Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How the London Stallions roll ...

No whining about fines here, and look at the benefits:

'There is a bit of talk about going to a casino with all profits going back to the team, or a bit of sports betting which could be fun, otherwise things like go-carting, wake boarding, ten pin bowling, paint ball etc etc are all on the menu.'

Our tea and cream buns session at Ben's is looking a little lame.


purely belter said...

TEA and CREAM BUNS ffs what are ya!!!

Unless that's some form of slang for beer and bbq,then I apologise.

tea and cream buns pfft unbelievable

Rauru said...

Oh no, there's still whining about fines. Mr Hook and Mr Hansen are particularly involved, with Mr Hook more than happy to dish out fines but gets in an uproar if any get sent his way. Needless to say he gets fined more than others (think a cross between Aaron and Hodges).

You also left out the part about us being on target to rake in over £500 over two, eight game seasons. I forgot to mention that another option is for the money to partly fund a trip to France to watch Tana and his boys take on Dan Carter and co. Now that is how the London Stallions roll.