I landed. I expect to be unavailable for the next 4 weeks so said the specialist today. My arm is still numb which is due to the nerves being stretches and torn. When and if I get back into the starting line up, I will remain on the side line until the ref is ready to blow the whistle for kick off. Ben, thanks for stepping up and filling my boots so superbly.
Yes I will be recording our games while I am on the side line, does this blog site have a limit to how much can be uploaded onto it?
Thanks Dr Jules for helping me out.
And thanks to Mr Hodges for letting me dirty his car while taking me to the hospital.
I know the text went out, but did anyone pick up my 2 soccer balls that I brought along to the game?
Good luck this weekend and i will see you all next weekend.