Monday, June 30, 2008

Let's get it on!!

So, after the formal investigation there was found that there was a mistake in the points which have now been rectified. And after that (plus adding in the quarters and semis points) it has been revealed that we have a new person at the bottom! Perhaps fittingly, that person is yours truely!! The bottom current Stallion however has also changed, and as a result of the quarter and semi final games Joe has managed to drag himself off the bottom and Graham has replaced him. The full points table is:

Paddy - 99
Jamie - 77
Casey - 76
Nick - 69
Corey - 64
Ben B - 63
Logan - 62
Aaron - 60
Ben H - 53
Willy - 53
Geoff - 53
Dan - 48
Joe - 47
Graham - 46
Lachlan - 46
Rauru - 42

Which all means that while Paddy has 1st place wrapped up, 2nd place can be taken by three people, four people are battling it out not to come last, and three current Stallions are sweating it out to avoid paying a record breaking $10 fine (which effectively is the punishment, and should be noted as such in the fine book!)

So, who has picked what for tonights game?

Germany vs Spain 2-2

Germany vs Spain 5-0

Ben B
Germany vs Spain 2-1

Germany vs Spain 1-2 (torres, fabregas and ballack to score)

Germany vs Spain 1-2 (Torres, Frebagas, Klose to score)

Germany vs Spain 1-2

Germany vs Spain 1-1

Germany vs Spain 1-1 (Torres to score)
Nick G
Germany vs Spain 1-1

Germany vs Spain 1-0

Germany vs Spain 1-1 (pig sticker (WHO??) and Torres to score)

Germany vs Spain 1-2

Germany vs Spain 2-1

Ben H
Germany vs Spain 1-2

Germany vs Spain 1-2

Germany vs Spain 1-2 (ballack with the opener from a corner)

The keen observer will note that through the picks, Ben H is safe from last place as Joe has picked the same score as he has (and we are all safe from hearing his moaning about paying another $10 and how his kids wont be able to eat this week). But the game has added flavour for Joe and Graham, as it is now head to head. Germany win - Joe is last (at least amoung the current Stallions), Spain win or a draw - Graham is last. At the other end there is also similar outcomes with people picking different teams and scores, but it is all too much for me to work out the different outcomes, so let's just get it on!!

Beacuse there is no football match report, here's a touch one

With the spring season over, and over £200 of fines later, the Stallions latest match report is complete, courtesy of Mr Tim O'Leary. Enjoy...

For those of you that weren’t there on Thursday night, a battle took place of Herculean proportions. It was the final game of the Spring season, and the London Stallions were in a battle for the coveted 5th position out of 8.

It only took two minutes for a pony contender to rear its head with Josh “yeah he’s mine” Hook casually allowing his opposite to waltz past him after screaming to all and sundry “you take wide!” and “I got him! I got him!” .... First blood Vaseline Alley and easily the worst display of defending since the infamous “Team sub” incident in week 3. It seemed RJ (Raro Josh for those who don't know) was destined to be the first to wear the pink head band for summer season.

What happened in the next 10 minutes is somewhat of a blur to me... Long story short, it involved finest display of seagulling since Sean Fitzpatrick circa 1991. The image of Joshua Winston Hook galloping down the right hand flank is one I now have seared into my brain... Why you may ask? I had pleasure of seeing it not once, not twice, but three times... First hatrick of the season and dispelling all notion of the pony award.

Shout out also to Bubs for the mean as length of the field try after a dirty wrestling match with to opposition over who’s ball it was... Watching that man in full gallop is awe inspiring to say the least... I heard a couple ladies who were watching had to go to hospital after fainting... All that blood rushing to their nether regions.

Honourable mention goes out to Fanny probably had the run of the day which involved a couple of mean steps and a “Cullen-esque “ glide past several opposition players only to do the worst Touch and Pass in history... The ref blinded by either the sheer brilliance of Fanny’s effort, or from his pasty skin declined the opposition cries for an obvious penalty and decided to allow Dano, who received said offending pass, to play the ball for Fanny, where Fanny got touched... It was almost like playing cricket back at school. You get to 50 and have to retire... “Fanny you’ve blown past 4 defenders you have to give the ball to someone else.

A couple of cheeky and opportunistic tries from the opposition and game on.

Dano and Beaver were involved a perfect opportunity for one of them to break their try scoring ducks... Two on one right on the line, what transpired was some sort or crabbing (Rauru's note: Aaron, you would have been impressed), drawing, passing, dropping episode that I can’t really explain better than that – If anyone can assist please enlighten me.

Fanny, also on a duck, had ample opportunity to break his... Standing over the tryline with ball in hand, the time it took to get the ball from head height (7’1” is it Fanny?) to ground resulted in a touch in goal. (Blame it on gravity only being 9.8 metres / second bro)

Generally good game all round... The ref only had to tell everyone to “stop talking otherwise he’d send someone off” once, and it wasn’t directed at any individual. Dan W had what I believe to be his first ever “Kobe” free game... Nathan must have played well ‘cos after the game he almost had a mini spew (nothing to do with arriving back from Majorca 2 hours before kickoff?)... Shout out to “el CapitanoRauru “Mugabe” Walker for denying Josh a fourth after drawing in the opposition winger he then decides to take the touch, average at best, and yes it was fine worthy.

So Stallions win final 4 – 3, Stallion – Josh, Pony – Fanny.

Friday, June 27, 2008

I wonder if Good Laika have fine sessions?

In the hope of drumming up some more enthusiasm for tonight's gig, here are some of Robin's best lines from a recent interview. All are fine worthy:

- 'Rob contributed the rest of the lyrics, "Because I'm so much deeper than Jason," he quips.'

- "Each of us had our vision I think. Well, I don't really have much vision, but I know that Ricky had a vision," says Rob.

- 'Evidently they all came together through Ricky who Matthew met through old band buddies. Rob met him at Battle of the Bands and then played indoor soccer with him.'

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Grit your teeth and bear it Hodges -its finetime!

Its always interesting when a Stallion gets a card - and last weekend Jason picked up another. Oh, and Gus had Paddy's number taken, or something.

A good fine session which benefited a lot from the presence of Panda and Tristin - especially the way they slammed each other. Good stuff.

Stallion - Panda
Pony - Tristin - finally there has been a worse missed open goal than mine! Imagine how the game would have gone if that goal went in early.

3 - Panda
2 - Nick G
1 - Logan

Fine Highlights:
- $3 for everybody who drove past KP and left poor Gus and Aaron contemplating a long walk.
- Paddy - 'Look Aaron, I'm playing right back, i can't be fined!' Umm, wrong Paddy.
- Corey - Being 4th choice keeper.
- Corey - After continual slamming in the session: 'Go on, I got all the money in the world'.
- Paddy - 'This ain't Euro Paddy' - trying to make the Stallions play total football.
- Ben H - The Willy Wonka fine
- Panda - hitting our only ball into the baboon enclosure.
- Robin - 'A lack off ...' [insert whatever you like here].
- Logan - 'I can see you, but I won't pass to you'.

I know it's late...

...but I was busy watching New Zealand beat the cheating Poms at the Oval. What a finish!


