Tuesday, June 3, 2008

And this week's Stallion is ...

Ben H ... another huge game in the middle of the park (well, often not in the middle ...) However, while the Fine committee were unanimous in awarding Ben the Stallion, he had too many indiscretions to take out the full MVP points/Stallion combo. I'm talking the whimpy dive/holding his back in the box, oh yeah - and when he laid off a beautiful ball to one of Karori's midfielders on the edge of the box, who then flicked it across for the equaliser. Apart from that (and about 7 other fines) it was a great day out.

Pony went to Gus for a range of indiscretions, including: promising a big game after 2 weeks absence, showing up late and hungover, putting in a late and hungover performance, getting hungover by drinking radlers, and being shit compared to Robin. Everyone is keen to see how the headband matches red hair. If its funny that has to be a fine. If its not very funny that must be a fine.

The rest of the session went a little like this:

3 - Paddy
2 - Aaron
1 - Ben H

Best fines (well, beyond those of Gus and Ben):
- Corey - That huge airshot - a thing of beauty
- Mike B to Nick who has told him to harden up and prepare to come back on after injury: 'I'm not a wuss. I know when I'm injured'. Nick abuse. Not quite as bad as Tristin pretending not to hear him a few weeks back.
- Graham - ' the touch of the Rhino.'
- Graham - nakedness, and not learning from past nakedness fines.
- Nick G - Getting called out and spoken to by Steve. Twice.
- Nick G - being laughed at by opposition supporters.
- Paddy - family leaving straight after kickoff, returning just before the finish.
- Ben H - big head, no direction.
- Jamie - lack of video evidence.

Here are some tables. We have been very quiet on the paying of fines this season. Better step it up, or else there are going to be some BIG end of season accounts.


energy24.7 said...

No addition of your goal to the Best Stallions Goal 2008 poll Aaron?

005 said...

Which one?

Paddy said...

No points for Goodall? I hate to say it but I thought he was awesome again. Mind you, I also thought Gus had a good game so maybe I've lost the plot somewhat...

I thought Hodges might win the coveted Stallion/Pony double!

Ben Hodges said...

the fines committeee really need to get a bit more creative with some of the players with such low fine tallies. If we continue at the same trajectory. People like e.g. Ben B who has played most/all games will have paid appproximately $40 less than Nick or I by the end of the season.

Normally if i pay for someone else to do a fun activity, have a bite to eat and a few drinks i call it a date. Therefore, if things don't change by the end of the season the question will need to be asked- how far will Ben B go on a first date?

Anonymous said...

please don't ask that question. You might not like the answer.

005 said...

In fairness Ben, ben b gets fined everytime he doesnot keep a clean sheet or match his past heroics - not even Jamie had to keep a clean sheet every week! It is hard to find much to fine for somebody who touches the ball what 15 times a match? and somebody who is not, hmmm - how can I put this kindly - a complete egg.

As always the fine committee would welcome any ideas, or even better your attendance at one of the fine sessions to vent your wrath. Is this weekend the first of the month, everyone get together go? If so, please bring your A game and focus on Mr Brooks. The fine committee would welcome this warmly.

Ben Hodges said...

i don't want to give the impression that i should be fined less necessarily (although i am sure, you are sure, i think i have accumulated more than one unjust fine this year). Nor do i want to specifically focus on ole' Ben B. However and again for example Ben B as the goal keeper is expected to save goal bound balls, marshall the defence effectively at set peices, take goal kicks etc... Nick is getting justifibly fined heavily for poor goal kicks but is the fine committee not missing the fact that someone else should have been doing them in the first place?
This is just an example of some of the lateral thinking i would like to see come in to the fine process to help the stragglers catch up.

I am more or less a convert to the whole fine process after a year or two of sleepless nights thinking about the injustices and indignities being meted out and not thinking of the end result. Now I just want to encourage a slightly more equitable pooling of fines

005 said...

Fair enough. but, just to let you know, ben does get fined for his inability to take goal kicks. But even he can not be held responsible for some of the atrocities we have seen come from Nick's boots!

energy24.7 said...

Don't worry, I have cleaned my boots and even bought new sprigs, this week you will see 60 metre fly kicks right to our strikers feet...

005 said...

Anything less than 60 meters and to the strikers feet will be fined.