Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Can we make it 4...

This football thing really is quite fun when you're winning. I kid you not, once the game is finished all I can think about is next weeks game and how it can't come soon enough. I often dream about football on Saturday night, sometimes it can be a nightmare - stupid penalty - but most often it is a glorious dream.

It sounds as if the Stallions have never had a run like our current one, and we have a damn good opportunity to extend our winning streak to four games this weekend! We are against the other Petone team (Stewsmum - great name); back out at Petone Memorial at 2:30pm again. We are on the number 4 field though and I'm not sure what sort of state it'll be in seeing as number 2 was literally covered in number 2's (haha, man I'm clever).

These guys are low down the table but troubled Terrace last week, so again we need to make sure we don't go in complacent. Continue with balls to the feet of our strikers, using the width and keep up the great communication and dedication on defence. It's no coincidence that we are doing so well, and have only conceded 3 goals. If we keep up the staunch defence we will more often than not do alright.

Should be good for numbers this week. Hodges is away (cue communal sigh) probably along with Joe (still injured) and Jamie (any update mate – there's a strikers spot waiting for you) plus it'd be good to give Gus a proper rest of his back so he can get to full fitness.

Paul is back and Panda is backing up though, it seems Tristin has a whole bunch of footballing mates just waiting to be called up, so with him in the team we should never be short again. Aaron can you ask Mike B again, otherwise we'll dip further into Tristin's little gem bucket.

That gives us 10 + walking injuries Graham and Corey + super sub Gus + and one other which I think is fine, especially with most of us having a bit of reluctance to sub (me included).

So Ben B, Me, Jason, Corey, Graham, Paddy, Aaron, Rob, Spencer, Tristin, Paul, Gus, Panda and Mike B (or A.N.Other) kitting up (oh that reminds me, in future, if you're away the following weekend can you give me your top so we're not having to share - dunno what I was thinking letting Nick take off with his after the first game! And Jamie we could do with that 16th top and your presence along with video camera this week?).

If this is incorrect and any of you can't make it, let me know, and we can see how deep Tristin's bucket is. Or Jules is also a possibility but lacks commitment – and I quote "would prefer not to play but if desperate I can". What has come of you Jules?

Be at KP at 1:30pm or Petone at 2pm (so we can practise penalties again, yeah right). Again, if you are going from town, please come to KP first to ensure we have enough cars for those bums without cars or even licenses!

I will either be leaving early or right after the final whistle to catch a plane, so those guys will also need a lift back in.

(ps. See that 'Cory', Nick spelt with a 'k' at the end)


purely belter said...

didn't realise the mistake sorry.

005 said...

A big hell yeah about the D - 2 clean sheets from 4 games, the least equal goals conceded in the grade, and a couple of those came when we were millions up against Olympic and pressing for millions more. Impressive. Mind you 15 for ain't so bad either ...

This time last year we had won 2, lost 2, scored 4, conceded 6 - and 3 of the teams we had played ended up being the only teams that finished below us on the table!

Anonymous said...

Julesey you blouse, get back on the pitch and flick that twizzle (never mind the turtle)

energy24.7 said...

Well to be honest Aaron, the 3 teams we have played this year will probably finish in the bottom 4 (along with this weekends Petone team), so we have had a pretty sweet draw so far. We know nothing of the Karori teams, Stop Out or the other United team so we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves just yet.

005 said...

Fair cop. Those karori teams rate themselves.