Germany vs Turkey 3-1
Russia vs Spain 1-2

Germany vs Turkey 5-0 (sent through picks mid-day Thursday with a 3-2 win to Germany. Nice try)
Russia vs Spain 1-2

Ben B
Germany v Turkey 3-0
Russia v Spain 1-1

Germany vs Turkey 3-1
Russia vs Spain 0-2

Germany 2 vs Turkey 2
Russia 1 vs Spain 2

Germany vs Turkey 3-1
Russia vs Spain 1-0

Germany vs Turkey 3-0
Russia vs Spain 1-1

Germany vs Turkey 2-1
Russia vs Spain 0-2

Nick G
Germany vs Turkey 2-0
Russia vs Spain 0-3

Germany 1 vs 1 Turkey
Russia 1 vs 1 Spain

Germany 1 vs 0 Turkey
Russia 1 vs 1 Spain

Germany vs Turkey 2 -0
Russia vs Spain 0 - 1

Germany vs Turkey 5-0

Ben H
Germany 2 vs 1 Turkey
Russia 1 vs 1 Spain

Germany vs Turkey 5-0
Russia vs Turkey 3-2

Germany vs Turkey 5-0
Russia vs Spain 2-2

Saturday vs. Olympic at McAlister Park, 12:30pm

Okay, this is the weekend we are going to turn it all around boys. After a couple of tough weeks where I think it's fair enough to say we didn't get the bounce of the ball, we need to get that winning feeling again and what better chance than against the young Olympic team. By no means do we want to go into it all cocky that we'll rack up 11 goals again though, these guys just beat Wellington United Elite, who we lost to so I'd say Olympic have improved somewhat.

Now, as far as I know we are down Tristin and Robin as well as Ben B and Jamie again this weekend. Graham and Mike, are you two back in? If so that gives us the perfect 13 again, and Graham are you happy to be in goal again?

The game is early (12:30pm) at McAlister Park no1. Again, I will not be going to KP, so if you are coming from that direction, can you please have a think about your team mates and make a quick detour. The lads that need a lift are always there 45 minutes before kick off (11:45am this week) so just cruise past and see if anyone's there waiting.

Panda, don't forget the Stallion (and Pony from Tristin). And Joe, don't forget the beers (and maybe you too again Spencer, seeing as you took yours away last week!)

See you at Midday at McAlister.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

You can lead a horse to water....

A new competition. Below are 6 pictures. Guess which photo is the Stallions' experience of football this weekend and post your choices here. The winner gets nothing.

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
photo 5

Photo 6

Player Profile - he of the most bullshit goals ...


Slightly to the right of Genghis Kahn

Stallion Hall of Fame?
Aiming for most ponies and stallions for the season

How many seasons as a Stallion?
1st - poached from the enemy (raiders, not all the other teams in div 7)

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
Yes, only just. Played two cricket games with a poor batting average, not allowed to bowl, and one magnificent on drive sliced between three opposition players. The missus reckons I’m a triple stallion ;)

Greatest Stallion Moment?
Scoring with my first touch of the ball as a stallion, hattrick on debut, the look on the finemasters face upon doing so.

Worst Stallion Moment?
Angry man tirade at Chris Jones the f@#$%@ cheating @#%@^ @#%% c@%@ from Marist.

Describe your last goal for the Stallions
Magnificent curling screamer from just outside the centre circle, past a sprawling stop out goal keeper and his defender.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
Exaggerating goals, not passing, not subbing, not listening to the coach, angry man tirades, over use of the ‘c’ word

Most under-rated Stallion?
Steve Hodges, without whom we would all have to put up with the abuse as ref!

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
Oranges at half time

Which international player are you most like?
John arne riise, red, underachiever, powerful shot from waaay outside the box

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
3rd, with a 4-0 victory last day of the season.

Picture: Gus on the wrong side of the fence again. Sorry for the photo, but after heroics of jumping the fence, Gus wasn't keen to hang around in the baboon enclosure for a decent photo. Robin crapping his pants probably didn't help. Also sorry for the delay in posting this Gus, your crap goal described here has been replaced by an even more bullshit goal (if that's possible). Can't you just poke the ball in from a metre?

From the Terrace Match report ...

'Anyway before the game we knew that Uni Stallions will come out firing from the very first minute and looking at their side they were pretty confident for a win.'

He obviously did not see the fear in the Stallions eyes once Corey strapped on the gloves ...

Damn Terrace and their fair and even handed match reports - not much to complain about.

That's 4 wins in a row for Terrace, 6 in a row for the Magpies - oh the good old days.

Just kidding Corey, you did a fine job.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Good Laika @ Happy, Friday night

Anyone else going to see Rob sing his little heart out?

We can heckle - things like: 'Stay wide Robin', 'Control it Robin', 'Uniform fine'. Perhaps we could scare him by pointing out the baboon. Or we could just kick him in the head.

Last time I saw him play he was carrying the stallion in his pocket. Can't imagine how the hell he earned that.

Mike, You'll be going along yes?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Utd Tce 2 v1 U.S Melrose park 21 june08 2.30

Football is a cruel game.

Many will have played in games where their team has dominated in every area on the park only to be undone by one or too sucker punches that gift the game to the opposition.
Saturday was one of those days.

With Four stallions showing complete disregard for their team mates (By driving right past K.P leaving nick g to travel from one end of town over too k.p to pick up Gus and Aaron) the Stallions were in an awful predicament only 10 players on the field one ball to warm up with,which Panda kicked over the fence into the ZOO !! and the prospect of a fourth choice keeper(me) in goal (even Bolton wanderers would look to sign an emergency loan deal ffs).It was shaping up to be a great day for football,cue Benny hill music as Nick G, Aaron and Gus arrive 1min from kick off.

Gus was first one striped and ready,so he made the starting 11, with his Oranje socks on, i was expecting a Dennis Bergkamp Esq performance.

kicking off with the low solstice sun behind us.The stallions had the game from the outset, clearly dominating in the midfield and playing all the football attacking the goal at will,with the tce side happy to give U.S all the space and time on the football we wanted, there were numerous times their defence would do just enough to stop tristin or Gus from taking a shot, or clear a cross sent in from either Joe on the right and robin or Spencer down the left.

The makeshift defence, due to the late arrivals, was proving to be a strong well managed unit. working well together to snuff out the tce attacks early and used the ball well between each other to move up the field giving some great service to the forwards who again were unable to capitalise on some loose defence.

going it at halt time 0-0 would have been a better result for Tce than U.S

The second half would be the tester, with the now even lower sun in the eyes of the stallions any time you looked up to the field and right. it was going to be a half where the game could be won or lost by the sun.

Again tce really had nothing to offer in terms of attack we'd kept them well away from the 18 yard box all day and the closest they got was a couple of corners which they bottled,we defended brilliantly,so it was fitting that we took the lead, Gus being the cheeky bugger he is, chipped the goalie from I'm picking 20 yards out and we went up 1-0.

We continued to dominate, until a free kick 30 metres out on the right side of the field with that low sun behind it was taken, i saw him take the kick moved over to site it and got blinded by the sun the ball would curl into the top left hand corner and somehow (well they score that's how) Tce are tying it up 1-1 not deserved at all

kicking off we pressed forward and were dead eager to put ourselves ahead again and unlucky not to have done three or four times in the process.

alas another free kick in almost the exact same area as the first, would prove our undoing ,again with the exact same outcome, a curled kick into the sun was last seen hitting the top left hand corner of the goal gifting Tce the win. we pressed hard and pushed forward but the time ran out and we were just short.

A shame really from a point of view, that they were never in the game. and didn't deserve the win, but fair play to them it's their home ground, i bet they'd counted on the sun helping them out in the second half too.

c'est la vie.

Stallions Starting : Corey,Nick W,Paddy,Jason,Spencer,Robin,Joe,Panda,Ben H,Tritin,Gus
Subs : Nick G,Aaron

Goals: Gus 65 mins
Tce 75-83 mins

next week Olympic at Mcalister park 12.30

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Stallions have found a home ...

How many of these do you think Jules can tick off?

Famous last words from Terrace?

