Sunday, April 6, 2008

Finally the fines have come back to ....

Picture: Some bloke who can probably carry off wearing blue boots.

First fine/awards session was a small one kindly sponsored by Marist in their Kilbirnie clubrooms. Pitiful turnout, but everyone was drenched and muddy so excusable (but still finable) this week.

For those of you new to this and to remind the old hands these sessions take place with whoever hangs around to have a drink after the game, a practice the Stallions firmly encourage. If you are not there to defend yourself you have no comeback, fines are collected through the season and go towards a team event or two. The decision is final. No emailing the finemaster to defend yourself or ask what happened - has to be done on the blog in full view. We also award stallion/pony (who has to wear the pink headband the next game) and mvp points.

There are fines for no shows to the clubrooms, and an additional no good reason fine for the fine committee to consider. For example, this weekend Jamie got a no show fine, but was granted leniency on the no good reason. Having a kid is one way to avoid the no good reason fine - so get busy.

Fines and award tables to your right.

So onto the first game of the season. The awards go a little something like this:

Pony - Aaron - Invoking the Ludlow curse, and then taking out the team's star player in the warmup. Enough has been said about this. Always happy to make a future classic stallions moment.
Stallion - Ben B - Took on the keeping roll (and squeezed into that jersey) just minutes before kickoff, no prep time, atrocious keeping conditions, memories of terrible keeping lurking in everyone's minds, but did an amazing job. Did I dream up Ben charging out, climbing high, and punching the ball clear?

3 - Jason
2 - Paddy
1 - Corey

For once Ben H ain't leading the race. Early days my friend. Fine highlights include:
- Ben H - shiny blue boots. All boots, no play.
- Jamie - self-inflicted Ludlow curse.
- Paddy - not calling an offensive 'nuts'.
- Corey - showing that he can last a full game without breaking down.
- Jules - The Ric Flair fine - always coming back for 'just 1 more match'.
- Jason - multiple equipment malfunctions - shinpads lying all over the park, waved around.

A nice, gentle start to the season's fines.


StevieG said...

not sure how I got the points but cheers...

Well done to Ben, felt like we were under the pump for most of that game and the keeping was solid if the defending at times was not (referring to myself).

Top effort boys, could've been alot worse and it's hard to play our wide expansive game (sounds like rugby) in those conditions!

Up the Stallions!

Ben Hodges said...

Outrageous. I got fined for the boots last season too. I bought them because a) they were one of only a few i could find in the shop that were for firm surfaces and were in my size and b) because they were cheap. If i keep getting fined for them i will soon have been better off buying the much more expensive but less fineable pair of moldies. Certainly i didn't see much of the ball on saturday but that was nothing to do with everyone around me failing to control/pass/look up or actually have possession, oh that the sort of bitching you were wanting Aaron? Always willing to oblige.

005 said...

Perfect Ben, if only you were so reliable on the field.

Anonymous said...

And the best news is that I have rediscovered the headband that was entrusted to me last year along with the actual pony....Just in time for this weekend!

Paddy said...

Surely Brooksy deserved the 3 points as well?!

005 said...

Na, screw that - the stallion is much more prestigious.
You are so lucky Paddy - we didn't fine you too heavily for not bringing the headband which we were all sure you had. But I think that can be rectified in next week's fine session. For the Pony of the year not to wear the headband first game of the season only to 'find it' the following week is truly outrageous. In a cruel twist of fate I may end up having to miss this weekend's game - which gives you the opportunity to wear it!
On another matter - i think the blog needs another weekly feature - the 'eye on Lloyd'. Is there someone in his team who may be able to make fun of his weekly performances for the edification of the Stallions?

energy24.7 said...

Yeah interesting point that about Lloyd Aaron. When I was at the clubrooms before our game on Saturday I mentioned Lloyd to the seconds and nooone seemed to know who he was...

Definitely gotta get Paddy good, now that he has the headband.

And what's this about you being away Aaron? Man, we're already down to 13 and I don't think we're going to be able to keep on playing without subs!! Plus it's Wgtn bloody Terrace, how can you even contemplate missing this game!?

Ben Hodges said...

He can contemplate it because he is a cock.....and a highly esteemed fine master

Paddy said...

The reason the seconds didn't know who he was is because he is playing for the firsts now.....I'm sure he might be happy to write a piece each week making fun of his own efforts??

More than happy to share the Pony on Saturday if Aaron is playing, and to keep the entire honour for myself if he isn't...

In my defence I did remember the actual Pony and not lose its crown (unlike Nick W with its shoes)...