Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Capital 7 forum on Yellow Fever

Look what I found - a Capital 7 forum on the Yellow Fever website

Mainly dominated by the new Karori teams - all good - seem to like talking it up, taking the piss out of one another, all flamed by the fact that there was an arse-whipping in their local derby last weekend. A couple of other teams chiming in. The Stallions are renown for at least talking up a good game so do we join in - and provide outsiders access to our blog? But what happens when Nick reveals our secret team tactics or Ben H reveals his weakness in the upcoming player profile? What happens if Justice finds his way here and sees how much abuse he gets (thats assuming the blog lands at his feet, not at his head - he can't do his magic from there!).

FYI Ben, there is a whole thread about crap players using coloured boots.


005 said...

Ah, as I read more closely I see our our purelybelter/giddyup has already contributed - but has been careful not to disclose what team he belongs to. It was a standard Stallions question - 'do you guys train?' The answer, worringly, was 'Yes, every Wednesday'.

Anonymous said...

The Stallions will never win div 7 - go Karori!

005 said...

Hmmm, is this a hoax? I hope not, since it would be the first time another team has entered into and left a comment on our sacred blog. I like that. All i can tell is that 'anon' come to the site from Wellington(duh)via google with key words unistallions and Capital 7. You would hope they would at least post their name/team's name, and show a bit more wit and class. But if that's the way Karori plays we look forward to dishing out a good ole fashion arsewhooping.
Or was it just a Stallion being funny?

005 said...

Since this happened Friday afternoon, you could assume that it was one of this weekend's opponents looking for chinks in the mighty stallion's armour. If so, piss off you pesky Olympic kids.

purely belter said...

pfft Karori jog on,although i'm loving karori parks duel purpose sports ground by the way cricket in the summer swiming lessons in the winter.