Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Player Profile - Josh Hook

With the football Stallions getting about as much game time as a midget on the Lakers roster, it's time for the London Stallions to assert their colonial ways and take control of the blog for a bit. So, first up in the London Stallions player profile is Mr Joshua Winston 'seagull' Hook.

Josh took impressing the new French in-laws to a new level.

Stand off, Halves

Stallion Hall of Fame:
Summer 07, Spring 08, Summer 08 (Ed's note: Not sure if this is a Hall of Fame, more of a roll call. A Hall of Fame moment could be top try scorer for the Spring '08 though. How many have you got in the Summer '08 season though Josh?)

How many seasons as a Stallion?

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
Yes, Indoor Cricket. Probably Indoor Cricket is my strength. (Ed: Doesn't really count as a dual Stallion if the other team you played for wasn't the Stallions Mr Hook)

Greatest Stallion Moment?
Hatrick within 10 mins, all from drives started deep from our half.

Worst Stallion Moment?
Hook-asene! Nuff said. (Ed: Actually, not enough said. For those not there, twice Josh has pulled off an intercept, had a 5m head start on the opposistion who were all running the other way, twice got gassed from behind, and twice throwing the ball away like a girl playing rugby. The sight earned him the nickname Hitro Hookasene)

Describe your last try for the Stallions.
Tim, Dan and I drove hard form our 10, got up to halfway, Dan broke out right – up the guts, passed to Tim who put me away as we created the overlap, I galloped away to score my third in a remarkable 10 min period.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
Not having enough gas and being heavily fined!

Most under-rated Stallion?
Tim-busktoo. The naggy, bithchy lil bastard does the yards and keeps it together in the middle. He has been a part of many of my tries and has to have a shout out. I’d like to drop a one Fanstroodle Magna Doodle into this mix as well, he is a solid performer, not overstated just delivers again and again in the grind.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
Pace, we lack genuine pace. We also forget to complete the basics which time and time again have proven top be our strong point. We also need to remember its our Thursday away from the girls and to enjoy on the field. Less bitching – that annoys me. Say it the right way, work together. I think I’ll fine myself for that one.

Which international player are you most like?
Well well, I like to think I am franistein mix of a few of the best, the game reading and game breaking of Carlos with a touch of Sonny Bill when it gets physical. (Ed: He's not lying about the Sunny Bill part. Remember though, the team is the 'Touch' Stallions)

Where will the Touch Stallions finish in 2008?
Spring 5th, Summer 3rd, Autumn 1st (Ed: Note sure if there is an Autumn season which probably explains Josh's optimism)

1 comment:

005 said...

Is that the Josh we used to play indoor cricket with in dirty old Newtown? If so, he sure does lack pace. couldn't bat or bowl either if i recall correctly ...