Thursday, July 3, 2008

And the winner is...

The emotion of presenting Paddy with the award became all too much for Halle.

The votes have been counted, and a winner has been confirmed. While Paddy had it wrapped up a while ago, the final game did result in a switch in second place with the London geezer Casey pipping Jamie at the post. The results are as follows.

Paddy - 99
Casey - 81
Jamie - 77
Nick - 69
Logan - 67
Aaron - 65
Corey - 64
Ben B - 63
Ben H - 58
Willy - 53
Geoff - 53
Dan - 53
Joe - 52
Graham - 46
Lachlan - 46
Rauru - 42
So well done Paddy and Casey, the cheque is in the mail (and yes Aaron, I'll put the money into your account!)

1 comment:

Paddy said...

I'd like to thank my family, god, the organiser, and most of all my fellow competitors for making this such a momentous occasion. Although I won, you're all "winners" in my heart.