'Well done boys that's three week in a row, lets keep this winning trend alive ...'

Quarter to

Time was running out for some

Updated points heading into the quarter finals:

Patrick - 80
Jamie - 60
Corey - 56
Casey - 52
Aaron - 51
Willy - 47
Ben H - 47
Nick G - 45
Logan - 39
Ben B - 39
Lachlan - 36
Graham - 34
Rauru - 34
Geoff - 29
Dan - 27
Joe - 26

Biggest mover was Jamie, who with 27 points (two correct scores, 1 margin, and 1 team) made a massive move up the table. It's a 20 point gain on Paddy who's lead at the front could be taken at any time. As much as the points system is flawed it certainly adds excitement and no-one is out of contention at this stage. A few correct scores and it's all on.

Picks for the quarters are as follows:

Portugal vs Germany 2-1
Croatia vs Turkey 2-1
Netherlands vs Russia 2-0
Spain vs Italy 1-0

Portugal vs Germany 3-1
Croatia vs Turkey 3-2
Netherlands vs Russia 2-0
Spain vs Italy 2-1

Ben B
Portugal vs Germany 0-1
Croatia vs Turkey 2-1
Netherlands v Russia 3-1
Spain v Italy 1-0

Portugal vs Germany 0-1
Croatia vs Turkey 2-1
Netherlands vs Russia 2-0
Spain vs Italy 0-0

Portugal 2 vs Germany 2
Croatia 1 vs Turkey 1
Netherlands 2 vs Russia 0
Spain 1 vs Italy 0

Portugal vs Germany 1-2
Croatia vs Turkey 2-0
Netherlands vs Russia 3-1
Spain vs Italy 2-0

Portugal vs Germany 2-1
Croatia vs Turkey 3-1
Netherlands vs Russia 2-0
Spain vs Italy 1-0

Portugal vs Germany 1-1
Croatia vs Turkey 1-0
Netherlands vs Russia 2-0
Spain vs Italy 0-1

Nick G
Portugal 2-0 Germany
Croatia 1-0 Turkey
Netherlands 3-1 Russia
Spain 2-1 Italy

Portugal vs Germany 5-0
Croatia vs Turkey 5-0
Netherlands vs Russia 5-0
Spain vs Italy 5-0

Germany 0 vs Portugal 1
Croatia 2 vs Turkey 1
Holland 2 vs Russia 1
Spain 1 vs Italy 1

Portugal vs Germany 1 - 0
Croatia vs Turkey 2-0
Netherlands vs Russia 2-0
Spain vs Italy 1-1

Portugal vs Germany 2-1
Croatia vs Turkey 0-1
Netherlands vs Russia 3-1
Spain vs Italy 1-2

Ben H
Portugal 2 vs 1 Germany
Croatia 2 vs 1 Turkey
Netherlands 2 vs 1 Russia
Spain 1 vs 0 Italy

Portugal 2 vs Germany 1
Croatia 2 vs Turkey 2
Netherlands 3 vs Russia 0
Spain 2 vs Italy 0

Portugal 2 vs 1 Germany
Croatia 2 vs 2 Turkey
Netherlands 1 vs 0 Russia
Spain 1 vs 1 Italy

A few people asked, and most assumed correctly, that the score will be taken after 90 minutes. If it goes to extra time, then the result is a draw. Impossible to sort out otherwise and that is how betting agencies run it.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Something for Paddy to whinge about ...

Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate

I am raising some money for Louis' pony infested kindergarten. Come along to the game this Saturday with $2 and you can buy a bar of chocolate to help out.
Tip for the day: Don't look up "chocolate stallion" on a google image search except in the privacy of your own home.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Where shall we go end of season - Dubai?

We could almost get there with our current fine levels. Fines for the last 2 games have been extreme and the fine sessions L-O-N-G, a combination of a full squad playing and the Stallions falling off their previous cracking pace a little.

Adding last week's fines up was like watching the Turkey game - G-Man started confidently with a total of $10.50, then Paddy's army of missed shots pushed him ahead with an impressive $12.50, 'that mouthy c**t with the missing teeth' Gus then took the late lead with $13.50 - paying for invoking the wrath of both the fine master and 'ginger beard' Robin, and then in stoppage time it is revealed that Nick G forgot the pony - the $5 fine pushing him up to Gus levels - almost - Gus taking the dubious honour of most fined by a slim 50 cent margin. Well done.

Okay, awards first:

Stallion: Nick G - nuff said - impressive in that out of 10 games this season he has had the pony 3 times, the stallion twice.
T'was a close call with Jason who was absolutely everywhere (again) on saturday. How about the confidence in jason's game at the moment - almost saunters to the ball/tackle - in absolute control and knowing he is going to win it. Class. Perhaps its the headband. There was none of the Gerard-like passing off the outside of the boot Jason always practices pregame though - they may have brought the stallion. Has to settle for 3 MVP points.

3- Jason
2 - Aaron
1 - Nick W

Pony: There could be only one really. Poor G-Man, stepped up to keep, punted the ball beautifully, did some great stuff, but a couple of 'moments' meant that he had to become a 2008 2 time pony. The getting chipped-parry to striker to combo will live on in Stallion's lore for a while yet. As will that keeper's top.

Fine highlights:
- Graham's 80s gay clubwear keeper's outfit.
- Graham: 'I've got a big throw and I'm not afraid to use it!'
- Spencer - Its great to have spectators - even better when one asks 'Dad, did you get it goal?' Umm no - the bad dad fine.
- Robin - Hansel and Gretel - skipping arm and arm down the field with his marker.
- Ben H - Commented that he was stoked about scoring for the first time in front of his partner, only for Annabelle to say that she looked the other way.
- Patrick - how many missed shots was that -1,2,3,4,5,6,7?
- Tristin - Turning like the Titanic
- Tristin - 'next week Tristin' - we will see him postmatch next week, he promised ...
- Ben B - smiling we he saw how many goals we conceded (we know you did!)
- Ben B - Avoiding a 4-1 thrashing.
- Ben B - kicks not as good as Grahams
(Hey ben, you get fined more for not showing up!)
- I'm not even going to start with Gus.

Tables will follow at some point ...

Picture: Tristin struggles to turn in the Anderson park mud, Ben B jumps ship just in time.

Time to make a move

With EURO2008 in full swing, the tipping comp starts to get interesting. Pre tournament favourites Germany, along with world cup winners Italy and runners up France, are looking dodgy at best. One of the world cup finalists will be going home tonight, possibly both of them if surprise package (to all but Aaron) Romania have their way. So tonights games bring with it the most uncertainty, and Wednesday's aren't too much clearer either. After that we have quarter finals, semi finals and a final where results could go either way.

Even though Paddy has a good lead at the top, a few results here and there could change everything. After giving Graham a bit of shit about his score early on, he's climbed up the ranks, while early contender Jamie has slipped. Anything can happen, and no doubt it will.

