Sunday, April 13, 2008

U.S 1 v 0 Wgtn Utd Tce Wilton Park 12.04.08

Justice doesn't cheat,he also doesn't get his name on the scorecard either,university stallions taking all three points thanks to a goal from Tristan on 37mins.
Tristan was able to get to a free kick first,which was taken 10 metres inside stallions half by Nic and from 15 yards inside the goal box looped a header into the left side of the Utd Tce goal, not much the keeper could have done about that.
Wellington's weather came to the party to provide excellent conditions to play football,a beautiful sunny day.
Three new faces made up the numbers required to fulfil a team Paul(1),Paul(2) and Carl giving us some reserves as well.
With Jamie out with injury,Ben Brooks again stepped into the breach playing in goal and gave another fine performance indeed.Graham making his first appearance for this season, filled the vacant right back spot (condolences Aaron by the way)and had a very solid game, not too much getting past him on the right flank.Spencer returning from last seasons horrific injury, filled the vacant left midfield position.Paul(1) was making his debut for the team, partnering Tristan up front as the stallions took the field in a 4-4-2 formation.

The Stallions kicked off and immediately put pressure on the Utd tce side with Patrick, Joe, Ben H and Spencer all helping to control the midfield shutting down attacks early and providing good service to the forwards.
Paul(1) in his first game showed he was going to be a handful for the Utd Tce defenders, as he and Tristan made for a great strike pair,Paul(1) causing all sorts of problems for Utd a shot on 12 or so mins just going over the bar, a few minutes later Patrick had a great chance to take an early lead, a curling free kick from the left hand side of the field hitting the cross bar.
Utd Tce did however cause problems of their own,some nice passing and good build up play through the midfield only to be let down with poor delivery of ball to their strikers something that would torment them for the entire game,a testament to the solid stallions defence however who seem to be a good unit this year and will make it very hard for any oppositions attack force to get goals.
Another Recruit Paul(2) came on,as the rolling subs started to come into play,he was unfortunately struck down with a hamstring injury chasing a ball will trying to counter attack from deep in the stallion half and had to come off on the 40min mark.

Coming on to replace the injured Paul(2)(I'd taken full advantage of the rolling subs) i was collared by the ref "um i made a cock up, you don't know how much time is left do you" just as well i have to write this match report Steve because, yes i did know how long their was about 5 mins to be precise,we'd just scored the winning goal a few minutes earlier,we carried on and half time was duly called, a great solid stallions effort indeed.

The second half started and we didn't really,utd gifted a corner which curled in from the right via a left boot going out off the inside post,the utd side trying desperately to get the equaliser pushing forward and shooting from all over the park.
Spencer had to leave early, so our Third ring in ,Carl started on the left side on the 50 min mark and played a great game,i'm sure we'll be looking to get him back in the side throughout the season.
Some angry words were exchanged, as a confrontation between utd's striker and stallions players threaten to boil over around the 60 min mark.
Justice from Utd took exception to a tackle inside the stallions box and needed to be restrained, apparently being called a cheat in the process,more frustration for a striker who needs "the ball to his feet,not his head" to work his magic.
As the half continued the game became a little more free flowing as the teams began to tire,
a couple of chances went begging, Jule's deciding a "shanked left kick" to be more appropriate than a clean header into an open goal which would have killed them off, he had to settle for giving them a goal kick instead.
the game ended with Utd piling on the pressure the last 5 -10 mins the stallions scrambling to defend at times, but in reality we we''re good for the win.

Stallions 1 - Wgtn Utd TCe 0
Goals- Tristan 37 mins
Team: Brooks,Graham,Nic,Jason,Corey,Spencer,Ben H,Patrick,Joe,Paul,Tristan,Jules,Paul and Carl.


energy24.7 said...

Nicely said Corey. Just a few slight corrections (if we're gonna be anal). Paul (2) was actually Peter, Tristin is spelled I.N. not A.N. And Joe won the free kick that we scored off, not Tristin - plus I'm sure it was in our half not theirs, that's how good my loopy free kick was!

purely belter said...

Oops sorry Peter,and Tristin and i said a free kick taken from inside the stallions half,that's our half yeah ? and Tristin scored the goal,i never said he won the free kick,anyway potatos potatoes

energy24.7 said...

Oh yip, my bad. Can't read :)

energy24.7 said...

Was certainly a good win fellas, it felt bloody good straight after, having a few beers knowing we'd taken those fuckers down. Definitely showed what we're made of with pretty solid D and quite a few opportuniies on attack. Just need to sort out those attacking corners Paddy ;)

005 said...

Ye-ah, great stuff Stallions: a good win, some hard Justice dished out, the fines are funny, and we even scored! The first of many I'm sure. Will get the fines etc up asap - will fire us up for next weekend. One problem - if that is Carl Wharehinga from Twilight who played - I've already told him he ain't Stallion-worthy (you reading Carl - you ain't stallion-worthy!)
Great report again Corey - I feel like I was there ...

005 said...

An email addition to the report from trainee finemaster Ben B. Now, I don't want to be the school 'mam, but Ben you should post this as a comment on the blog - everyone can do it! We all about full disclosure. And its easy. The description is so good it just has to be shared:

Just went to the blog and there wasn't a description of the Slap of Justice, which really was a classic moment in the game. So here goes: The ball was kicked down the left touchline. Justice was steaming after it while Jason was loping back in defence (how does he manage to lope faster than any other teams strikers?), neck a neck but as usual Jase got their first and tapped it over the sideline. Confusion over the throw in. Jason grabs the ball and gets ready to throw it in (gamesmanship or did he really think Justice got a touch before it went over the sideline?). Terrace players throw their arms in the air and scream at Steve (as they did throughout the game). Justice tries to grab the ball off Jason who was having none of it. As tensions escalate Justice jumps in the air (or was that my imagination) and slaps Jason in the face. There was a second of stunned silence from everyone (except me - I was steaming over for Justice v Brooks II: The Deceider). There was a moment of commotion, but I think everyone was too stunned to actually believe it had happened. Things cooled quickly (although tensions were simmering below the surface, to come to the fore minutes later when Justice dived in the box and Paddy called him a cheat), and the throw was awarded to Jason.

Brilliant stuff Ben. I saw from Gisborne that Justice did'nt get a touch on that ...

005 said...

Oh, go on one more comment 005, well more of a link really. Maybe we are too harsh on the old Terrace. here is their match report:

They sound like nice guys. Bet Justice didn't write this.

energy24.7 said...

And to pull out a direct quote from that report - "Towards the end of first half the Stallions went up by a goal through a lovely free kick."
Thanks Terrace :)

Anonymous said...

Must be a typo - clearly he meant 'loopy free kick'