Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Updated points

Here are the updated points as I have them. A couple of variations from Nick's list, so I'll have to look into that. I've still got all the emails so I'll look into it. The changes dont make a difference to the top (for now at least) so I'll check it later.

Patrick - 73
Casey - 50
Corey - 46
Willy - 41
Nick G - 41
Ben H - 41
Aaron - 39
Logan - 37
Jamie - 33
Ben B - 35
Graham - 32
Rauru - 29
Lachlan - 24
Dan - 23
Joe - 22
Geoff - 17

Interesting to note that 4 of the bottom 5 are expats, with 3 of us living in London, and the other having recently left Scotland for Thailand. I guess England's crapness is rubbing off on us. And yes, while the points system may not be perfect (I did mention this earlier, but thanks for bringing it up again Nick...and again). Maybe next time you could make comments on the points system before the comp starts when I gave the opportunity, rather than now when it's too late huh?

Get picks in ASAP. Thanks to those people who sent them to me even before I got them to you.


Ben Hodges said...

Its not too late to change necessarily. Just go back through the emails and award everyone a certain number of points for picking the right winner.

Paddy said...

interesting idea that - change the rules halfway through a contest to suit those who aren't winning using the actual rules. Maybe we could try that for the Marist Inter game??

Ben Hodges said...

Would it not just give you even more points bitch?