Monday, June 2, 2008

Welcome, new visitors to the Stallions blog ...

From Bulgaria, Turkey and South Africa (the last 2 came through just today). The world must have heard about Paddy's terrible dive on Saturday ...


Robino said...

I think they've just got wind of my anagram post. News travels fast.

Anonymous said...

was that the dive in the first half or the second?

Paddy said...

Hang on a minute now, the only dive in the game was Hodges' terrible attempt to win a penalty in the second half when even the Stallions nearby laughed!

Rauru said...

Did he follow it up with a "OH DAD!!"?

Ben Hodges said...

I really hope we are not talking about the incident close to the end of the match when I tried to header tha ball in the box and a defender half my size somehow made me feel like a train had hit me from behind. The incident which resulted in my head whipping backwards and my lower back bending in an anatomically challenging way, leaving me with pain in my neck and lower back which has made my sleep fitful for the last 3 nights. The incident which left me slightly stunned for 30 seconds as much from the impact as the lack of any sort of repercussions on the offender. As incredible as it may seem... i was genuinely poleaxed

Paddy said...

Yip - that is indeed the incident I was referring to. Nobody else on the field saw anything, hence the amusement (and embarrassment) of the other Stallions...

Ben Hodges said...

Well, therefore, rest assured my account is without embellishment .... you need only be embarrassed by my miskicked clearance, general demeanor and lack of testicles.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a genetically inferior fine to me. In that case we should fine Steve too ...

Anonymous said...

And Paddy, you cant (and didn't) get away without getting a diving fine. That evil grin you flashed after getting up was a dead give away. Not as bad as ben's yelp though.

Ben Hodges said...

I understand now why no one came rushing up to see if i was okay...i thought it was just because everyone hates me.