Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fines vs magpies

A sad, muddy game.

You are going to have to excuse me this week Stallions - my laptop has no connection to the blog, so I got tell you about last week's fines and awards, but no grand tallies until later in the week.

Oh yeah Robin - wheres the f**ken match report! Bring back Corey I say.

Much like the game, the fine session went pear shaped. Those who were left shivering in the changing rooms lost momentum, and it was decided that everyone from the wide midfield on just got the avergae fine for the day $4. This works well for the strikers who tend to get pinged a lot more than that.

Stallion: Nick W - Most of our attack came from Nick, seemed the least affected by the conditions. Shame he still can't score for shit.
3 - Nick G- Another big game, especially holding fort in that second half when everyone was pushing forward. There was one moment where a trade mark Nick running towards our goal with attacker at his shoulder, turn right, and deliver the big pass got a round of applause from the spectators. The same spectators who laughed at Paddy's terrible final corner attempt.
2 - Nick W - nuff said
1 - Tristin - why not? Good goal, almost another - and was the only stallion with a roast waiting on the table when he got home.
Pony - Mike B -tackles sting like a bee, but runs just like a little girl when the tackler gets up swinging! And the victim of the best line of the day. When the ref tells an angry Gus that Mike count be red carded for a professional foul, Gus responds - 'Him! He's not a professional'.

All fines between $3.50 -$6.50 - Robin pulling in the most.

Best fines:
- Ben B - Angry man from goal: 'Just hack the f**ker upfield!'
- Mike - Rocky vs Apollo fine
- Mike - The foul throw combo: pinged for a foul throw, argues with the ref that it was legal, then asks in the post match analysis 'what is a foul throw'?
- Ben H - the valet fine - asking all reserves to collect and serve.
- Paddy - Fraternising with the enemy - why don't you just go and marry the Magpies if you love them so much?
- Paddy - 'I thought I got 3 mvp points last week'. Umm, no.
- Jamie - Absolutely killing the huge midfielder with a shoulder charge - while recovering from a dislocated shoulder.
- Jamie - Forgetting his position - running out of Central D yelling 'Keeper's Ball'.
- Gus - Ref trouble. Gus, we would all love an explanation of what went down. Send me your description and I'll post it.

Those conditions were absolutely atrocious, and it sucks to now be out of contention. But a great chance to open up and play some good football over the next few weeks - assuming of course we never encounter those conditions again.

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