Sunday, April 27, 2008

F**ked Polls

My poll theory has hit a problem - once someone has voted the options can not be edited, so new options can not be added. Still a good idea, but it will mean weekly votes are required if new candidates present themselves. So this week, possibly no goal for the best of the season (?), but have added Tristin's anyway just too see - which means Robin's zero-vote header which was clearly crap has dropped off. Of course Goodall's penalty 'effort' has offered itself as a new candidate for pony moment of the season.

For those not there, let me elaborate:

Pregame - Ben B suggests a penalty competition for a bit of a warm up (strange, he never moved - hardly a warmup). Started promising, with Ben H immediately blasting one about 10 metres to the left. Jason's chip effort was a thing of beauty. Nick G moved through the rounds, coolly slotting a couple of great ones, and commenting that with Patrick away he would take any penalties. Through all this there was a lot of laughter as Stallions regularly and spectacularly missed, as Petone wryly observed the cowboys they were gonna play. The box of beers sitting on the sideline guarded by a toy stallion and mylittlepony probably assisted in this illusion.

As Corey has stated, about 10 mins a handball in the Petone box leads to a pen (the ball ended up in the back of the net, and I'm sure the ref said lets just call it advantage and give the goal, but Nick still floating after his pre-game penalty victory virtually begged to take it - he denies this.)

Needless to say Nick steps up and totally blows it - we ain't talking Beckham blasting it above the bar or Ronaldo hitting the post, this was a slow, slow dribble - which the 55 year old reserve keeper managed to fall over and wait to collect it.

You can now vote for this as pony moment - much worse than any of the other contenders!


energy24.7 said...

Ah, I really don't have much in defense. What an absolute retard, and good to see I've already got 3 votes for Pony '08.
And yeah I was keen to take it, get my first goal with a perfectly placed penalty, but i hit a big piece of goose shit on my run up and it made me hardly contact the ball.
Gutted to say the least and don't worry, even if I could stop thinking about it, there is no way the missus will let me! (Her first game watching this season too, probably thinks it's a common occurance)
I still blame Ben B for coming up with the idea before the game, getting my confidence up.

Paddy said...

I haven't had such a good laugh on a Monday morning for years! Still no harm done as we took the points anyway. We only won 4 games last year so we're in wonderland so far this year!

005 said...

I can't believe he is blaming the goose shit!

Oops - Sorry screwed up that goal scoring poll - please consider 'Rob's header vs Olympic', his high impact shot from a tight angle in the same game. Sorry Robin, you have just scored too many goals its getting a mite confusing!

energy24.7 said...

Haha, the goose shit, brilliant.

And we've got Stewsmum this weekend so never a better opportunity to rack up 4 in a row!!!

purely belter said...

"minties" would kill for footage like that.