Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Where shall we go end of season - Dubai?

We could almost get there with our current fine levels. Fines for the last 2 games have been extreme and the fine sessions L-O-N-G, a combination of a full squad playing and the Stallions falling off their previous cracking pace a little.

Adding last week's fines up was like watching the Turkey game - G-Man started confidently with a total of $10.50, then Paddy's army of missed shots pushed him ahead with an impressive $12.50, 'that mouthy c**t with the missing teeth' Gus then took the late lead with $13.50 - paying for invoking the wrath of both the fine master and 'ginger beard' Robin, and then in stoppage time it is revealed that Nick G forgot the pony - the $5 fine pushing him up to Gus levels - almost - Gus taking the dubious honour of most fined by a slim 50 cent margin. Well done.

Okay, awards first:

Stallion: Nick G - nuff said - impressive in that out of 10 games this season he has had the pony 3 times, the stallion twice.
T'was a close call with Jason who was absolutely everywhere (again) on saturday. How about the confidence in jason's game at the moment - almost saunters to the ball/tackle - in absolute control and knowing he is going to win it. Class. Perhaps its the headband. There was none of the Gerard-like passing off the outside of the boot Jason always practices pregame though - they may have brought the stallion. Has to settle for 3 MVP points.

3- Jason
2 - Aaron
1 - Nick W

Pony: There could be only one really. Poor G-Man, stepped up to keep, punted the ball beautifully, did some great stuff, but a couple of 'moments' meant that he had to become a 2008 2 time pony. The getting chipped-parry to striker to combo will live on in Stallion's lore for a while yet. As will that keeper's top.

Fine highlights:
- Graham's 80s gay clubwear keeper's outfit.
- Graham: 'I've got a big throw and I'm not afraid to use it!'
- Spencer - Its great to have spectators - even better when one asks 'Dad, did you get it goal?' Umm no - the bad dad fine.
- Robin - Hansel and Gretel - skipping arm and arm down the field with his marker.
- Ben H - Commented that he was stoked about scoring for the first time in front of his partner, only for Annabelle to say that she looked the other way.
- Patrick - how many missed shots was that -1,2,3,4,5,6,7?
- Tristin - Turning like the Titanic
- Tristin - 'next week Tristin' - we will see him postmatch next week, he promised ...
- Ben B - smiling we he saw how many goals we conceded (we know you did!)
- Ben B - Avoiding a 4-1 thrashing.
- Ben B - kicks not as good as Grahams
(Hey ben, you get fined more for not showing up!)
- I'm not even going to start with Gus.

Tables will follow at some point ...

Picture: Tristin struggles to turn in the Anderson park mud, Ben B jumps ship just in time.


Paddy said...

what the hell was my extra $5.50 for!!!! Ok - maybe giving away the ball for the first goal, but I'm struggling for others.

Possibly it was setting up others for countless misses, attempting to pass the ball rather than kick it, not getting in a fight etc?

purely belter said...

mate, chipping the open goal must count for something, surely ;)

Ben Hodges said...

Careful Patrick you are starting to sound like me

005 said...

Just more high pitched and whiny. Word of advice Paddy - look over your shoulder at Nick W - he's got it in for you.

Paddy said...

It wasn't so much a chip as a mis-hit shank..

Anonymous said...

Oh, and you also missed the part of the session where it was decided that if a current stallion won the euro08 pools it was all going over the bar! nice one.

Paddy said...

whatever! If I win I'll need the cash to pay my fines!

Paddy said...

I just can't wait for Saturday to take my "fury" out on the hated Terrace. I'll have to work out a way of doing it without risking any shots at goal however..

StevieG said...

How the two centrebacks take the stallion and mvp points in a 4-1 loss is beyond me...??

energy24.7 said...

Because the goals were all Graham of course. Come on Jase!