Monday, July 14, 2008

Someone call the SPCA ...

... this is the worse case of Stallion abuse ever recorded.

And I'm not talking about Logan being forced to swing by Glassons on the way to last week's fine session, though that's a close second.

Its fair to say Panda has brought his own style to the Stallions - no other member has ever played football Saturday, league Sunday. But after being awarded the Stallion (for the first time) against Terrace a few weeks back - the unthinkable happened. Panda put our precious Stallion 'trophy' in the rubbish bin along with the empty beer bottles. It wasn't until he got to the car and asked Tristin if he had it, before he scampered back and retrieved it from the bin.

Years of stallions tradition could have been lost in one second. On the rare occasions Nick gets the stallion he sleeps with it. I have seen Ben H refuse to let his pony-obsessed pre-schooler touch the Stallion. Such is the respect for the little black stallion (I think all those other 'abuses' forced between the Stallion and Pony trophies are also in some ways a sign of respect - except for that time Gus put them both in .... (stop now).

Anyway, Pandas idoltarous actions have been noted, and heavily fined.

As with that last post I am working from hearsay - and may not have it all exactly right. You would have to go to the source - Tristin - who was also fined for ratting out Panda.


Rauru said...

And on that note, heaven forbid that the unthinkable happens and the stallion actually does get lost/stolen (we all know those other uni teams are jealous of it), what would the financial fine be? Can there even be an amount that reflects the honour and history that the stallion brings? Is it priceless? Is the only possible fine an ungraceful banishing from the stallions? What do ye say o wise one?

Ben Hodges said...

perhaps at some point the real stallion should be substituted for a forgery and only the most select and trusted members of the stallions will know the true whereabouts of the stallion. Perhaps as a safeguard its location could be illuded to in a complex riddle and series of clues- A trail of clues which someone like Tom Hanks can...etc...etc..etc

Rauru said...

Maybe not such a silly idea there Ben. Maybe the original Stallion can be incased in glass somewhere and put on display, and a replica be brought in like the ashes.

005 said...

We could just award it to me every week - it will be safe and I will feel like a champion. As for punishment for losing it - damn, best only considered on a case by case basis. But panda,a first time Stallion losing it - would have been bad.