Thursday, July 24, 2008

Saturday vs. Wellington United Elite @ Nairnville 2, 12:30pm

Pretty tough work last weekend and really we were our own worst enemy. We took a while to click how to defend their long balls in behind us to the corners and didn't adjust our attacking style quickly enough either.

Once we started to play to the plan in that second half things started happening and I'd say we were damn unlucky not to draw even, but thems the breaks. We've got to realise when it's not beneficial to be doing ANY back passes and the like, especially in the midle of the pitch, and just hack the fark out of the ball! In that second half I was seriously considering playing a 5-0-5 as there was absolutely no point in having a midfield anyway!

To this weekend though and I'm begginning to think it'll take a lot for any more cancellations to happen as the council look to have just made the decision to play the games regardless of the weather or conditions.
Who knows maybe this wicked wind will dry Nairnville out for us but I can't say I'm confident of a pitch fit for the now second nature free flowing Stallions football…
We do have the early game again though so atleast there'll be no bumbling idiots on it before us. We're up against Wellington United Elite who took us down up at our bogey ground Melrose and I'd dearly love to get one over them!

Be at Nairnville by Midday or KP by 11:40am. We need to put the nets up so the earlier the better which will give us a chance to actually warm up too.

Graham is the only one who is away this weekend, with Panda due back from his injury and Corey also back after it seems an age since he last strapped on the boots to the feet of those beautiful chicken legs.

Even though we still haven't had to put up a ref, this week we might have to so any volunteers before Saturday would be much appreciated as then I can draw up a plan for subbing again. And ideally we need one more person to take a rest, giving us 14 players + the 'ref' (who we'll change at half time).
Has anyone not missed a game this season? (Not counting cancellations) If not I must be the only one and would be happy to take a rest, though I'll still be there to yell at you all (in fact I'll probably be worse not being able to have any effect on the field myself!)

We also need someone to bring the beers, but I think we may have been through the whole team? Let me know if you haven't, otherwise I'll bring them again.

One last thing - I'm not sure on your guys availability for Sunday games, but we have been notified that any further cancellations will result in catch ups on Sundays so please be prepared for that.


Ben Hodges said...

I am struggling with a virus. hot flushes cold flushes, phlegm and achiness...If i discover i inhaled a goose pooh or something from saturday there will be hell to pay. Although i may come right by saturday (like my high performance colleagues Dan C and Richie Mc i am a quick healer) best i sit Saturday out...GASP surely he can't mean it? , I do. Keep your eyes out for the blue moon rising above Nairnville on saturday.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Wellington Soccer had a meeting yesterday where they deceided to cancel if it rained today...

I guess we'll have to wait and see if thats true, but it isn't looking good.

purely belter said...

yeah i've heard rumours they were going to cancel tonight too, with only champs and central league 1 playing.

wgtn rugby has canned most games this weekend already apparently

energy24.7 said...

Stink Hodges, but thanks, that means I can play, although I might ref a half, that could be fun...

And how do you guys hear about these apparent meetings? High powered connections aye? Can you not get us a game up at KP?

005 said...

Yeah, how many times have we seen the Raiders playing at KP? 2 or 3?

energy24.7 said...

And there you go, you fellas we right. We've been cancelled.

Which means we'll probably have a Sunday game in 2 weeks (10 Aug)