Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Sounds of Stallions ...

There can't be too many Capital 7 football teams that boast members from major Wellington bands (yet another reason why the Stallions are so 'special'). On the top is Jason and the bad asses of Malegra, who apparently 'sound like sex'. Influences include: Muse, QOTSA, NIN, Smashing Pumpkins etc).

Below is Robin's warm and cuddly Good Laika, influences Midlake, Grizzly bear, Beck, Bright eyes, Trinity Roots, The Beach boys, The Beatles, Air. (I'm sure last time I looked it said Paul Simon!).

Which band best conveys the Stallions in music? Which would sound better accompanying Jamie's video footage of our next game? Would our musicians prefer these worlds of football and guitars to be kept separate?

What I like is the way these bands' descriptions seem to capture the way their stallions play football. Jason's sturdy defence is nothing if not 'progressive/rock/metal', while Robin plays football and guitar with a lot of 'Soul/Funk Rock/Experimental'. Ha ha - at times a little too much 'experimental' with the ball at his feet.

One things for sure - Malegra do much better photo shoots - here's another:

These images suggest that with Rauru, Tangi, Jules etc gone for now, the Stallions are more guitar music than hip hop. I think that might only leave Nick G - who (correct me if I'm wrong please) describes himself as having a bit of Justin Timberlake on the dance floor.


energy24.7 said...

Brilliant stuff lads, and yes i am not ashamed to admit my man love for JT and his wicked dancing.
I do love my rock though, and I think Gus may too, going by his presence at the recent Rock2Wgtn with Ozzy Osbourne, Kiss and Alice Cooper!

energy24.7 said...

But what the fuck is Laika? Or Malegra?


energy24.7 said...

Just checking out the myspace pages and the Malegra single "Slip Unmastered" has a Stallion on the cover! Now that is top work Jase.

energy24.7 said...
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Ben Hodges said...

Amazing what they can do with air brushing eh Jason?

You look 10 kgs lighter in the photo.

Hey Aaron why didn't you mention i was in the Parklands Primary School 2nd XVI Choir?

Can i just say also as i am storming in to the lead with the most votes for who not to take a crucial penalty, ...that whilst the joke is on me (I get my vote too) really the joke is on everyone else because i was the striker of your team for most of last season.

In fact come to think of it i think just about the only people that did score last season are on this poll. What does that say about the stallions?...that hasn't already been joked about a 1000 times already in the Olympic/Wgtn UNited/Petone/etc etc clubrooms...

And finally... CENSORSHIP! Aaron has censored a Nick comment.....!

Watch the power go to Aaron's head like it already has in his capacity as fine master.

Ben Hodges said...

Sorry just noted that Nick self censored. What sort of a knob has to self censor?

Ben Hodges said...
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005 said...

Great stuff Ben, love your work. But this is a censorship free zone - surely if I was acting as censor I would have prevented you from enacting your right to free speech by calling me a umm 'cock'. That was self-censorship by Nick I believe.

I too am surprised to see you jump to the top of the poll. Didn't get my vote (Hi Rob!). Please feel free to suggest an alternative poll taking the piss out of the backs. Who is likely to chop the most people (hmm, too easy).

005 said...

Hmmm, who is most likely to fall over their own feet, take a big airshot and point to the other defenders as the ball hits the back of the net? Probably a few more candidates then.

energy24.7 said...

Sorry to disappoint but the blog is playing up and posted my same comment twice.

purely belter said...

rob your stuff sounds great i'd been meaning to check you guys out for a while so the stuff on myspace was a good starting point,

jase when are you guys going to have your tracks mixed and re entered on myspace they sound pretty killer as well
can't really see a double bill thing happening though

Anonymous said...

whats the guy from whatnow doin in robin's band?

StevieG said...

Oh ffs!!! What is this?! Blatent breach of copyright and you forgot to mention Iron Maiden!!

We've just split up too...musical differences and all that...