Monday, April 28, 2008

Sanity restored

After a particularly mouthy game Ben H has managed to crawl his way back to the top of the fine table. It helped that Patrick didn't play I guess. This weeks awards/fines go a little like this ...

Stallion - Spencer - played in multiple positions, seemingly put under pressure everywhere but dominated everything. 2 standout moments - winning a huge midair heading collision, and reeling off a great shot which the keeper saved but commented that 'I though keeping gloves were supposed to save fingers' - now thats stallion-worthy.
Pony - We have already had a good chuckle at this one - thanks Nick, that was one for the ages.

3 - Aaron
2 -Tristin
1 - Spencer

Fine highlights:
- Nick G - the pen incident totalled $4
- Jason - forgetting his boots and driving all the way back to town.
- Ben H - crying, bitching, whinging.
- Ben H - 'Ben's on the D, Ben's on the D' - Ben was never on the D.
- Ben B - suggesting the pre-game penalty tourny.
- Logan - from hatrick hero to one goal yawn.

Not that many really, we must have played quite well.

With fines adding up ye olde fine tin will be waiting to be filled at games from now on.


Rauru said...

Aaron, can you make sure you update the goal scorers list. You guys have scored 15 goals and I don't see the prolific goal scorer and 2007 golden boot winner Ben H's name there...

Ben Hodges said...

Certainly i wasn't doing any defending at the fine session...

Rauru incredible as it may seem i have not scored once this year, nor according to the venerable fines committee have a make a single assist, tackle, or pass.
Many would argue it is one of my best seasons yet.

005 said...

Love your work Rauru - keep it up.