Wednesday, June 25, 2008

From the Terrace Match report ...

'Anyway before the game we knew that Uni Stallions will come out firing from the very first minute and looking at their side they were pretty confident for a win.'

He obviously did not see the fear in the Stallions eyes once Corey strapped on the gloves ...

Damn Terrace and their fair and even handed match reports - not much to complain about.

That's 4 wins in a row for Terrace, 6 in a row for the Magpies - oh the good old days.

Just kidding Corey, you did a fine job.


Anonymous said...

However - "Even-handed" would not describe the "Arms" match report on the same page. Good to note though that the poor sods are still suffering from Raiders envy.

Anonymous said...

we were so confident we were happy to start with 10 men!

energy24.7 said...

Where are the fines from last week Aaron?