France vs Italy 2-1
Netherlands vs Romania 1-1
Russia vs Sweden 0-1
Greece vs Spain 0-1

France vs Italy 1-2
Netherlands vs Romania 3-2
Russia vs Sweden 2-3
Greece vs Spain 1-3

Ben B
France vs Italy 1-0
Netherlands vs Romania 3-0
Russia vs Sweden 1-2
Greece vs Spain 0-2

France vs Italy 3-1
Netherlands vs Romania 2-1
Russia vs Sweden 1-1
Greece vs Spain 0-0

France vs Italy 1-1
Netherlands vs Romania 2-0
Russia vs Sweden 1-2
Greece vs Spain 0-2

France vs Italy 1-1
Netherlands vs Romania 1-2
Sweden vs Russia 0-1
Greece vs Spain 1-2

France vs Italy 2-1
Netherlands vs Romania 0-1
Russia vs Sweden 1-2
Greece vs Spain 1-2

France vs Italy 2-1
Netherlands vs Romania 2-0
Russia vs Sweden 0-1
Greece vs Spain 0-3

Nick G
France vs Italy 2-1
Netherlands vs Romania 2-1
Sweden vs Russia 1-0
Greece vs Spain 0-4

France vs Italy 5-0
Netherlands vs Romania 5-0
Sweden vs Russia 5-0
Greece vs Spain 5-0

France vs Italy 0-1
Netherlands vs Romania 1-1
Sweden vs Russia 2-1
Greece vs Spain 0-1

France vs Italy 5-0
Netherlands vs Romania 1-0
Russia vs Sweden 2-3
Greece vs Spain 0-3

France vs Italy 1-3
Netherlands vs Romania 2-1
Russia vs Sweden 2-0
Greece vs Spain 1-2

Ben H
France vs Italy 1-2
Netherlands vs Romania 1-2
Sweden vs Russia 0-1
Greece vs Spain 1-3

France vs Italy 2-2
Netherlands vs Romania 2-1
Russia vs Sweden 2-3
Greece vs Spain 0-4

France vs Italy 1-0
Netherlands vs Romania 1-1
Greece vs Spain 0-2
Sweden vs Russia 1-1

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Paddy's Saturday ...

A record 7 missed shots - $7 right there.

The rest of the fines posted tomorrow.

Updated points

Here are the updated points as I have them. A couple of variations from Nick's list, so I'll have to look into that. I've still got all the emails so I'll look into it. The changes dont make a difference to the top (for now at least) so I'll check it later.

Patrick - 73
Casey - 50
Corey - 46
Willy - 41
Nick G - 41
Ben H - 41
Aaron - 39
Logan - 37
Jamie - 33
Ben B - 35
Graham - 32
Rauru - 29
Lachlan - 24
Dan - 23
Joe - 22
Geoff - 17

Interesting to note that 4 of the bottom 5 are expats, with 3 of us living in London, and the other having recently left Scotland for Thailand. I guess England's crapness is rubbing off on us. And yes, while the points system may not be perfect (I did mention this earlier, but thanks for bringing it up again Nick...and again). Maybe next time you could make comments on the points system before the comp starts when I gave the opportunity, rather than now when it's too late huh?

Get picks in ASAP. Thanks to those people who sent them to me even before I got them to you.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Player Profile - Tristin


Stallion Hall of Fame?
Last person to pay subs this year.

How many seasons as a Stallion?
First full one this year, ring in last year.

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
NO, summers are spent on the beach.

Greatest Stallion Moment?
Receiving my number 11 top this year, finally no longer just Jasons mate.

Worst Stallion Moment?
Being ring in striker last year and failing to score a Goal!

Describe your last goal for the Stallions.
Vs Stop out, spark plug from the bench, Nick to pandas feet, held up nicely by the spotted one and played into my path (he had to pass it to me the facial said it all!) one touch into space, picked my spot, head down, give it heaps.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
1 Not taking the defence on one on one enough? aint that what strikers are meant to do?
2 Not setting up Aaron enough?, so he says!

Most under-rated Stallion?
The Rock at the Back J-Man, should get more MVP points for snuffing out attacks, Attack will win you games but defence wins you championships.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
Patience and confidence on the ball to take a touch and play the way you face, that’s when we create space for us all to pass and play controlled football to feet.

Which international player are you most like?
Glenn Hoddle? always been and always will be a spurs supporter, but if I was being honest maybe Michael as long as they go in Owen.

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
You always got to be going for number 1

Sunday, June 15, 2008

U.S1v4 Marist Inter Anderson pk 2.30 14.06.08

I don't even know where to begin in describing yesterdays performance,in fact I'd rather just forget about it to be honest,wipe it from the memory banks.

U.S slumping to a 4-1 loss at the hands of a Marist side eager to avenge their loss the week before by the same margin.

One of those sort of games for U.S where you don't get the bounce of the ball or rub of the green.

For the first 20 Min's the game could've gone either way,we played some neat footy, they did to, then inter scored after about 25 Min's and the flood gates opened.
The first goal was from some pretty sloppy play from U.S and probably so were the rest of the goals with the team really having a torrid time of it.
the second a complete and utter cock up, somehow the defence and goal keeper managed to all end up at the wrong end of the 18 yard box and the inter player had an open goal and a huge smile making it 2-0 after 35Min's.
Then there was the 3rd goal scored right on half time, don't ask me, it was from a corner and there were bodies everywhere,next thing the ball is in the net 3-0 half time.

Nick quite rightly at half time pointed out we could still get back into the game, alas any hope of that was rubbed out right after the break as inter bullied their way through the defence and after attempting to chip Graham (filling in in goal for brooks),the ball was parried into the waiting feet of an inter player and the shot was deflected into the back of the goal to have U.S staring at a humiliating 4-0 loss.

The game seemed to meander on for the next 25mins until Inters mongol retard goal keeper decided to have one of his famous brain fades,ran out of the goal mouth and charged down Gus(who'd been in the thick of it all day) with a blindside,Tristin saw red and rightly so,showing great restraint in not knocking him the fuck out,the inter goal keeper was ordered from the field and as he left made the comments to the effect he'd been planning to do that for a while. like i said,mongol retard(who wanted to continue it after the game finished, even as we were all getting into our cars). A knob of the highest order.

We managed to grab a goal back after that from a corner but it was all too late,Ben Hodges hot run of form continuing, our blackest day this season ending.

Let's remember this game for the fact we don't want it happening again, we're better than that this season our defensive record going into this game as well as our goal scoring speaks for itself we are a good side let's make amends by exacting revenge on Wgtn utd Tce next week who we should blame for this loss any way they were the team that thumped Inter 4-1 the week before.

U.S (starting) Graham,Aaron,Nick G,Jason,Corey,Robin,Ben H,Paddy,Joe,Tristan,Gus
(subs) Mike B,Nick W,Spencer

goals :inter 25mins,35mins 45mins,48mins
U.S Ben H 85mins

next week Wgtn Utd Tce @ melrose park 2.30pm

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Post #100

Jake was none too happy that Austria got the late equaliser

What an honor. In only a few short months, the Stallions website has reached post #100, and I have the honor of writing it. Post 100 deserves to be a momentous occasion. A post filled with wit. A post filled with history. A post that people look back on in years to come and say "Ah yes. Post number 100. I remember it well". It should be a post where, like when Shortland Street reached episode number 4000 and brought back on Dr Ropata (yes I heard about it from the other side of the world), originals should be brought in to reminisce on their time with the Stallions.
However, post #100 will be none of those things, and will instead be the latest Euro picks. It's currently half time in the Italy - Romania game, and despite the 0-0 score line, it's actually been a pretty entertaining game with keepers having to make some great saves. Before this game Romania were rated the least attacking team in the comp based on attacking passes after the woeful game with France. In this game however they look to be stepping it up, with both teams knowing that a loss will almost certainly rule them out of the knock-out phase.
So without further ado, here are the picks:
Italy vs Romania 1-0
Netherlands vs France 2-1
Sweden vs Spain 0-2
Greece vs Russia 0-0
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-1
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-2
Poland vs Croatia 0-2
Austria vs Germany 0-3
Italy vs Romania 3-1
Netherlands vs France 2-2
Sweden vs Spain 0-3
Greece vs Russia 2-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 2-3
Switzerland vs Portugal 1-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-2
Austria vs Germany 0-3
Ben B
Italy vs Romania 2-0
Netherlands vs France 1-0
Sweden vs Spain 1-2
Greece vs Russia 2-0
Turkey vs Czech Republic 1-0
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-2
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-2
Italy vs Romania 1-1
Netherlands vs France 2-1
Sweden vs Spain 0-1
Greece vs Russia 2-0
Turkey vs Czech Republic 2-0
Switzerland vs Portugal 1-4
Poland vs Croatia 1-1
Austria vs Germany 0-3
Italy vs Romania 2-0
Netherlands vs France 2-1
Sweden vs Spain 0-2
Greece vs Russia 1-0
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-2
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-3
Italy vs Romania 1-0
Netherlands vs France 1-2
Spain vs Sweden 2-0
Greece vs Russia 0-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 1-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 1-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-2
Austria vs Germany 0-3

Italy vs Romania 2-0
Netherlands vs France 1-1
Sweden vs Spain 1-3
Greece vs Russia 1-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 1-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-2
Austria vs Germany 0-3

Italy vs Romania 2-0
Netherlands vs France 1-2
Sweden vs Spain 0-2
Greece vs Russia 1-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-1
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-2
Poland vs Croatia 0-2
Austria vs Germany 0-3

Nick G
Italy vs Romania 1-1
Netherlands vs France 1-1
Spain vs Sweden 2-1
Greece vs Russia 1-2
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 1-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-3

Italy vs Romania 1-0
Netherlands vs France 1-0
Sweden vs Spain 0-1
Greece vs Russia 0-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-1
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-1
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-3
Italy vs Romania 1-0
Netherlands vs France 2-1
Sweden vs Spain 0-2
Greece vs Russia 0-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 1-1
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-1
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-2

Italy vs Romania 1-0
Netherlands vs France 2-2
Sweden vs Spain 1-3
Greece vs Russia 1-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 1-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 1-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-2

Italy vs Romania 2-0
Netherlands vs France 3-1
Sweden vs Spain 2-1
Greece vs Russia 1-0
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-3
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 1-3
Ben H
Italy vs Romania 2-1
Netherlands vs France 2-1
Sweden vs Spain 0-2
Greece vs Russia 0-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-1
Poland vs Croatia 0-3
Austria vs Germany 0-2

Italy vs Romania 2-0
Netherlands vs France 1-1
Sweden vs Spain 1-3
Greece vs Russia 0-2
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-3

Italy vs Romania 1-0
Netherlands vs France 1-0
Sweden vs Spain 0-2
Greece vs Russia 0-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-1
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-1
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-2

Friday, June 13, 2008

The g-Man cometh ...

Okay, so I'm feeling bloggy today.

Contributions to this blog have been great, but there has been one noticeable absentee - G Unit. This is the man of great cricket match reports - here are a few highlights from these, which also show the cricketing skills of some of the dual coders:

‘However, I was struggling with my landing in my delivery stride, having lost three sprigs from the front of my left boot; it was only the fact I managed 2 wickets in my 3rd over that kept me from taking myself off.’

‘The game started in slightly auspicious circumstances, as we were a player short and I believed I had left the scorebook at my place. Rauru took the toss in my place while I was trying to find the book; it turned out that I had put it in my bag after all and it was waiting back at the ground for me (I was later heavily fined for this, as you can imagine).’

‘However, Aaron and myself set about building a partnership. This gained momentum when their captain and taker of 6/12 in the first innings bowled a short one that I top edged into my right temple; the next 3 balls (which included an accidental follow-up beamer) all went for four.’
We went to the first drinks break on 121/2 after 22, needing 208 off 30 overs (RRR: 6.93). Aggression continued after the break, with Aaron also bringing up his 50. Unfortunately he could not quite get a big shot to long-on over the fielder, and perished for 61, ending a partnership of 125 with the score at 153/3.’

'Rauru came and went for a duck, but Jules and Nikhil saw us home with over 9 overs to spare, Jules finishing with 73* and Nikhil, his second 1* in as many games.’

Man, that Jules sounds good! Jesse Ryder like ...

Anyway, clearly there are writing skills galore on show here. While G admits to viewing and liking the blog he's apparently too busy to contribute. I brought that until these online risk games started - and Graham's epic poems masquerading as instructions to his dim-witted teammates started flowing. You clearly have time G.

So, with a move to goal keeper tomorrow, I think a decent comment is required. Please explain your goal keeping past, highlights, and how you see tomorrow panning out. Personally, I'm forecasting a 100% committed revelation at the back that may just push Jamie to 3rd choice keeper!

Ah, leisurely Friday mornings

If you are looking for inspiration for tomorrow's game, if you follow this link and head down a bit you will find the match report for Terrace's win over Marist. Sounds like they absolutely dominated. And you can also find the Elite going on and on - 'SMASH THEM ELITE'. What would be the Stallions equviliant? Twinkle past them Stallions? Give them the Albatross?

I put that last bit in to warm up Corey who hates the Elite - you have been a bit quiet on the blog and Yellow Fever front - whats up? - too many late nights watching the tournament and making 100s of picks?

Player profile - Nick W

Midfield (in theory; in practice I tend to be all over the place)

Stallion Hall of Fame:
Season MVP in debut year for Stallions. Downhill ever since.

How many seasons as a Stallion?
4, I think.

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
Am extraordinarily bad at cricket, so have avoided being a Cricket Stallion for everyone’s sake.

Greatest Stallion Moment?
Being awarded season MVP.

Great moments for me are when we scored an end-to end goal from a free flowing passing movement among the team. Those are rare moments.

Goals wouldn’t qualify here, because any goal I’ve ever scored for the Stallions is a distant, distant memory and would be difficult to distinguish from rose-tinted fantasy.

Worst Stallion Moment?
The worst moment would have been moment of the final (early, and only) whistle-blow of the referee in the loss to Uni Terrace last year. Dismal.

Describe your last goal for the Stallions.
My last goal for the stallions will be a right foot strike, travelling low above the ground from 3 metres inside the 18 yard box and two metres right of the right-hand post of the goal, after a layoff pass on the deck from Rob, who will be wearing the incorrect uniform and be fined later that evening for it.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
Overzealous celebration of my rare goals. And underzealous celebration of my rare goals.

Most under-rated Stallion?
To me two people stand out: Aaron, and Nick Goodall. The Stallions team has developed a strong culture with a good mix of off-field enjoyment and on-field teamwork. That mix is very important and is complementary: one feeds the other.

Both Aaron and Nick have put heaps into leading that culture this year and made the team great to be part of. Aaron’s doing an outstanding job producing the blog, and goes about his work as finemaster with an unparalleled enthusiasm. Nick G is really leading the team well in organising players before matches, communicating to everybody the team approach on the field and reflecting afterwards on how we can get better. All with good humour which is ultimately what this team is all about.

Great team culture this year lead by these two guys and it’s no accident that the results on the field back it up.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
Patience to retain the ball in our possession.

Which international player is most like you?
I wish: Graeme Bachop
In reality: Caleb Ralph – mediocre in first season for All Blacks and worse every year thereafter.

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
Where we deserve.

photo: Is this the wrong Nick White, sorry about that. Please nobody do an google image search for Nick White with no search filters. Especially anybody at work. How much amateur gay porn can be made by one guy (well, lets be fair - he and all of his friends).

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Give em a taste!

There have been a few blog benefits from Euro 2008 - mainly lots of posting from Rauru which has given me time to dwell on picks. Also, it has opened up the blog to new visitors from competing countries keen to check out how their teams are getting on and unfortunately hitting our page.

So this week, in order of most hits, we have had visits from: France, Netherlands, Austria, Germany and Sweden. What they must think of our bs picks made from half a world away from a country that ummm doesn't have the greatest history in the game.

So just to give something back to these international visitors, here is the classic photograph of our all conquering 1981 world cup squad - well, world conquering in the New Zealand football sense of the word. Yes, even today's atrocious Austrian team would beat us, but the moustaches and perms must be admired.

Now, no doubt Ben H has a story to tell about watching this team while he and the next door neighbour discovered themselves - bring on the reminiscences old man. Or retell your rugby world cup one - we need more fine money.

Is that Nick W front row second from left, and Corey front row second from right?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The pleasure, the pain, the points, and the picks

One man's pleasure is another man's pain

Round one threw up few surprises in terms of results, except perhaps that the Dutch were totally dominant over the Italians, and that the French were about as entertaining as a Hugo Chavez speech. The Spanish and Dutch look the early form teams, and with both teams only being matched by the All Blacks in their talent to trophies (or lack thereof) ratio, could this be one of their years? Germany and Portugal will no doubt have something to say about this, and surely there is a dark horse in there somewhere. Aaron would have you think Romania, but I'm thinking the Czech Republic could go the distance if on their game.

Pick of the round had to be Spain vs Russia, for both entertainment value and excitement in the Euro picking comp. In the 75th minute, David Villa claimed his hatrick to the disappointment of the many who had Spain 2-0 winners, but to the delight of Joe and Jamie who went bold with a 3-0 win. These 10 points would have gone a long way for both players, with Joe making a big run up the table, and Jamie closing in on Patrick. It wasn't to be though and in the 86th minute Russia pegged one back, dropping Joe and Jamie's 10 points, to a mear 2, with Willy in party mode having picked 3-1 to Spain. The 2-0 pickers were also probably pretty happy with 5 points coming their way. But in extra time this tale took another twist with Spain grabbing a 4th, reducing Willy's seemingly banked 10 points to 2, and giving Joe and Jamie back a couple of much needed points.

In the day's other game the Greeks and Swedes played out a a first half you would expect to see with two teams with good defence (read: boring). The second half got a bit more interesting, with Ibrahimovic scoring a cracker, followed by one of the more ugly goals you'll see in the comp. 2-0 Sweden.

So what does all this mean? The points at the end of the first round are as follows:
Patrick - 49
Corey - 29
Jamie - 29
Casey - 26
Rauru - 23
Aaron - 22
Ben B - 21
Willy - 19
Joe - 18
Logan - 18
Lachlan - 17
Ben H - 15
Geoff - 11
Nick G - 11
Dan - 12
Graham - 8
So after scoring 40 in the first 4 games, Patrick 'only' picks up 9 from the last 4, but still manages to extend his lead to 20 points. Nothing really considering how many are up for grabs for a correct score pick. Aaron was the biggest mover with 11 points, with Lachlan also picking up 9 and moving up from crap, to a little less crap, but ultimately still crap.

And the picks for the next two days? 3 people failed to get them in, so they need to hope on 4 upsets taking place just to get any points. Good luck to Austria getting one goal let alone 5. I doubt they'll get 5 in the whole tournament.
Czech Republic vs Portugal 0-1
Swiss vs Turkey 1-1
Croatia vs Germany 0-2
Austria vs Poland 0-1

Czech Republic vs Portugal 1-3
Swiss vs Turkey 1-1
Croatia vs Germany 1-2
Austria vs Poland 1-1

Ben B
Czech Republic vs Portugal 0-1
Swiss vs Turkey 1-0
Croatia vs Germany 1-2
Austria vs Poland 2-0

Logan - no picks made
Czech Republic vs Portugal 5-0
Swiss vs Turkey 5-0
Croatia vs Germany 5-0
Austria vs Poland 5-0

Czech Republic vs Portugal 1-1
Swiss vs Turkey 0-2
Croatia vs Germany 1-2
Austria vs Poland 0-1

Czech vs Portugal 2-1
Swiss vs Turkey 0-1
Croatia vs Germany 0-1
Austria vs Poland 0-2

Czech Republic vs Portugal 2-1
Swiss vs Turkey 0-1
Croatia vs Germany 1-2
Austria vs Poland 1-1

Czech Republic vs Portugal 2-1
Swiss vs Turkey 0-1
Croatia vs Germany 1-1
Austria vs Poland 0-2

Nick G - no picks made
Czech Republic vs Portugal 0-2
Switerland vs Turkey 1-1
Croatia vs Germany 1-3
Austria vs Poland 1-0

Czech Republic vs Portugal 0-2
Swiss vs Turkey 0-2
Croatia vs Germany 1-1
Austria vs Poland 0-2

Czech Republic vs Portugal 0-2
Swiss vs Turkey 0-1
Croatia vs Germany 0-2
Austria vs Poland 0-1

Joe - no picks made
Czech Republic vs Portugal 5-0
Swiss vs Turkey 5-0
Croatia vs Germany 5-0
Austria vs Poland 5-0

Czech Republic vs Portugal 1-2
Swiss vs Turkey 2-1
Croatia vs Germany 0-2
Austria vs Poland 0-2

Ben H
Czech Republic vs Portugal 1-2
Swiss vs Turkey 1-1
Croatia vs Germany 1-2
Austria vs Poland 1-1

Czech Republic vs Portugal 1-2
Swiss vs Turkey 0-1
Croatia vs Germany 1-2
Austria vs Poland 0-2

Czech Republic vs Portugal 1-1
Swiss vs Turkey 1-0
Croatia vs Germany 0-1
Austria vs Poland 1-1

Make sure you get the next picks into me in time.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And the fines flowed freely

Picture: A ginger Stallion being ridden hard by Captain Goodall

Easy to forget about this with Euro2008 on, but the fines must get through. Corey and Mike - a good game to miss from the perspective of the bank account ...

Stallion - Gus - One class goal, one bizarre goal no one else could score - all round big game.
Pony - Nick G - For a record 3rd time this season - the rugby tackle in the box. Thanks to Karena for pushing this.

3 - Gus
2 - Ben B
1 - Tristin

Best fines:
- Multiple angry men/ref abuse - fines for those who did not swear at the ref.
- Ben B - swearing in front of little child.
- Paddy - swearing in front of parents.
- Ben H - Embarrassing Steve - who shook his head and said 'Oh, Ben'.
- Ben H - All head, no direction.
- Ben H - 'It was the wind'.
- Joe - Miami Vice tan.
- Robin - Giving himself a dead leg.
- Graham - Forgetting his own advice of always have a spare cellphone battery.
- Nick W - No triumphant return to the Stallions.
- Nick W - How did you put this Paddy, 'the touch of a ...'
- Logan - Calling the ref fat to his face.
- Logan - Using the C word at fine session with women present.
- Logan - Lack of compassion - scoring the winner when the keeper was prone on the ground.

Good old Logan - from Pony to Stallion, and the most fined ($9.50). Oh, sorry Ben B almost doubled his tally with $10.50. Good work Nick G - only 3rd most fined!

Here we go:

Because I Cant Wait

I was going to wait until the end of the first round, but curiosity got the better of me, so here are the standings and points so far.

Patrick - 40
Corey - 27
Jamie - 27
Casey - 24
Ben B - 19
Rauru - 19
Willy - 17
Joe - 14
Logan - 14
Aaron - 11
Ben H - 9
Geoff - 9
Nick G - 9
Dan - 8
Lachlan - 8
Graham - 6

You may want to double check that I gave you the correct amount of points. Graham, you don't need to. I checked and double checked. You have 6 points. Lachlan, you too. As good as your TAB form is, you only have 8 in this picking comp.

This just goes to show the importance of getting the score and margin correct. While Lachlan picked the winner of each game correct, he still got less points than had he picked just one exact score. Unfair? Maybe. Tough s**t? Absolutely.

Tonight's games are potentially very big. Holland and Italy both have key injuries, and opinion is very spread on how France will go against Romania.

If people want to edit any picks they send me once injuries or anything else kick in, feel free to do so, but I must get picks by 6pm the day before kickoff UK time. However, once picks go up on this blog they can not be changed, as it would be unfair to base your picks on what someone else thinks.

In the event of a draw in standings at the end of the competition, the winner will be decided by who has picked the most correct exact scores. If that is equal, then it will go to the most correct teams and margins, then correct teams, then whoever got the most points for the final game, then semis etc etc.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Monkey Marist

Photo below: Learning from Stop Out's second goal, Ben Brooks positions a defender for a set peice

I went to the zoo today with my family and saw a football marked 'MARIST' in the Baboon enclosure ....make your own punchlines, then share them here if you want.

Photo below: An England and Milwall fan

Match Report

Uni Stallions 3 vs 2 Stop Out, 2:30 Trafalgar Park Lower Hutt

This game will prove to be one of the more memorable Stallions appearances of the season, for all the wrong reasons.

Bolstered by a burgeoning line-up of 13 (helped by the return of Nick W and Joe) the Stallions made a strong start, as we have done throughout the season. Mids were feeding the strikers beautifully, Stallions play was fluid and energetic, and we had their defence scrambling a number of times, though our efforts did not result in early goals for us this time. Once again it appeared that the Stallions were back to their best, and only the unthinkable could change the flow of play.

The unthinkable happened 10 minutes into the first half, when the ball slipped through our back line to one of Stop Out’s strikers who was, without exaggeration, about seven metres off side. He controlled the ball with an air of resignation, waiting for the ref’s whistle to blow. Nothing happened, so he took the opportunity to wind up and shoot amidst bewilderment and outrage from the Stallions and quiet embarrassment from Stop Out’s other players. Even when the ball had burst through Bens hands into the back of the net, we were still expecting the off-side whistle, but it never came. Protest ensued, and Ben Brooks, with anger that we haven’t seen in him since his red card a few seasons ago, walked with purpose out of his box to “communicate more effectively” with the ref. The methods that Ben learnt at his anger management course kicked in before he could reach the ref, and the game continued.

Being 0-1 down early on was unfamiliar territory for the Stallions, and for a while we were playing with large scowls on our faces. This all changed, however, when Gus scored the equaliser off his head following another great corner kick from Paddy. The Stallions were back in the game and starting afresh, though still wondering what kind of munter the referee was.

Ten minutes before half time the Stallions snatched the lead with an emphatic goal beginning with three simple passes to feet from the backs (Goodall I think) to the mids (Panda) to striker (Tristan). Tristan controlled it not far inside the box and found enough room to blast it at a fine angle into the top left corner. Another great finish from our leading goal scorer.

The Stallions continued to attack while our defence managed to stifle any attacking plays that Stop Out put together, and there were a few good ones – a couple requiring committed saves from Ben. The Stallions also had a few more half chances before the half time whistle, with Graham on the right feeding some good crosses to the heads of Ben H and Gus.

Aided by the wind and a sub-normal referee, the second half of the game saw a surge of dominance from Stop Out, and they camped out for large parts of the half in or around our box. The Stallions fought bravely, but when good Stallions tackle after good Stallions tackle led to free kicks for Stop Out, things started getting ridiculous. At one point Paddy made an excellent tackle, came up with the ball and the ref blew his whistle. All the Stop Out players ran back into defensive positions ready for the free kick that Paddy was going to take, until the ref informed both teams that it was Stop Out’s ball. I would have laughed if I didn’t know it was wrong to laugh at retarded folk. After defending valiantly for a long time, the Stallions finally conceded the equaliser – a poxy, loopy bicycle kick from close to the edge of the box that caught Ben B off his line. Poos.

Throughout the second half the game became progressively angry, to the extent that our usually cool-headed captain decided to wind up and kick a Stop Out player square in the shins, despite being in our own box and few metres from the ball (which Paddy and I had covered anyway). Incredulously, the ref did not call a penalty, but gave them a corner! For once the Stallions were thankful for the ref’s Neanderthal genes.

Twenty or so minutes before the final whistle, the Stallions were on the attack again, and Panda was threatening just inside the box. The goalie came out to grab the ball, but got hurt in the challenge. He rolled around clutching his ankle dramatically waiting for the ref’s whistle (mistakenly thinking that the ref was a cheat rather than an inbred), while the ball spewed out to their defender, who shanked a clearance. Gus found himself with the ball well outside the box with an empty goal in front of him, but with defenders bearing down on him. He gave the ball a firm but measured kick into the net, and the Stallions had the lead again.

All of our effort then went into keeping that lead until the final whistle, and Stop Out really began to push us hard. They had some handy players up front, and our defence needed to be on the top of our game to keep them out. The half began feeling like it had been going on forever, and a few requests to the ref about time left resulted in some ambiguous answers: “Twenty minutes” at one stage, then five minutes later, “Twenty minutes”. Mmmm. Finally he told us that there were only two minutes left to play, and five minutes later he checked the place where his watch should have been (that’s right – one Stallion actually noted that he wasn’t actually wearing one!) blew his whistle – a scrappy, ugly but heroic victory for the Stallions!

Stallions team: Ben B, Nick G, Jason, Graham, Ben H, Nick W, Patrick, Aaron, Joe, Rob, Panda, Gus, Tristan.Goals:

Stop Out 10 minutes
Gus 25mins
Tristan 35 minsStop Out 50 mins
Gus 65 mins

Next week vs Marist at Anderson Park

Saturday, June 7, 2008

No more bets!

The office is now closed on the Euro 2008 pools. A fairly good turn out, with a prize pool of $160. I thought about making it the first 3 get prize money, but no one ever remembers who came 3rd in tournaments so first two it stays. Winner takes home $128, and 2nd $32. Below are all the picks, and once games have been played a score sheet will be posted.
Swiss vs Czech Republic 0-2
Portugal vs Turkey 3-1
Austria vs Croatia 0-2
Germany vs Poland 2-0
Romania vs France 0-1
Netherlands vs Italy 1-1
Spain vs Russia 1-0
Greece vs Sweden 0-1
Swiss vs Czech Republic 0-1
Portugal vs Turkey 3-2
Austria vs Croatia 2-2
Germany vs Poland 3-1
Romania vs France 2-4
Netherlands vs Italy 2-2
Spain vs Russia 3-1
Greece vs Sweden 1-1
Ben B
Swiss vs Czech Republic 0-3
Portugal vs Turkey 2-0
Austria vs Croatia 0-2
Germany vs Poland 3-1
Romania vs France 0-1
Netherlands vs Italy 1-2
Spain vs Russia 2-1
Greece vs Sweden 1-1
Swiss vs Czech Republic 0-0
Portugal vs Turkey 2-1
Austria vs Croatia 0-2
Germany vs Poland 2-0
Romania vs France 0-1
Netherlands vs Italy 1-0
Spain vs Russia 2-1
Greece vs Sweden 3-1
Swiss vs Czech Republic 1-2
Portugal vs Turkey 2-1
Austria vs Croatia 1-1
Germany vs Poland 1-0
Romania vs France 1-3
Netherlands vs Italy 1-1
Spain vs Russia 2-0
Greece vs Sweden 0-0
Swiss vs Czech Republic 0-2
Portugal vs Turkey 2-1
Austria vs Croatia 1-2
Germany vs Poland 3-0
Romania vs France 1-1
Netherlands vs Italy 1-0
Spain vs Russia 2-0
Greece vs Sweden 0-1
Swiss vs Czech Republic 1- 2
Portugal vs Turkey 2-0
Austria vs Croatia 0-1
Germany vs Poland 4-0
Romania vs France 1-3
Netherlands vs Italy 1-1
Spain vs Russia 1-0
Greece vs Sweden 1-1
Swiss vs Czech Republic 0-2
Portugal vs Turkey 2-1
Austria vs Croatia 0-2
Germany vs Poland 1-0
Romania vs France 1-1
Netherlands vs Italy 0-0
Spain vs Russia 1-0
Greece vs Sweden 1-2
Nick G
Swiss vs Czech Republic 1-1
Portugal vs Turkey 3-1
Austria vs Croatia 0-2
Germany vs Poland 1-0
Romania vs France 1-2
Netherlands vs Italy 2-2
Spain vs Russia 3-2
Greece vs Sweden 0-0
Swiss vs Czech Republic 0-2
Portugal vs Turkey 1-1
Austria vs Croatia 0-3
Germany vs Poland 2-1
Romania vs France 0-1
Netherlands vs Italy 2-2
Spain vs Russia 2-0
Greece vs Sweden 1-1
Swiss vs Czech Republic 0-1
Portugal vs Turkey 2-0
Austria vs Croatia 0-1
Germany vs Poland 2-0
Romania vs France 1-1
Netherlands vs Italy 0-1
Spain vs Russia 2-1
Greece vs Sweden 0-1
Swiss vs Czech Republic 1-1
Portugal vs Turkey 2-0
Austria vs Croatia 1-3
Germany vs Poland 1-0
Romania vs France 1-2
Netherlands vs Italy 0-1
Spain vs Russia 3-0
Greece vs Sweden 1-2
Swiss vs Czech Republic 0-1
Portugal vs Turkey 2-0
Austria vs Croatia 1-2
Germany vs Poland 2-1
Romania vs France 1-3
Netherlands vs Italy 1-1
Spain vs Russia 3-0
Greece vs Sweden 1-1
Ben H
Swiss vs Czech Republic 1-1
Portugal vs Turkey 3-1
Austria vs Croatia 0-2
Germany vs Poland 3-0
Romania vs France 1-2
Netherlands vs Italy 3-2
Spain vs Russia 2-0
Greece vs Sweden 1-2
Swiss vs Czech Republic 0-2
Portugal vs Turkey 1-0
Austria vs Croatia 0-3
Germany vs Poland 1-0
Romania vs France 0-2
Netherlands vs Italy 0-0
Spain vs Russia 2-1
Greece vs Sweden 0-1

Swiss vs Czech Republic 0-3
Portugal vs Turkey 2-0
Austria vs Croatia 0-1
Germany vs Poland 2-1
Romania vs France 1-3
Netherlands vs Italy 1-2
Spain vs Russia 1-1
Greece vs Sweden 0-1

Friday, June 6, 2008

A Pony Scorned

Photo: It took all Rauru's might not to throw an Albatross

As I sit here, looking at the pony sitting at the table, I can’t help but fell fired up. Prepare to feel the wrath of a Pony Scorned.

For those out of the loop, the crime for my award? Not kicking out at a player who held my leg after I dived on a ball that had been played from dummy half from the opposition team. Apparently my lack of agro warranted a pony moment. While I lay there on the ground, with my leg being held by the opposition I consciously thought whether or not I should lash out. For those who know me from the Soccer Stallions you would expect I probably would have kicked the leg, but in my new role as a captain who tries to lead from the front I decided against costing my team a possible penalty, even if it meant a possible 12 on 8 brawl in our favour.

As such it was decided by an almost unanimous decision that I be awarded pony. As I have learnt from soccer and cricket Stallions, when awarded the pony, you suck it up, wear the headband with proud, and carve it up in the following week. All of which I intend to do.

But hear this. If any of you fuckers from the London Touch Stallions don't bring an A+ game to the table next week, the fine master (i.e. me) will be fining your ass big time. And don't expect P.C teacher Mr Walker on the field either. I’ll be going hard, and screaming at you cunts who don't step up. You have had your warning.

Yours truly,

P.S. Yes this email is all in jest, but honestly, enough of the bitching on the field, let your game do the talking. Till next Thursday...

2 Triumphant Returns

The Stallions welcome the return of 2 of their finest this weekend - Nick W who has not been seen since round 1, and Joe who has been gone since round 3. I'm sure our rise to the top bit of the table has nothing to do with your absence, and your valuable presence both on and off the field is just what we need heading into the second round.

Any predictions for this weekend about this two? Will Nick finally manage to score and do one of his cartwheelie, handspring celebrations (Man, its been a while)? How many players will Joe beat - in all senses of the word! Welcome back. I've heard that Nick has grown a little thin European moustache.

Also Spencer is back - it hasn't been as long - but it feels like we have hardly seen you this season. Lets not forget last time you played you got the Stallion - high expectations ...

Talking about high expectations ... We all know Stop Out are going to cast anxious glances about hoping that our 'legend' keeper does a no-show. Ben, you dined out on your performance and the respect of this other team for a while, we will expect nothing less than a repeat tomorrow - I would hate to be you if you have a shocker vs Stop Out on the day when the whole team gets together for fining - could be nasty.

A full, good squad (not including Jamie) for this first time this season - let's do some damage.

Picture: Nick makes his way to the game, via the pattissere.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

From the mailbag ...

A suggestion that we set up a Euro2008 pools/fantasy comp for the stallions with a sweet cash prize? if all got involved we could possibly take $10 out of everyone's fines as entry fee? A team building exercise of sorts ...

Nice idea - but I'm thinking it may be too late and difficult to organise (kick off this weekend?), and there are plenty of fantasy comps floating around. But if someone who already spent less time on the computer than I was keen for some organising ...

Go Romania.

Photo: I have been saving this one for a Butchard post, but there are always plenty of pictures of terrible tackles.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

And this week's Stallion is ...

Ben H ... another huge game in the middle of the park (well, often not in the middle ...) However, while the Fine committee were unanimous in awarding Ben the Stallion, he had too many indiscretions to take out the full MVP points/Stallion combo. I'm talking the whimpy dive/holding his back in the box, oh yeah - and when he laid off a beautiful ball to one of Karori's midfielders on the edge of the box, who then flicked it across for the equaliser. Apart from that (and about 7 other fines) it was a great day out.

Pony went to Gus for a range of indiscretions, including: promising a big game after 2 weeks absence, showing up late and hungover, putting in a late and hungover performance, getting hungover by drinking radlers, and being shit compared to Robin. Everyone is keen to see how the headband matches red hair. If its funny that has to be a fine. If its not very funny that must be a fine.

The rest of the session went a little like this:

3 - Paddy
2 - Aaron
1 - Ben H

Best fines (well, beyond those of Gus and Ben):
- Corey - That huge airshot - a thing of beauty
- Mike B to Nick who has told him to harden up and prepare to come back on after injury: 'I'm not a wuss. I know when I'm injured'. Nick abuse. Not quite as bad as Tristin pretending not to hear him a few weeks back.
- Graham - ' the touch of the Rhino.'
- Graham - nakedness, and not learning from past nakedness fines.
- Nick G - Getting called out and spoken to by Steve. Twice.
- Nick G - being laughed at by opposition supporters.
- Paddy - family leaving straight after kickoff, returning just before the finish.
- Ben H - big head, no direction.
- Jamie - lack of video evidence.

Here are some tables. We have been very quiet on the paying of fines this season. Better step it up, or else there are going to be some BIG end of season accounts.